tradeoffs, bad science, and polar bears: the world of java optimisation
Holly Cummins IBM @holly_cummins
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why optimise?
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why optimise?
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0.5s extra search page time
why optimise?
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0.5s extra search page time
20% drop in traf c
why optimise?
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0.5s extra search page time
20% drop in traf c
100 ms latency on page load
why optimise?
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0.5s extra search page time
20% drop in traf c
100 ms latency on page load
7% lower conversion rate
why optimise?
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0.5s extra search page time
20% drop in traf c
100 ms latency on page load
7% lower conversion rate
why optimise?
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0.5s extra search page time
20% drop in traf c
100 ms latency on page load
7% lower conversion rate
10 ms delay in trading platform
why optimise?
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0.5s extra search page time
20% drop in traf c
100 ms latency on page load
7% lower conversion rate
10 ms delay in trading platform
10% drop in revenue
why optimise?
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what is optimising?
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“make it go faster” for whom? when? doing what?
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design thinking
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performance can be:
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performance can be: throughput
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performance can be: throughput
transactions per second
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performance can be: throughput
transactions per second
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performance can be: throughput latency
transactions per second
start-up time
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performance can be: transactions per second
throughput latency
response time
start-up time
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performance can be: transactions per second
throughput latency
response time
ramp-up time start-up time
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performance can be: transactions per second
throughput latency
response time
ramp-up time start-up time
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performance can be: transactions per second
throughput latency capacity
ramp-up time
response time
start-up time footprint
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performance can be: transactions per second
throughput latency capacity
ramp-up time
response time
start-up time footprint CPU usage
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performance can be: transactions per second
throughput latency capacity utilisation
ramp-up time
response time
start-up time footprint CPU usage
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performance can be: transactions per second
throughput latency capacity utilisation
ramp-up time
response time
start-up time footprint CPU usage
… #IBM
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Never underestimate the bandwidth [throughput] of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. –Andrew Tanenbaum, 1981
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Never underestimate the bandwidth [throughput] of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. –Andrew Tanenbaum, 1981
but the latency is terrible … #IBM
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requirements change
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I am not designed for this.
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the world changes
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-Xmx == $
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-Xmx == $ footprint
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which performs better?
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quarkus trading-off flexibility against startup speed and footprint
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quarkus trading-off flexibility against startup speed and footprint
uhh … are you supposed to shut down applications after using them?
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behaviour at idle
30% of VMs are zombies (
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how to optimise?
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find the bottleneck.
x it.
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pitfall 1
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this is not the place for ideas
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measure, don’t guess.
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measure the right thing
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measure the right thing what do your users care about?
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pitfall 2
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leading indicators
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leading indicators
lagging indicators
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leading indicators
lagging indicators we care about them
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leading indicators
lagging indicators we care about them easy to measure
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leading indicators
lagging indicators we care about them easy to measure hard to change
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leading indicators
lagging indicators
easy to change
we care about them easy to measure hard to change
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leading indicators
lagging indicators
predictive of a thing we care about
we care about them easy to measure hard to change
easy to change
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leading indicators
lagging indicators
predictive of a thing we care about hard to identify easy to change
we care about them easy to measure hard to change
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leading indicators
lagging indicators
predictive of a thing we care about hard to identify easy to change
we care about them easy to measure hard to change
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caution: performance experiments for entertainment purposes only. do not try these at home.
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bad-ish advice: “reduce time spent in garbage collection”
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bad-ish advice: “reduce time spent in garbage collection” actually, garbage collection can make your application go faster
-verbose:gc -Xverbosegclog:gclog.xml -Xgcpolicy:optthruput -Xmx300m -Xms300m -Xcompactgc why does the performance stay exactly the same no matter what gc settings I choose?
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by the way, this is cheating. (remember the ‘bad science’?)
