peop l e, pl a n e t , c lo u d s Holly Cummins IBM Garage @holly_cummins
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20 to 60 code changes are submitted every minute
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40,000 changes a day that’s a lot of builds
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1 May 2019: UK government declares a
climate emergency
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July 2019
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July 2019 warmest month
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July 2019 warmest month
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July 2019 warmest month
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1° hotter than pre-industrial
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Flood by Mauro Lucchesi from the Noun@holly_cummins Project
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island nations disappearing photo: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade underwater fins by Marco Livolsi from the Noun Project #IBMGarage
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30 football pitches destroyed per minute
Matt Zimmerman, flickr Axe by jokokerto from the Noun Project #IBMGarage
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photo: NaveenNkadalaveni @holly_cummins Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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photo: NaveenNkadalaveni @holly_cummins Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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USA: 5x more fires 5x longer
photo: NaveenNkadalaveni @holly_cummins Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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Bramble Cay melomys first mammal to be extinct as a result of climate change #IBMGarage
photo: Greg Schechter Death by Icon Island from the Noun @holly_cummins Project
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“What happens now and in these next few years will profoundly affect the next few thousand years.” - Sir David Attenborough
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where do we fit in?
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developer by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project
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impact at work developer by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project
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impact on the world #IBMGarage
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impact on the world
(but not that kind of impact) #IBMGarage
Meteorite Impact by Ben Davis from the Noun Project
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US data centres used
90 billion kWh
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45,000,000,000 x x 1 year
Phone by Andrei Yushchenko from the Noun Project @holly_cummins
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terawatts consumed by datacenters #IBMGarage
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3% of all electricity
is used by datacenters
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1.4 x global data centre energy consumption
UK energy consumption #IBMGarage
UK by Richard Slade from the Noun Project
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2005: data centres so badly organised only 40% of cool air reached computers #IBMGarage
Air Conditioner by Eugene Dobrik from the Noun Project
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60% of cooling energy wasted
Garbage by David from the Noun Project Air Conditioner by Eugene Dobrik from the Noun Project
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improvement in data center energy efficiency • low-power chips • solid state drives (instead of spinning hard drives) #IBMGarage
disk drive by Idwar from the Noun Project
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IBM z15 #IBMGarage
Dinosaur by Nick Bluth from the Noun Project @holly_cummins
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IBM z15 #IBMGarage
Dinosaur by Nick Bluth from the Noun Project @holly_cummins
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IBM zSeries
50% power consumption of x86 (30% more performance)
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cloud is more energy-efficient than a small data centre #IBMGarage
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is it just data centers?
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bitcoin #IBMGarage
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bitcoin #IBMGarage
carbon footprint of
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1 bitcoin transaction == 761,118 VISA transactions
“Maybe the most important thing you can do on climate might be the simplest: talk about it now.”
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(we don’t think there’s much link between climate change and earthquakes - but look at the visualisation!)
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(we don’t think there’s much link between climate change and earthquakes - but look at the visualisation!)
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understand Map by SANTRI ICON from the Noun Project
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models can be improved
granularity policy simulation rare events
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this is complex machine learning can help
we need to innovate techniques
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common client science bottlenecks:
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common client science bottlenecks: limited access to weather data
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common client science bottlenecks: limited access to weather data insufficient computing power
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common client science bottlenecks: limited access to weather data insufficient computing power insufficient data storage capacity
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toleration Umbrella by Rockicon from the Noun Project
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developers can make situations better
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cloud democratises access to data #IBMGarage
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cloud democratises access to information #IBMGarage
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when infrastructure goes, the cloud goes
OWL Call For Code 2018 winner $200,000 IBM grant
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IBM GRAF finer grained predictions updated 6 - 12 x more often #IBMGarage
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climate change has overturned centuries-old wisdom about weather patterns
Plant by Icon Island from the Noun Project Cow by Symbolon from the Noun Project
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best access to forecasts: a weekly newspaper report
Newspaper by Loïc Poivet from the Noun Project #IBMGarage
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granular forecasts covering the whole world (not just the rich parts of the world)
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I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful.
