A presentation at Continuous Lifecycle Online in May 2021 in by Holly Cummins
How to Love K 8 s a n d N o t Wrec k the P la net Holly Cummins IBM @holly_cummins
H ow to Love C l oud Na ti ve an d Not Wreck the Planet Holly Cummins IBM @holly_cummins
#IBMGarage @holly_cummins
continuous delivery #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
continuous delivery 20 to 60 code changes are submitted every minute #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
how many pipelines? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
how much energy does that use? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
code #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
oil code #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
code #IBMGarage ~= oil @holly_cummins
80% of energy is fossil fuels #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
80% of (US) energy is fossil fuels #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
why does this matter? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
why does this matter? oh. #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
the earth is getting warmer #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
warmer #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
uncomfortably warmer #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
uncomfortably warmer drought #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
uncomfortably warmer drought floods #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
uncomfortably warmer drought floods submersion #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
uncomfortably warmer drought floods submersion hurricanes #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
uncomfortably warmer drought floods submersion hurricanes fires #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
our industry contributes to climate change #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
we contribute to climate change #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
data centres 1-2% #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
#IBMGarage data centres aviation 1-2% 2.5% @holly_cummins
the dream #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
kubesprawl #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
the cluster is the unit of deployment #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
21 clusters per IBM Cloud account #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
utilisation elasticity #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
application #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
application control plane #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
application manual replica count horizontal auto-scaling control plane #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
! clusters are less elastic than applications manual replica count horizontal auto-scaling application control plane #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
! clusters are less elastic than applications application control plane ! every cluster has overhead #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
serverless? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
dr. malice #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
namespaces #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
namespace isolation is not enough #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
conway’s law is for clusters, too #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
noisy neighbours #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
name collisions scope errors #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
dev staging prod that weird experiment #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
is this a win? lots of applications control plane #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
zombie workload #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
2017 survey 25% of 16,000 servers doing no useful work #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
2017 survey 25% of 16,000 servers doing no useful work “perhaps someone forgot to turn them off” #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
Hey boss, I created a Kubernetes cluster. #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
Hey boss, I created a Kubernetes cluster. I forgot it for 2 months. #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
Hey boss, I created a Kubernetes cluster. I forgot it for 2 months. … and it’s £1000 a month. #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
== £ #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
is there a solution? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
let’s figure out what all these cloud workloads are, since I’m paying for them IT Department, UK Bank #IBMGarage long meetings @holly_cummins
tags #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
governance #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
make it easiest to do the right thing #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
finops #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
large bank, 2013 50% reduction in CPUs with a lease system #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
“chaos testing” (turning it off and waiting for shrieks) #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
multicloud management #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
traffic monitoring #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
is K8s the solution? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
is K8s the solution? (is K8s zombie-proof?) #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
is the cloud zombie-proof? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
shut it down? but … what if I need this cluster later? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
the IKEA cognitive bias #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
gitops #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
gitops (infrastructure as code) #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
spin it down #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
spin it down spin it up kubectl apply -f all-my-cluster/ #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
spinning down clusters: the new lights off? #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
spinning down clusters: the new lights off? oh. it is. #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
shutting down instances out of hours reduced costs by 37% #IBMGarage (thanks for the statistic, @darkandnerdy) @holly_cummins
cautions #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
beware micro-optimisation theatre #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
“unsustainable” #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
“sustainable” #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
fixing the wrong problem #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
but … every little helps… #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
think about the other things you’re not optimising #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
knowledge helps us focus on optimisations that matter #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
jevons’ paradox #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
the highway problem #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
what we imagine when we widen roads #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
what we get #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
unsolved problem opportunity #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
sustainability == continuous lifecycle #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
1-2% #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
tool creators, support 1-2% #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
tool creators, support better utilisation elasticity multi-tenancy de-zombification visibility disposability #IBMGarage 1-2% @holly_cummins
users … 1-2% #IBMGarage @holly_cummins
users … up utilisation aim for elasticity limit kubesprawl de-zombification know what you’re using turn it off #IBMGarage 1-2% @holly_cummins
questions @holly_cummins #IBMGarage @holly_cummins