A presentation at Front-Trends 2016 in in Warsaw, Poland by Gunnar Bittersmann
Language in язык in שפראך in Sprache
Language in язык in שפראך in język
Language in язык in שפראך in lengua
Language in язык in שפראך in Hl
Language in язык in שפראך in Hl
Language in язык in שפראך in لغة
Language in язык in שפראך in 言語
Language in язык in שפראך in 語⾔言
語⾔言 言語
語⾔言 言語 What does it mean? Co to k… znaczy?
語⾔言 言語 <html lang=”ja”> ⋮ 言語
<html lang=”zh-Hans”> ⋮ 語言On August 28, 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King told the 250,000 participants of the March on Washington: “I have a dream!”
On August 28, 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King told the 250,000 participants of the March on Washington: “I have a dream!”
On August 28, 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King told the 250,000 participants of the March on Washington: “I have a dream!” q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ }
On August 28, 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King told the 250,000 participants of the March on Washington: “I have a dream!” q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ }
28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: “Mam marzenie!”
28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: „Mam marzenie!” q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } q:lang(pl) { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ }
Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: „Ich habe einen Traum!”
Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: „Ich habe einen Traum!“ q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } q:lang(pl) { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ } q:lang(de) { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ }
Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: „Ich habe einen Traum!“ q:lang(en) { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } q:lang(pl) { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ } q:lang(de) { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ }
Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: „Ich habe einen Traum!“ q:lang(de) { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } q:lang(en) { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } q:lang(pl) { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ }
28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: “I have a dream!”
28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: „I have a dream!”
28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: „I have a dream!” :lang(de) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } :lang(en) q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } :lang(pl) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ }
Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: „I have a dream!“ :lang(de) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } :lang(en) q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } :lang(pl) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ }
On August 28, 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King told the 250,000 participants of the March on Washington: “I have a dream!” :lang(de) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } :lang(en) q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } :lang(pl) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ }
28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: „I have a dream!”
On May 18, 2016 Gunnar Bittersmann told the 500 participants of Front-Trends in Warsaw: “28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: ‚I have a dream!’ ”
On May 18, 2016 Gunnar Bittersmann told the 500 participants of Front-Trends in Warsaw: “28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: ‚I have a dream!’ ”
On May 18, 2016 Gunnar Bittersmann told the 500 participants of Front-Trends in Warsaw: “Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: ‘I have a dream!’ ” :lang(de) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } :lang(en) q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } :lang(pl) q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ }
On May 18, 2016 Gunnar Bittersmann told the 500 participants of Front-Trends in Warsaw: “Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: ‚I have a dream!‘ ” :lang(de) > q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } :lang(en) > q { quotes: ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘‘’ ‘’’ } :lang(pl) > q { quotes: ‘„’ ‘”’ ‘‚’ ‘’’ }
On May 18, 2016 Gunnar Bittersmann told the 500 participants of Front-Trends in Warsaw: “Am 28. August 1963 sagte Rev. Martin Luther King zu den 250.000 Teilnehmern des Marsches auf Washington: ‘I have a dream!’ ”
On May 18, 2016 Gunnar Bittersmann told the 500 participants of Front-Trends in Warsaw: “28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: ‘I have a dream!’ ” :lang(de) > q { :lang(en) > q { :lang(pl) > q { q q { quotes: quotes: quotes: quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘„’ ‘”’ inherit ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } ‘‘’ ‘’’ } ‘‚’ ‘’’ } }
On May 18, 2016 Gunnar Bittersmann told the 500 participants of Front-Trends in Warsaw: “28 sierpnia 1963 r. Rev. Martin Luther King powiedział 250 000 uczestnikom Marszu na Waszyngton: ‘I have a dream!’ ” :lang(de) > q { :lang(en) > q { :lang(pl) > q { q q { quotes: quotes: quotes: quotes: ‘„’ ‘“’ ‘“’ ‘”’ ‘„’ ‘”’ inherit ‘‚’ ‘‘’ } ‘‘’ ‘’’ } ‘‚’ ‘’’ } !important }
lang=”…” . https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-lang-why
translate=”no”. https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-translate-flag
:lang(…) > q
Look Ma, no classes!
“Let freedom ring!” —Rev. Martin Luther King
A lightning talk about nested languages and correct quotation marks.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Thanks for not booing me off the stage for joking that Polish was like Russian written in Latin letters. ;-) #FrontTrends [1/2]
— Gunnar Bittersmann (@g16n) May 19, 2016
Maybe joking that German was like Yiddish written in Latin letters before has helped. ;-) #FrontTrends [2/2]
— Gunnar Bittersmann (@g16n) May 19, 2016