A presentation at Web Directions Summit in in Sydney NSW, Australia by Holger Bartel
The Untold Benefits of Ethical Design
Holger Bartel Designer/Developer Hong Kong h@foobartel.com Twitter: @foobartel
Build a “Better” Product User Interests & Benefits Challenge Status Quo Ethics at the Core
Ethical Design
1 ethics plural in form but singular or plural in construction : the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation 2 a : a set of moral principles : a theory or system of moral values the present-day materialistic ethic an old-fashioned work ethic —often used in plural but singular or plural in construction an elaborate ethicsChristian ethics b ethics plural in form but singular or plural in construction : the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group professional ethics c : a guiding philosophy d : a consciousness of moral importance forge a conservation ethic 3 ethics plural : a set of moral issues or aspects (such as rightness) debated the ethics of human cloning
A Guiding Philosophy
The discipline of dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation
Ethical Design: Design created with the intent to do good.
Design with good intent can still go wrong.
We spend a lot of time thinking about tools, technologies and frameworks. How much time do you spend thinking about the impact of what you’re building? @foobartel
“Make the world a better place”
Surveillance Capitalism Note
Data against People “Systems that make decisions about people based on their data produce substantial adverse effects that can massively limit their choices, opportunities, and life-chances”. http://crackedlabs.org/en/data-against-people
Dark Patterns
Dark Patterns are tricks that make users do things that you didn't mean to.
Dark Patterns pressure users into making a decision.
Dark Patterns suck.
Stress Loss Aversion Anxiety
Stressed, anyone?
Human Centered Design What’s really good for our users?
User Experience
Accessibility Inclusivity User Flows Impact Copy Writing Legibility User Experience Performance Respect Security Privacy Responsibility
If you don’t consider these essentials for your “great” user experience, it will only be “so great!” for some of us. @foobartel
When designing, we have a responsibility that will eventually define the relationship of our users to our product. @foobartel
I want some peace of mind!
Note Sou
Note Sou
“Another day, another breach. It still blows my mind how frequently this happens.” –Troy Hunt
We’re spending a lot of time thinking about how to collect more and more data. How much time do you spend thinking about how to secure that data? @foobartel
Security Rule #1 The data you don’t have stored, can’t be leaked, lost or stolen. @foobartel
Web Performance
OMG! 9MB? 8 Hero Images? $^#&*$?
Respecting Users
Respect your users. Happy users will be much more likely to forgive. @foobartel
Rethinking the Approach
The Internet is still young and we are experimenting.
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1885 1910 1950 1970 2015 2018
The Internet is still young and we are experimenting. For a sustainable future we might have to reconsider and adjust the direction.
We have learned how to build stuff. Now it’s time to get people focused essentials built in.
Essentials for a Future Web
JavaScript HTML CSS Web Standards Web Essentials Privacy Security Responsibility
JavaScript HTML CSS Web Standards Web Essentials Privacy Security Responsibility
JavaScript HTML CSS Web Essentials Privacy Security Responsibility
Too much work!
“We don’t have a budget for that CSS thing!” –Nobody, ever
“People are starting to really care about companies having heart. The mentality of maximizing growth at any cost will in fact no longer maximize growth. […] They want companies that do good in the world and do right by their team. –Joel Gascoigne, Buffer
How would you like to be treated? What are you willing to do for it?
Accessibility Inclusivity Responsibility
Data Tracking Privacy Web Performance
Great! But…
Great! But…
“Don’t ask how you’re going to pay your rent working ethically. Ask why you’re open to behaving unethically in the first place.” —Mike Monteiro
We need to get our values right. @foobartel
By thinking about the user, how to treat and what to serve them, it’s possible to achieve better performance, offer improved privacy and security and become better at our craft. @foobartel
A moral compass.
We can start with the small things and make the web and our experiences more pleasant. And then go from there.
Design with the intent to do good.
Design with the intent to do good better. @foobartel
Do better every day. @foobartel
Thank you. Find me on Twitter: @foobartel
Product design can go wrong and affect users negatively. How do your users feel using your product? What’s the impact that you cause? Can we build better products if we follow certain standards or principles?
This talk will explore how to better care about users and improve their experience by taking a more ethical approach. Most importantly, this talk will hopefully be an inspiration, question the status quo and help us build for a better future web.