</> htmx 2.0 & Web Components: A Perfect Match for Frontend Development

A presentation at Jfokus in February 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden by Horacio Gonzalez

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</> htmx 2.0 & Web Components A Perfect Match for Frontend Development

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Horacio Gonzalez @LostInBrittany Espagnol Perdu en Bretagne

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Create modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext

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Arbitrary Limitations of HTML ● Why can only <a> and <form> make HTTP(S) requests? ● Why can only click and submit events trigger them? ● Why are only GET and POST methods available? ● Why do <a> and <form> force a full page reload? ● Why so many arbitrary constraints in HTML?

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Goal: Interactivity in Hypertext htmx extends HTML capabilities to: ● ● ● ● Perform AJAX requests Handle CSS transitions Work with WebSockets Process server-sent events All through declarative HTML attributes

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But, what’s the point? It sounds nice and semantic, but what’s the real benefit?

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A Quick Look Back A time when dinosaurs like me coded with Struts

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Remember MVC? With its page-by-page navigation

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The Golden Age of MVC Frameworks Generating HTML views

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2005: The Arrival of AJAX The birth of Web 2.0

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Web Pages Become Dynamic Apps Powered by JavaScript and jQuery

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Shift to Single Page Applications (SPA)

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Increasing Complexity The rise of JavaScript frameworks

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Backend Becomes a REST API Serving JSON

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We Gained Functionality But lost simplicity and semantics

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Overkill for Many Applications Sometimes we just need a simple web page with a bit of interactivity

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</> htmx Might Be the Right Solution It’s extended HTML ● Simplicity ● Semantics ● Interactivity

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Too much theory, show us a demo! Examples, examples, examples! example-01.html <script src=”https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@2.0.2”></script> <!— have a button that POST on a click via AJAX and replace the content of #status div with the response —> <button hx-post=”/clicked” hx-target=”#status”> Click Me </button> <div id=”status”>Not yet clicked</div>

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Too much theory, show us a demo! example-01.html https://github.com/LostInBrittany/introduction-to-htmx-and-lit

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Sending POST on a button click ./html-examples/html-example-01.html example-01.html <script src=”https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@2.0.2”></script> <!— have a button that POST on a click via AJAX and replace the content of #status div with the response —> <button hx-post=”/clicked” hx-target=”#status”> Click Me </button> <div id=”status”>Not yet clicked</div>

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GET, POST, PUT, DELETE… ./html-examples/html-example-02.html <script src=”https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@2.0.2”></script> <div> <button hx-get=”/test-methods” hx-target=”#status”>Send GET</button> <button hx-post=”/test-methods” hx-target=”#status”>Send POST</button> <button hx-put=”/test-methods” hx-target=”#status”>Send PUT</button> <button hx-delete=”/test-methods” hx-target=”#status”>Send DELETE</button> </div> <div id=”status”>No request sent</div>

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Using response to replace elements ./html-examples/html-example-03.html <script src=”https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@2.0.2”></script> <div id=”test-replace”> <button hx-get=”/test-replace/innerHTML”> If you click, this message will be replaced </button> <button hx-get=”/test-replace/outerHTML” hx-swap=”outerHTML”> If you click, this button will become a div </button> <button hx-get=”/test-replace/delete” hx-swap=”delete”> If you click, this button will disappear when the response is received </button> <button hx-get=”/test-replace/none” hx-swap=”none”> If you click, nothing changes, the response is ignored </button> </div>

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Choosing when to send requests ./html-examples/html-example-04.html <script src=”https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@2.0.2”></script> <!— By default, AJAX requests are triggered by the “natural” event of an element: —> <div id=”test-triggers”> <button hx-get=”/trigger/natural” hx-target=”#status”> In a button the natural event is a click </button> <button hx-trigger=”mouseover” hx-get=”/trigger/mouseover” hx-target=”#status”> This button triggers on mouseover </button> <button hx-trigger=”mouseenter” hx-get=”/trigger/mouseenter” hx-target=”#status”> This button triggers on mouseenter </button> <button hx-trigger=”mouseleave” hx-get=”/trigger/mouseleave” hx-target=”#status”> This button triggers on mouseleave </button> </div> <div id=”status”>No AJAX request sent yet</div>

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More triggering options ./html-examples/html-example-05.html <script src=”https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@2.0.2”></script> <!— By default, AJAX requests are triggered by the “natural” event of an element: —> <div id=”test-triggers”> <button hx-trigger=”every 5s” hx-get=”/trigger/5seconds” hx-target=”#status”> Sends request every 5 seconds, no event needed </button> <button hx-trigger=”click[ctrlKey]” hx-get=”/trigger/ctrlclick” hx-target=”#status”> Sends request on click while pressing Ctrl </button> <button hx-trigger=”click[ctrlKey] once” hx-get=”/trigger/ctrlclickonce” hx-target=”#status”> Sends request on the first click while pressing Ctrl </button> </div> <div id=”status”>No AJAX request sent yet</div>

