Websites for freelancers 101. All the questions you should ask yourself before building your own website.

A presentation at WordCamp Oslo in March 2018 in Oslo, Norway by Francesca Marano

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Francesca Marano @FrancescaMarano WordPress Community Manager at

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Show of hands! ● How many freelancers in the house? ● How many have built their own website? ● How many build websites for other freelancers?

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Keyword: awareness

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Ask yourself many questions before you start

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  1. Why 2. For whom 3. Content 4. Design

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Everyone needs a website I want to rank first on Google Any reason not supported by a goal and a strategy

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Brand awareness, reputation Sales Reasons supported by a goal and a strategy

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Buyer persona Customer journey Real people, real problems, real solutions

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It’s not about you It’s about the reader

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What’s in it for me?

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Say no to lipstick on a pig Make it easy to navigate, easy to understand Unambiguous instructions

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Must Have ● About Page (it’s not about you) ● Sales Pages (it’s not about you) ● Contact (this one is about you) ● Legal stuff (check with a lawyer) ● In a blog: search, tags, categories

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One million bonus points if you add a price range

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Nice to Have ● Mini bio ● Links to social media ● Testimonials ● Newsletter signup form ● Popular posts

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Before & After

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It’s not about you It’s about the reader

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Links! ● Simon Sinek - Start with Why ● Think with Google: Micromoments ● Copyblogger ● John Maeda on three types of design in digital technology

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GRAZIE! @FrancescaMarano Photo Credits: Brad Neathery, Emily Morter, Galymzhan Abdugalimov, Mike Wilson, Glenn Carstens-Peters at Unsplash