Defining the Roles within Developer Relations v0.1.0

A presentation at Flyless by Phil Leggetter

Defining the Roles within Developer Relations

Defining the Roles within Developer Relations

About Phil Leggetter

About Phil Leggetter

Why Role Definitions Matter

Why Role Definitions Matter

A Note on Strategy

A Note on Strategy

What are the Roles within Developer Relations?

What are the Roles within Developer Relations?

Role "Popularity": Google Search

Role "Popularity": Google Search

Role "Popularity": DevRel Weekly

Role "Popularity": DevRel Weekly

Role "Popularity": LinkedIn

Role "Popularity": LinkedIn

Role "Popularity": LinkedIn

Role "Popularity": LinkedIn

What are the Roles within Developer Relations?

What are the Roles within Developer Relations?

Help Me Define the Roles

Help Me Define the Roles

Thanks, Flyless!

Thanks, Flyless!

This is a Work in Progress talk with associated blog post

Developer Relations continues to evolve and with that comes specialisation. That specialisation results in different perspectives on what it is to β€œdo Developer Relations”, new role definitions and job titles. In this session, I’ll share my experience and observations on the roles that are most commonly seen and will provide my take on the definition of them.


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.

Buzz and feedback

Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.