Are Web Components the Betamax of web development?

A presentation at Codemotion Madrid in September 2019 in Madrid, Spain by Horacio Gonzalez

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24-25 September, 2019

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24-25 September, 2019 Are Web Components the Betamax of web development? Horacio Gonzalez @LostInBrittany

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Who are we? Introducing myself and introducing OVH

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Horacio Gonzalez @LostInBrittany Spaniard lost in Brittany, developer, dreamer and all-around geek

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OVH: A Global Leader on Cloud 200k Private cloud VMs running 1 Dedicated IaaS Europe 30 Datacenters Own 20Tbps Hosting capacity : 1.3M Physical Servers 360k Servers already deployed Netwok with 35 PoPs

1.3M Customers in 138 Countries

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OVH: Our solutions Cloud Web Hosting Mobile Hosting Telecom VPS Containers ▪ Dedicated Server Domain names VoIP Public Cloud Compute ▪ Data Storage Email SMS/Fax Private Cloud ▪ Network and Database CDN Virtual desktop Serveur dédié Security Object Storage Web hosting Cloud HubiC Over theBox ▪ Licences Cloud Desktop Securities MS Office Hybrid Cloud Messaging MS solutions

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The 3 minutes context What the heck are web component?

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Web Components Web standard W3C

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Web Components Available in all modern browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome

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Web Components Create your own HTML tags Encapsulating look and behavior

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Web Components Fully interoperable With other web components, with any framework

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Custom Element To define your own HTML tag

<body> … <script> window.customElements.define(‘my-element’, class extends HTMLElement {…}); </script> <my-element></my-element> </body>

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Shadow DOM To encapsulate subtree and style in an element <button>Hello, world!</button> <script> var host = document.querySelector(‘button’); const shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({mode:’open’}); shadowRoot.textContent = ‘こんにちは、影の世界!’; </script>

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Template To have clonable document template <template id=”mytemplate”> <img src=”” alt=”great image”> <div class=”comment”></div> </template> var t = document.querySelector(‘#mytemplate’); // Populate the src at runtime. t.content.querySelector(‘img’).src = ‘logo.png’; var clone = document.importNode(t.content, true); document.body.appendChild(clone);

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But in fact, it’s just an element… ● ● ● ● Attributes Properties Methods Events

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Sometimes I feel a bit grumpy The stories of the grumpy old speaker…

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On Web Components tour since 2014

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Image: Web components == Revolution

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Images: BitRebels & Brickset Building a world brick by brick

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Is the promise unfulfilled? It’s 2019 now, where is your revolution, dude?

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And, even worse, several months ago Hey, dude, your Web Components thing is like Betamax Even if it was a better solution, market has already chosen, React has won, as VHS did…

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Hey, old man, WTF is a Betamax? A videocassette guide for Millenials

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At the beginning there was the TV And public saw it was good…

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But how to keep your favorite show forever? Sony VTR CV-2000 - Image credit LabGuy’s World The VTR was born, somewhere in the 1960s

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From videotape to videocassette… Sony U-matic - Image credit MKH Electronics U-matic cassette - Image credit PSAP And then to mass market, sometime in the 1970s

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Each vendor proposed their solution Sony’s Betamax - Image credit PSAP JVC’s VHS - Image credit PSAP Cassettes aren’t so different from JS frameworks after all…

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There was a format war So fierce that it has its own Wikipedia page

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Betamax was a superior format Higher quality recorders, better resolution, slightly superior sound, and more stable image

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But the market decided otherwise And Betamax, even if superior, failed…

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As usual, the winner took it all Until a new arrival entered in scene, the DVD… But that’s another story for another talk

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Why did Betamax failed? Spoiler: it isn’t so simple…

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Betamax was believed to be superior In the minds of the public and press

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But consumers wanted an affordable VCR Betamax costed hundreds of dollars more

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They also wanted to record a full movie Originally Betamax cassettes only recorded 1 hour

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And compatibility weighted on VHS side Many licencees offered VHS VCRs

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Are Web Components like Betamax? A perceived superior alternative destined to fail?

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It could be even the opposite… Web components are maybe the VHS of JS

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Compatibility is on Web Components side Web Components everywhere, baby!