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A spinner to ease you wait ./html-examples/html-example-06.html <script src=”https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@2.0.2”></script> <!— By default, AJAX requests are triggered by the “natural” event of an element: —> <div id=”test-triggers”> <button hx-trigger=”every 5s” hx-get=”/trigger/5seconds” hx-target=”#status”> Sends request every 5 seconds, no event needed </button> <button hx-trigger=”click[ctrlKey]” hx-get=”/trigger/ctrlclick” hx-target=”#status”> Sends request on click while pressing Ctrl </button> <button hx-trigger=”click[ctrlKey] once” hx-get=”/trigger/ctrlclickonce” hx-target=”#status”> Sends request on the first click while pressing Ctrl </button> </div> <div id=”status”>No AJAX request sent yet</div>

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Des extensions presque à l’infini

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Time for More Code! Let’s see a complete example

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Too much theory, show us a demo! example-01.html https://github.com/LostInBrittany/introduction-to-htmx-and-lit

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Let’s do a to-do list From Hello World to a To-do List

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What the heck are web component? The 3 minutes context

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Web Components Web standard W3C

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Web Components Available in all modern browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome

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Web Components Create your own HTML tags Encapsulating look and behavior

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Web Components Fully interoperable With other web components, with any framework

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Custom Element To define your own HTML tag <body> … <script> window.customElements.define(‘my-element’, class extends HTMLElement {…}); </script> <my-element></my-element> </body>

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Shadow DOM To encapsulate subtree and style in an element <button>Hello, world!</button> <script> var host = document.querySelector(‘button’); const shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({mode:’open’}); shadowRoot.textContent = ‘こんにちは、影の世界!’; </script>

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Template To have clonable document template <template id=”mytemplate”> <img src=”” alt=”great image”> <div class=”comment”></div> </template> var t = document.querySelector(‘#mytemplate’); // Populate the src at runtime. t.content.querySelector(‘img’).src = ‘logo.png’; var clone = document.importNode(t.content, true); document.body.appendChild(clone);

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But in fact, it’s just an element… ● ● ● ● Attributes Properties Methods Events

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Simple. Fast. Web Components

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Modern lightweight web components For the new web paradigm

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LitElement import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element’; // Create your custom component class CustomGreeting extends LitElement { // Declare properties static get properties() { return { name: { type: String } }; } // Initialize properties constructor() { super(); this.name = ‘World’; } // Define a template render() { return html<p>Hello, ${this.name}!</p>; } } // Register the element with the browser customElements.define(‘custom-greeting’, CustomGreeting); Lightweight web-components using lit-html

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Based on lit-html An efficient, expressive, extensible HTML templating library for JavaScript

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Do you know tagged templates? function uppercaseExpression(strings, …expressionValues) { var finalString = ” for ( let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++ ) { if (i > 0) { finalString += expressionValues[i - 1].toUpperCase() } finalString += strings[i] } return finalString } const expressions = [ ‘Sophia Antipolis’, ‘RivieraDev’, ‘Thank you’]; console.log(uppercaseJe suis à ${expression[0]} pour ${expression[1]. $expression[2]! Little known functionality of template literals

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lit-html Templates let myTemplate = (data) => html<h1>${data.title}</h1> <p>${data.body}</p>; Lazily rendered Generates a TemplateResult

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It’s a bit like JSX, isn’t it? The good sides of JSX… but in the standard!

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Too much theory, show us a demo! example-01.html https://github.com/LostInBrittany/introduction-to-htmx-and-lit

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Custom Greeting example import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element’; // Create your custom component class CustomGreeting extends LitElement { // Declare properties static get properties() { return { name: { type: String } }; } // Initialize properties constructor() { super(); this.name = ‘World’; } // Define a template render() { return html<p>Hello, ${this.name}!</p>; } } // Register the element with the browser customElements.define(‘custom-greeting’, CustomGreeting); Lightweight web-components using lit-html

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My Lit Counter example Let’s do an interactive counter

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Lit & </> htmx Love at first <tag>

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htmx for structure, Lit to encapsulate logic To htmx, Lit elements are just regular tags

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Too much theory, show us a demo! example-01.html https://github.com/LostInBrittany/introduction-to-htmx-and-lit

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That’s all, folks! Thank you all! r u o ey v a e l e s a Ple ack! b d e e f