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4.1% of time in GC pause 23.9 GB garbage collected 493 transactions/s
total GC time: 12.0s 3.6% of time in GC pause 13.0 GB garbage collected 260 transactions/s
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total GC time: 21.6s 4.1% of time in GC pause 23.9 GB garbage collected 493 transactions/s #IBM
total GC time: 12.0s 3.6% of time in GC pause 13.0 GB garbage collected 260 transactions/s @holly_cummins
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leading indicator
total GC time: 21.6s 4.1% of time in GC pause 23.9 GB garbage collected 493 transactions/s #IBM
total GC time: 12.0s 3.6% of time in GC pause 13.0 GB garbage collected 260 transactions/s @holly_cummins
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leading indicator
total GC time: 21.6s 4.1% of time in GC pause 23.9 GB garbage collected 493 transactions/s #IBM
total GC time: 12.0s 3.6% of time in GC pause 13.0 GB garbage collected 260 transactions/s @holly_cummins
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lagging indicator
leading indicator
total GC time: 21.6s 4.1% of time in GC pause 23.9 GB garbage collected 493 transactions/s #IBM
total GC time: 12.0s 3.6% of time in GC pause 13.0 GB garbage collected 260 transactions/s @holly_cummins
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lagging indicator
leading indicator ?
total GC time: 21.6s 4.1% of time in GC pause 23.9 GB garbage collected 493 transactions/s #IBM
total GC time: 12.0s 3.6% of time in GC pause 13.0 GB garbage collected 260 transactions/s @holly_cummins
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lagging indicator ?
leading indicator ?
total GC time: 21.6s 4.1% of time in GC pause 23.9 GB garbage collected 493 transactions/s #IBM
total GC time: 12.0s 3.6% of time in GC pause 13.0 GB garbage collected 260 transactions/s @holly_cummins
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so wait, what changed to make the app faster? running jmeter on the same machine as the app gives a big speedup!
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“Any improvements made anywhere besides the bottleneck are an illusion.” – Gene Kim #IBM
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time kills all performance advice (even mine)
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the takeaways: gc can improve performance by rearranging the heap find the bottleneck validate advice independently
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pitfall 3
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I read it on the internet!
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“make one big method because method dispatching is slow”
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“re-use your objects to help the garbage collector”
use StringBuilder, never concatenate strings with +=
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noooooo! wait, what? yes, right?
use StringBuilder, never concatenate strings with +=
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2 things ruin advice: • context • time
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pitfall 4
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static string beSlow() { string result = “”; for (int i = 0; i < 314159; i++) { result += getStringData(i); } return result; }
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@Override public String toString() { String ret = “\n\tMarket Summary at: ” + getSummaryDate() + “\n\t\t TSIA:” + getTSIA() + “\n\t\t openTSIA:” + getOpenTSIA() + “\n\t\t gain:” + getGainPercent() + “\n\t\t volume:” + getVolume(); if ((getTopGainers() == null) || (getTopLosers() == null)) { return ret; } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Gainers:”; Iterator<QuoteDataBean> it = getTopGainers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Losers:”; it = getTopLosers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } return ret; }
Slide 109
@Override public String toString() { String ret = “\n\tMarket Summary at: ” + getSummaryDate() + “\n\t\t TSIA:” + getTSIA() + “\n\t\t openTSIA:” + getOpenTSIA() + “\n\t\t gain:” + getGainPercent() + “\n\t\t volume:” + getVolume(); if ((getTopGainers() == null) || (getTopLosers() == null)) { return ret; } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Gainers:”; Iterator<QuoteDataBean> it = getTopGainers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Losers:”; it = getTopLosers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } return ret; }
Slide 110
@Override public String toString() { String ret = “\n\tMarket Summary at: ” + getSummaryDate() + “\n\t\t TSIA:” + getTSIA() + “\n\t\t openTSIA:” + getOpenTSIA() + “\n\t\t gain:” + getGainPercent() + “\n\t\t volume:” + getVolume(); if ((getTopGainers() == null) || (getTopLosers() == null)) { return ret; } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Gainers:”; Iterator<QuoteDataBean> it = getTopGainers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Losers:”; it = getTopLosers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } return ret; }
Slide 111
this never gets called @Override public String toString() { String ret = “\n\tMarket Summary at: ” + getSummaryDate() + “\n\t\t TSIA:” + getTSIA() + “\n\t\t openTSIA:” + getOpenTSIA() + “\n\t\t gain:” + getGainPercent() + “\n\t\t volume:” + getVolume(); if ((getTopGainers() == null) || (getTopLosers() == null)) { return ret; } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Gainers:”; Iterator<QuoteDataBean> it = getTopGainers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } ret += “\n\t\t Current Top Losers:”; it = getTopLosers().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QuoteDataBean quoteData =; ret += (“\n\t\t\t” + quoteData.toString()); } return ret; }
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let’s make travel energy-efficient?