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Do you remember AngularJS? And all the code put in the trash bin when Angular arrived…

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The pain of switching frameworks? Rewriting once again your code…

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The impossibility of sharing UI code? Between apps written with different frameworks

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Web Components change that In a clean and standard way

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They are indeed a revolution But it’s a silent one…

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They are there, in everyday sites More than you can imagine

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The components architecture won Components, components everywhere

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Web components ARE platform Truly part of the platform…

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Aren’t the multiple Web Components libs a sign of failure? If the standard worked, people would use Vanilla, wouldn’t them?

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Web component standard is low level At it should be!

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Standard == basic bricks Standard exposes an API to: ○ Define elements ○ Encapsulate DOM

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Libraries are helpers They give you higher-level primitives

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Different high-level primitives Each one tailored to a use

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Sharing the same base High-performant, low-level, in-the-platform web components standard

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Libraries aren’t a failure of standard They happen by design

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Stencil Powering Ionic 4

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Not another library A Web Component compiler

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Not a beta anymore Ionic 4 released, powered by Stencil!

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A build time tool To generate standard web components

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Fully featured ● Virtual DOM ● Async rendering ● Reactive data-binding ● TypeScript ● JSX

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And the cherry on the cake Server-Side Rendering

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Polymer Is the old player still alive?

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Polymer evolved again in 2018 Image: © Nintendo Polymer 3 was here!

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What’s Polymer status today? Well, how could I say… it’s complicated

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It seems it’s going to be deprecated… Technically yes… and that means good news!

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Let’s try to see clearer Let’s dive into Polymer history…

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A tool built for another paradigm No web component support on browsers No React, Angular or Vue innovations

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No so well suited for the current one The current platform is way more powerful The state of art has evolved

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Let’s learn from its lessons The current platform is way more powerful The state of art has evolved

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And let it rest… There will have no Polymer 4…

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So Polymer as we know it is dead… But the Polymer Project is indeed alive!

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But I have invested so much on it! What to do?

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That’s why web components are top You can keep using all your Polymer components and create the new ones with a new library… And it simply works!

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And without metaphors? Polymer Project != Polymer library Polymer Project well alive Polymer library was only one library

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LitElement New kid on the block

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Born from the Polymer team For the new web paradigm

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Modern lightweight web components For the new web paradigm

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Based on lit-html An efficient, expressive, extensible HTML templating library for JavaScript

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Do you know tagged templates? function uppercaseExpression(strings, …expressionValues) { var finalString = ” for ( let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++ ) { if (i > 0) { finalString += expressionValues[i - 1].toUpperCase() } finalString += strings[i] } return finalString } const expressions = [ ‘Tours’, ‘Touraine Tech’, ‘Thank you’]; console.log( uppercaseExpressionI am so happy to be in ${expressions[0]} for ${expressions[1]} again! ${expressions[2]}, ${expressions[1]}! ) Little known functionality of template literals

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lit-html Templates let myTemplate = (data) => html<h1>${data.title}</h1> <p>${data.body}</p>; Lazily rendered Generates a TemplateResult

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It’s a bit like JSX, isn’t it? The good sides of JSX… but in the standard!

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LitElement import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element’; // Create your custom component class CustomGreeting extends LitElement { // Declare properties static get properties() { return { name: { type: String } }; } // Initialize properties constructor() { super(); = ‘World’; } // Define a template render() { return html<p>Hello, ${}!</p>; } } // Register the element with the browser customElements.define(‘custom-greeting’, CustomGreeting); Lightweight web-components using lit-html

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One more thing…* Let’s copy from the master

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Polymer is not important WebComponents ARE

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Use the Platform, Luke… WebComponents ARE native

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Do you love your framework? Oh yeah, we all do

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Would you marry your framework? Like until death…

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How much does cost the divorce? Do you remember when you dropped AngularJS for Angular?

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Why recode everything again? Reuse the bricks in your new framework

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Lots of web components libraries LitElement SkateJS For different need and sensibilities

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And some good news Angular Elements Vue Web Component Wrapper Frameworks begin to understand it

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So for your next app Choose a framework, no problem… But please, help your future self Use Web Components!

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Conclusion That’s all, folks!