Becoming Polyglot

A presentation at Craft Conference 2017 in April 2017 in Budapest, Hungary by Lorna Jane Mitchell

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Becoming Polyglot Lorna Mitchell, IBM @lornajane

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noun a person who knows and is able to use several languages. “Slovenians, being surrounded by many countries, are mostly polyglots” adjective knowing or using several languages. “a polyglot career woman” @lornajane

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Level 1: Make unfamiliar code run @lornajane

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Instead of being a mongoose, be an antelope. When an antelope is confronted with something unexpected or frightening, it freezes. It stays absolutely still and tries not to attract any attention, while it stops and thinks and works out the best thing to do. @lornajane

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Level 2: Edit code successfully @lornajane

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fswatch -0 -o *.rst | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} ./ @lornajane

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HTTP Tools to Use and Re-use ● CURL ● (or Postman, Paws, Fiddler …) ● RequestBin ● Ngrok ● Wireshark ● Charles Proxy @lornajane

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Level 3: Separate dev and live platforms @lornajane

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Rebase: clean up history rebase -i HEAD~10 Rebase: squash your branch as above, but replace “pick” with “squash” on every line except the first @lornajane

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Rebase: your feature onto newest master git git git git git git checkout master pull upstream master push checkout feature rebase master push -f For more git tricks: @lornajane

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Level 4: Search, copy and paste successfully @lornajane

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Level 5: Create a simple app from scratch @lornajane

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Pause, and think of a cute animal @lornajane

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Level 6: Participate in community @lornajane

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In the world of hackers, the kind of answers you get to your technical questions depends as much on the way you ask the questions as on the difficulty of developing the answer. @lornajane

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Level 7: Get paid to use this tech stack @lornajane

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Level 8: Adopt and evolve good practice and tooling @lornajane

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Local → Repo → Build cf push git push heroku master aws deploy push @lornajane

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Level 9: Mentor/Teach others @lornajane

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Level 10: Dream in this language @lornajane

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Further Reading Becoming Geek (Michael Lopp) Seven Languages in Seven Weeks (Bruce A Tate) Debugging Teams (Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick) The Art of Community (Jono Bacon) The Cathedral and the Bazaar (Eric Raymond) Get in touch: @lornajane