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every little helps?
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every little helps? every optimisation is another optimisation you aren’t doing
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our platforms help
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static string beSlow() { string result = “”; for (int i = 0; i < 314159; i++) { result += getStringData(i); } return result; }
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static string beSlow() { string result = “”; result += getStringData(1); result += getStringData(2); result += getStringData(3); }
return result;
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static string beSlow() { string result = “”; result += getStringData(1); result += getStringData(2); result += getStringData(3); }
return result;
this is fine @holly_cummins
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the JVM writers have far more time for optimising than you do clean, typical, code runs best
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ok, but how to optimise?
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“What you can optimize is limited to what you can observe.” -Susie Xia, Netflix
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method profiler GC analysis heap analysis APM distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
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method profiler
GC analysis heap analysis APM distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
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method profiler
VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis heap analysis APM distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
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method profiler
VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
heap analysis APM distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
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method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
heap analysis APM distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
Slide 129
method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
heap analysis APM distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
Slide 130
method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
heap analysis
Eclipse MAT
APM distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
Slide 131
method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
heap analysis APM
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
Eclipse MAT
distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
Slide 132
method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
heap analysis APM
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
Eclipse MAT
New Relic*
distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
Slide 133
method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
heap analysis APM
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
Eclipse MAT
AppDynamics* New Relic*
distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
Slide 134
method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
heap analysis APM
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
Eclipse MAT
AppDynamics* New Relic*
distributed tracing * not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
Slide 135
method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM Mission Control
GC analysis
heap analysis APM
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
distributed tracing
Eclipse MAT
AppDynamics* New Relic*
not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
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method profiler
flame graphs VisualVM
IBM Health Center (for OpenJ9)
Mission Control
GC analysis
heap analysis APM
distributed tracing
Eclipse MAT
AppDynamics* New Relic*
not free #IBM
this is an incomplete list, because there are a lot of tools out there, and many cost money
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optimising a micro-service: is that micro-optimising?
Netflix microservice architecture #IBM
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you may need to know the whole system context to know what to optimise
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“Nines don’t matter if your users aren’t happy.” – Charity Majors
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don’t forget the edges queueing theory helps us understand where the disasters happen
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“When it comes to IT performance, amateurs look at averages. Professionals look at distributions.” – Avishai Ish-Shalom
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slow performance can turn into big cloud bills make cloud costs visible to engineers
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ok, but you promised bears
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if you leave the TV on when you’re not using it, you’re a polar bear murderer
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there is a moral imperative to avoid waste
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there is a moral imperative to avoid waste electricity hardware
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data centres use 1-2% of the world’s electricity
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fewer devices
longer lifetime
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higher ef ciency
fewer devices
longer lifetime
@holly_cummins fi
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higher ef ciency
fewer devices
lower footprint
longer lifetime
@holly_cummins fi
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higher ef ciency
fewer devices
lower footprint more multitenancy
longer lifetime
@holly_cummins fi
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higher ef ciency
fewer devices
lower footprint more multitenancy
longer lifetime
@holly_cummins fi
optimise for longevity
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higher ef ciency
fewer devices
lower footprint more multitenancy
longer lifetime
the end of planned obsolescence?
@holly_cummins fi
optimise for longevity
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sooo … you can optimise, and it can be fun measure, don’t guess only optimise what matters
now for questions! #IBM