Design for Non-Designers

A presentation at Beyond Tellerrand in in Düsseldorf, Germany by Tracy Osborn

Design can feel super intimidating when you feel more comfortable with code and don’t have a background in design. Knowing design basics and shortcuts can help your career in measurable ways: by helping you work more effectively with your coworkers as well as making it easier and faster for you to launch new projects from scratch without hiring a designer.

This presentation will go over design for non-designers, skipping the university-level concepts and jumping right to shortcuts and easy-to-remember principles. Recommended for those who want to learn just enough design to be dangerous (or for designers who’d like to better teach their coworkers and colleagues); featuring quick hits, easy to understand and utilize principles that anyone can use to improve their design skills.


Buzz and feedback

Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.