A presentation at Devopsdays Montevideo in in Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay by Karthik Gaekwad
10 years of Devops Karthik Gaekwad @iteration1
Atleast.. 10 years of Devops
Hoy hablaré sobre •Historia de devops •Significado de devops (de hoy en día) •Donde Vamos- Devops 2.0 •5 Aprendizajes Prácticos que puedes usar
Hello • I’m Karthik Gaekwad • NOT a DBA • https://cloudnative.oracle.com/ • Cloud Native advocate at Oracle Cloud • Previous: developer on the Oracle Managed Kubernetes Team. @iteration1
Hello • Been in Industry 15 years. • In general, I like building stuff with friends. • Love Teaching and building community. • Run DevOpsDays Austin, Container Days, Cloud Austin. • Chair All Day Devops Cloud Native track. • LinkedIn Learning Author for Learning Kubernetes (and more).
En qué trabajas? Developer Operations SRE Test/QA Management
Historia de devops
Historia de devops • 2008: Agile Conference • Birds of a feather….“Agile Infrastructure” pitched by Andrew Clay Shafer. • Patrick DeBois Attended the BOF. • Andrew….didn’t. • Later on in the conference they connected to talk more about operations and development topics.
Historia de devops
Historia de devops • 2009: Post Velocity • Patrick está triste por no asistir a la conferencia. • Organizó una conferencia en Ghent.
Historia de devops • 2008: Agile Conference • Birds of a feather….“Agile Infrastructure” pitched by Andrew Clay Shafer. • Patrick DeBois Attended the BOF. • Andrew….didn’t. • Later on in the conference they connected to talk more about operations and development topics.
Pero, que es devops?
Que es Devops “DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support.” https://theagileadmin.com/what-is-devops/
Pillars of Devops (CALMS) Lean Automation Culture Sharing Measurement @iteration1
En un mundo ideal… (That was the intention)…. @iteration1
Significado de devops (Hoy) Meaning is slightly different… @iteration1
Pillars of Devops (CALMS) Automation Measurement Culture Lean Sharing @iteration1
Por qué Why did this happen?
Por qué • Automation/Measurement es fácil de arreglar. (Easy)
Por qué • La cultura organizacional es difícil de cuantificar (Organizational Culture is hard to quantify)
Por qué • El cambio es difícil (Change is hard)
Por qué • Our Devops definition changed and focused on a subset of pillars. • Forgot that Devops was a people and alignment problem..
Por qué Devops Devops Devops
A dónde ir desde aquí??
Where to go? •Business does not stop. •Business always wants to go faster. DORA State of Devops Report 2019
Evolution of Development and Deployment Development Process Application Architecture Deployment and Packaging Application Infrastructure Waterfall Monolithic Physical Server Datacenter Agile N-Tier Virtual Servers Hosted DevOps Microservices Containers Cloud ~ 1980 ~ 1990 ~ 2000 ~ 2010 Plan Monito r Now Code Operate Build Deply Test Release
Alignment between technical and business Alignment in the technical team
Devops is a people problem Keep your teams working effectively.
Donde Vamos- Devops 2.0 Current and Future Trends
SRE •Subset of Devops •Responsible for the availability, latency, performance, efficiency, change management, monitoring, emergency response, and capacity planning of their service(s). • https://landing.google.com/sre/sre-book
Rise of Cloud Native “A new computing paradigm that is optimized for modern distributed systems environments capable of scaling to tens of thousands of self healing multi-tenant nodes” -Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Rise of Cloud Native •Based on Kubernetes and container technology •Rich landscape, big community, but complicated to navigate.
Rise of Serverless •New Execution Model. •Cloud Provider manages your resources. •You only manage your code.
Observability • Understanding what is going on in distributed systems. • Observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs. • Determine system behavior from system outputs.
New Era in Testing, Security, Database • New groups joining the movement: • DevTestOps (https://testingindevops.org/) • DevSecOps (https://www.devsecops.org/) • DevDBOps • Under represented groups joining the shift, embrace them.
Vendors Embracing Opensource
Vendors Embracing Opensource Oracle’s Cloud Native Environment We will continually enhance and improve as the technology evolves Observability & Analysis App Definition & Development: Prometheus Jenkins X Orchestration & Management: Runtime: Provisioning: Helm Fluentd MySQL Kubernetes Containers Terraform Kata CRI-O Vagrant Crashcart Istio Spark Kafka Envoy CNI – Calico & Flannel Ansible Chef Puppet Ceph Clair Gluster Notary
5 Aprendizajes Prácticos que puedes usar
Learn what the other side is doing Devops == Collaboration
Understand your business They pay you $
Use Architecture to your advantage Helps you get back on track
Always be learning… Or your might have to find a new job…
Be empathetic Technology will always be there. People might not…
10 years of Devops Karthik Gaekwad @iteration1
Happy birthday, Devops- you are officially ten years old this year!!! Let’s blow out the candles on our cake, and reflect on our devops journey!
This session will cover the evolution of devops over the past ten years, and talk about the initial idea, the growth of devops, to the state of the world today! You’ll learn about the different successes that it has provided for organizations, the challenges that devops faces today, and where devops might be in another ten years.