Kubernetes 201: Taking your Managed Kubernetes service to the next level

A presentation at OVHcloud Summit in October 2019 in Paris, France by Horacio Gonzalez

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ROOM 2 05.00 PM Kubernetes 201 Giovanni Clément Horacio Gonzalez Product Unit Director @gioindahouz DevRel @LostInBrittany

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Beyond the first deployment So I have deployed my distributed architecture on K8s, everything is good now, isn’t it?

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The long path to production

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Describing some of those traps To ease and empower your path to production

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Security Hardening your Kubernetes

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Kubernetes is insecure by design It’s a feature, not a bug It’s up to the K8s admin to secure it according to their needs

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Not everybody has the same security needs

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Kubernetes allows to enforce security practices as needed

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Listing some good practices

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Close open access Close all by default, open only the needed ports Follow the least privileged principle

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Define and implement RBAC According to your needs

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Define and implement network policies

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Use RBAC and Network Policies to isolate your sensitive workload

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Always keep up to date Both Kubernetes and plugins

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And remember, even the best can get hacked Remain attentive, don’t get too confident

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Extensibility Enhance your Kubernetes

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Kubernetes is modular Let’s see how some of those plugins can help you

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Istio A service mesh for Kubernetes… and much more!

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Istio: A service mesh but not only

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Service discovery

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Traffic control

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Encrypting internal communications

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Routing and load balancing

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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Rolling upgrades

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A/B testing

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Monitoring your cluster

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Velero Backing up your Kubernetes

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Kubernetes: Desired State Management

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YAML files allows to clone a cluster

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But what about the data?

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Velero Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes

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S3 based backup On any S3 protocol compatible store

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Backup all or part of a cluster

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Schedule backups

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Backups hooks

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Conclusion And one more thing…

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Kubernetes is powerful It can make Developers’ and DevOps’ lives easier

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But there is a price: operating it Lot of things to think about

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We have seen some of them

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One more thing… Who should do what?

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Different roles Each role asks for very different knowledge and skill sets

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Most companies don’t need to operate the clusters As they don’t build and rack their own servers!

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If you don’t need to build it, choose a certified managed solution You get the cluster, the operator get the problems

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Like our OVH Managed Kubernetes Made with 💗 by the Platform team

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Do you want to try? Send me an email to get some vouchers… horacio.gonzalez@corp.ovh.com

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Thank you for listening Any Question