To write: to try meticulously to retain something, to cause something to survive; to wrest a few precise scraps from the void as it grows, to leave somewhere a furrow, a trace, a mark or a few signs.
— Georges Perec
Georges Perec
“Tentative de description d’un programme de travail pour les années à venir”
When you write about your work, it makes all of us smarter for the effort.
— Sally Kerrigan
Write about obscure things but don’t write obscurely.
— W G Sebald
Get off the main thoroughfares; you’ll see nothing there.
— W G Sebald
Sir Thomas Browne
Musæum Clausum, or Biblioteca Abscondita; and The Garden of Cyrus
W G Sebald
Die Ringe des Saturn
Writing is about discovering things hitherto unseen. Otherwise there’s no point to the process.
— W G Sebald
Frank Chimero
“What Screens Want”
Wilson Miner
“When We Build”
By all means be experimental, but let the reader be part of the experiment.
— W G Sebald
Words are innocent. By using them without imagination, it’s us who make them hateful.
— Umberto Eco
Learn to recognize the approach of an ending, and when one appears, grab it.
— Paul Graham