Modeling a Better Night’s Sleep: Building a White Noise Machine with State Machines

A presentation at Newcrafts in in Paris, France by Laura Kalbag

Modelling a 
better night’s sleep

Modelling a 
better night’s sleep



Finite state machine

Finite state machine

State machines can be used anywhere in your stack.

State machines can be used anywhere in your stack.



The actor model

The actor model



Statecharts can be used anywhere in your stack!

Statecharts can be used anywhere in your stack!

Event-based actor

Event-based actor

Patient onboarding

Patient onboarding

Credit check

Credit check

Diagrams are great!

Diagrams are great!

The benefits of statecharts

The benefits of statecharts



Do you always need a state machine?

Do you always need a state machine?

When do you need a state machine or statechart?

When do you need a state machine or statechart?

Everyone gets a better night’s sleep with state machines

Everyone gets a better night’s sleep with state machines

Thank you!

Thank you!

Join to learn about state machines, stay for the soothing visualizations and relaxing soundscapes.

In this session, Laura will show you how to build a white noise machine web app, using XState and the Stately visual editor to model, manage, and visualize your states, quickly add new features, and easily collaborate with your coworkers. New to state machines and statecharts? Laura will introduce these concepts, giving you all the framework-agnostic resources you need to go back to the office and impress your team.


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.

  • White noise state machine

    My white noise state machine

  • Demo code

    The demo code for my white noise machine.

  • Demo preview

    Get your white noise fix with the demo in action.

  • Stately

    Build and deploy state machine, workflows, and app logic with AI enhanced, collaborative tools.

  • XState

    A state management and orchestration solution for JavaScript and TypeScript apps.