A presentation at WordCamp London 2019 in in London, UK by Francesca Marano
Years ago, when you started a business, the first thing you took care of was making business cards. Today your first thought goes to a website.
Often freelancers create their websites without a clear plan. It’s true that WordPress makes it easy to build a website on your own, but it’s a good practice to start such a project by asking yourself some questions.
We will explore common questions together and see examples of best practices.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Simon Sinek - Start with Why A bit old by now, but still plenty of good advice.
“Thanks to mobile, micro-moments can happen anytime, anywhere. In those moments, consumers expect brands to address their needs with real-time relevance. Here’s a complete guide with strategies, insights, and customer examples for mastering micro-moments.”
It’s not just for mobile: excellent exercise for everyone
Over ten years of advice on how to write content that will get you business.
“Stop putting lipstick on the pig” This is a huge problem with design, as it represents itself as a field that just “makes things look good,” Maeda emphasized. It’s something that gets tacked on to the end of a product. “This is called “putting lipstick on a pig,” Maeda said.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.