I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.
And then I want you to act. I want you to act as if the house is on fire.
Because it is.
fire house by Andi Nur Abdillah from the Noun Project
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“products with sustainability claims generally outperformed the growth rate of total products in their respective categories.”
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release many times a day automate everything
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do we need to stop continuous integration and deployment? #IBMGarage
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how do you build a monorepo with 9,000,000 source files?
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how do you build a monorepo with 9,000,000 source files?
you get very good at dependency graphs #IBMGarage
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optimise for fast feedback (side effect: efficient builds) #IBMGarage
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Hey boss, I created a Kubernetes cluster.
IBM Garage
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Hey boss, I created a Kubernetes cluster.
I forgot it for 2 months.
IBM Garage
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Hey boss, I created a Kubernetes cluster.
I forgot it for 2 months.
… and it’s £1000 a month.
IBM Garage
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IBM Garage
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QUARKUS supersonic subatomic Java
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quarkus is light
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… still light with CRUD
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… and quarkus is fast
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TrueNorth chip neurosynaptic lower power use
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what we imagine when we widen roads
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what we get
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8% of CO2 emissions
one industry:
cement #IBMGarage
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unintended consequences
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is my travel sustainable? #IBMGarage
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is my travel sustainable? #IBMGarage
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is my travel sustainable? #IBMGarage
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static string concatenator() { string result = “”; for (int i = 0; i < 314159; i++) { result += getStringData(i); } return result; }
100,000 iterations dual core 3.5 GHz Core 2 Duo
Simple Concatenation
606 ms
665 ms
587 ms
979 ms
588 ms
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“the minute you begin worrying about tiny little optimizations, you’ve already gone down the wrong path” -Jeff Atwood
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every improvement is good, but … #IBMGarage
Theater by Symbolon from the Noun Project
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knowledge helps us focus on optimisations that matter
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a laptop uses $8 a year (yes, you are allowed to run your unit tests) #IBMGarage
Plug by johartcamp from the Noun Project
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how can we know the eco impact?
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waste == bad waste == cost cost == bad
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£47.00 Shenfield
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£48.80 Shenfield
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borrowing against the future
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borrowing against the future oh … and infrastructure #IBMGarage
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what is most sustainable to eat?
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Plant by Icon Island from the Noun Project Meat by The Icon Tree from the Noun Project Chicken by Виталий Плут from the Noun Project Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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Plant by Icon Island from the Noun Project Meat by The Icon Tree from the Noun Project Chicken by Виталий Плут from the Noun Project Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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GM soya
Plant by Icon Island from the Noun Project Meat by The Icon Tree from the Noun Project Chicken by Виталий Плут from the Noun Project Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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GM soya
Plant by Icon Island from the Noun Project Meat by The Icon Tree from the Noun Project Chicken by Виталий Плут from the Noun Project Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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GM soya
deforestation #IBMGarage
Plant by Icon Island from the Noun Project Meat by The Icon Tree from the Noun Project Chicken by Виталий Плут from the Noun Project Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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GM soya
fed imported soy
Plant by Icon Island from the Noun Project Meat by The Icon Tree from the Noun Project Chicken by Виталий Плут from the Noun Project Fire by ✦ Shmidt Sergey ✦ from the Noun Project
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complex trade-offs
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do less
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reduce waste #IBMGarage
cutting back
Smile, Stress by David from the Noun Project
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no, remote meetings don’t match face to face
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“The situation we’re facing isn’t how to do more with less. It’s how to do less with less.”
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the future
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“A zero-carbon world doesn’t have to be an awful one. The more we invest in it, the more the infrastructure around it changes to support it, and the easier and cheaper it gets… and the more normal it gets.” - Liz Keogh (@lunivore) #IBMGarage
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Talk about it Encourage your organisation to do more Lower your footprint Use your skills #IBMGarage