From funnels to flywheels: tools for thinking about DevRel

A presentation at DevRelCon NYC 2024 in in New York, NY, USA by Phil Leggetter

How we think about DevRel can impact what we’re able to achieve.

Take the funnel, for example. If we use that to shape our DevRel thinking, we’ll naturally end up with goals and initiatives that can’t help us once a developer has reached the end of the process or, worse, will filter them out.

So, does that mean we need to use the orbit model, instead? The orbit model gives us a useful way to think about the relationships people have with our community but its focus makes it less useful for thinking about every aspect of our DevRel programs.

If we think of DevRel as a process focused on one very specific goal, then quite naturally, we’ll set goals and create programs that feed that goal, potentially at the expense of other beneficial goals.

The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all model for thinking about and planning developer relations. Instead, we need to use the right tools for the right job.

In this talk, we’ll look at:

  • The tools we have already: funnel, orbit model, developer journey maps, AAARRRP
  • How they help us but also the gaps and blindspots they leave
  • A new way of thinking about DevRel strategy holistically: the DevRel flywheel.

We’re not going to pretend that the flywheel is a panacea, a panacotta, or pancetta. But we do think it’s a useful additional way to model how we plan and execute DevRel, alongside the other tools we already have.


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.