Create Delightful SDKs with OpenAPI

A presentation at APIDays Paris in December 2020 in by Lorna Jane Mitchell

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Generating SDKs from OpenAPI Lorna Mitchell, Vonage

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What is OpenAPI? Machine-readable API description (YAML or JSON) • Describe endpoints, with verbs • Parameters, request bodies • Responses The standard formerly known as Swagger @lornajane

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Why Describe Your APIs? • Publish API descriptions for developers to use • Generate API reference docs • Import to Postman • Use with mock servers • Generate SDKs and libraries @lornajane

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SDKs for Delightful Developer Experiences @lornajane

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Don’t Make Me Think Reduce cognitive load on your users @lornajane

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How to Generate Code This example from docker run —rm -v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli \ generate \ -i verify.yml \ —package-name verify \ -g go \ -o /local/out/golang/verify @lornajane

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Generated Code @lornajane

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Generated Code Generated libraries are better than nothing! If there is no library, a code generator gives a developer: • Abstracts away the HTTP handling • Simple validation (probably) • IDE autocomplete for the basic structure @lornajane

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We Can Do Better @lornajane

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About Generated Code @lornajane

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Wrap Sharp Edges For example, the autocomplete example from earlier: ctx := context.WithValue( context.Background(), verify.ContextAPIKey, verify.APIKey{Key: client.apiKey} ) result, resp, err := verifyClient.DefaultApi.VerifyRequest( ctx, “json”, client.apiSecret, number, brand, verify.VerifyRequestOpts{}) @lornajane

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Wrap Sharp Edges For the user, it’s more like: auth := vonage.CreateAuthFromKeySecret(API_KEY, API_SECRET) verifyClient := vonage.NewVerifyClient(auth) resp, _, _ := verifyClient.Request( PHONE, “GoTest”, vonage.VerifyOpts{}) @lornajane

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Auth Helpers Supply auth details: // for basic key/secret auth := vonage.CreateAuthFromKeySecret(“abcd1234”, “VeryS3cr3t”) // for JWT auth privateKey, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE) auth, _ := vonage.CreateAuthFromAppPrivateKey(APP_ID, privateKey) Quickly get a JWT: privateKey, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(“private.key”) g := jwt.NewGenerator(APPLICATION_ID, privateKey) token, _ := g.GenerateToken() @lornajane

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Security Helpers SMS API webhooks use signatures from shared secrets if smsClient.checkSig(params, SIG_SECRET, “sha256”) { // data is plausible, do something cool } Make the easy thing also the Right Thing (TM) @lornajane

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Builders For example, formatting JSON structures from strongly-typed languages MyNcco := ncco.Ncco{} talk := ncco.TalkAction{ Text: “Go library calling to say hello”, VoiceName: “Nicole” } MyNcco.AddAction(talk) endpoint := []ncco.PhoneEndpoint{Number: “44777000777”} connect := ncco.ConnectAction{Endpoint: endpoint, From: “44777000888”} MyNcco.AddAction(connect) result, _, err := client.CreateCall( vonage.CreateCallOpts{From: from, To: to, Ncco: MyNcco}) @lornajane

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Delightful SDKs OpenAPI lets us focus on the best bits! @lornajane

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Thanks! References: • • • • Me: • @lornajane