More videos by Holly Cummins
Why You Can’t Buy Cloud Native
Tradeoffs, Bad Science, and Polar Bears - The World of Java Optimisation
Nine Ways To Fail at Cloud Native
Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
Nine Ways To Fail at Cloud Native
How to work in Tech and Not Wreck The Planet
Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
Blood-curdling tales of microservices misadventure, devops dread, and grisly governance
How - and why - to modernize your scruffy old Java applications
How to Love K8s and Not Wreck The Planet (keynote)
Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
The Importance of Fun in the Workplace (keynote)
Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
Nine Ways To Fail at Cloud Native (keynote)
Creativity in the Age of Quantum Computing
Tales From The DevOps Transformation Trenches
The importance of fun in the workplace (keynote)
Cats, Qubits, and Clouds -
The Quantum Future
Cats, Qubits, and Clouds -
The Quantum Future
Thinking Strategically About IoT
Confessions of an Automation Addict
Microservices: from dream to reality in an forty five minutes
An Arduino, an Application, Server, and me - Adventures In and Out of the Cloud by Holly Cummins
The Cuddly Throwable Application Server
The Wearable Application Server and Other Adventures in Software Engineering
The Wearable Application Server and Other Adventures in Software Engineering
The Wearable Application Server and Other Adventures in Software Engineering
Everything I know about software, I learnt from spaghetti bolognese
Java Performance - Myths, Mysteries, and Paradoxes