Hands-on-lab: Hands on WebAssembly

A presentation at JUG Summer Camp in September 2020 in La Rochelle, France by Horacio Gonzalez

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Hands on Web Assembly Speaker : Horacio Gonzalez - @LostInBrittany

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Who are we? Introducing myself and introducing OVH OVHcloud

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Horacio Gonzalez @LostInBrittany Spaniard lost in Brittany, developer, dreamer and all-around geek Flutter

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OVHcloud: A Global Leader 200k Private cloud VMs running 1 Dedicated IaaS Europe 30 Datacenters Own 20Tbps Hosting capacity : 1.3M Physical Servers 360k Servers already deployed Netwok with 35 PoPs

1.3M Customers in 138 Countries

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OVHcloud: Our solutions Cloud Web Hosting Mobile Hosting Telecom VPS Containers ▪ Dedicated Server Domain names VoIP Public Cloud Compute ▪ Data Storage Email SMS/Fax Private Cloud ▪ Network and Database CDN Virtual desktop Serveur dédié Security Object Storage Web hosting Cloud Storage Over the Box ▪ Licences Cloud Desktop Securities MS Office Hybrid Cloud Messaging MS solutions

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How is the codelab structured? What are we coding today?

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A GitHub repository https://github.com/LostInBrittany/wasm-codelab

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Nothing to install Using WebAssembly Explorer and WebAssembly Studio

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Only additional tool: a web server Because of the browser security model

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Procedure: follow the steps Step by step

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But before coding, let’s speak What’s this WebAssembly thing?

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Did we say WebAssembly? WASM for the friends…

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WebAssembly, what’s that? Let’s try to answer those (and other) questions…

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A low-level binary format for the web Not a programming language A compilation target

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That runs on a stack-based virtual machine A portable binary format that runs on all modern browsers… but also on NodeJS!

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With several key advantages

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But above all… WebAssembly is not meant to replace JavaScript

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Who is using WebAssembly today? And many more others…

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A bit of history Remembering the past to better understand the present

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Executing other languages in the browser A long story, with many failures…

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2012 - From C to JS: enter emscripten Passing by LLVM pivot

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Wait, dude! What’s LLVM? A set of compiler and toolchain technologies

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2013 - Generated JS is slow… Let’s use only a strict subset of JS: asm.js Only features adapted to AOT optimization

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WebAssembly project Joint effort

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Hello W(asm)orld My first WebAssembly program

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I don’t want to install a compiler now… Let’s use Wasm Explorer https://mbebenita.github.io/WasmExplorer/

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Let’s begin with the a simple function WAT: WebAssembly Text Format Human readable version of the .wasm binary

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Download the binary .wasm file Now we need to call it from JS…

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Instantiating the Wasm 1. Get the .wasm binary file into an array buffer 2. Compile the bytes into a WebAssembly module 3. Instantiate the WebAssembly module

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Instantiating the WASM

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Loading the squarer function We instantiate the Wasm by loading the wrapping JS

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Using it! Directly from the browser console (it’s a simple demo…)

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You sold us a codelab! Stop speaking and let us code

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You can do steps 01 and 02 now Let’s code, mates!

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Some use cases What can I do with it?

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Tapping into other languages ecosystems Don’t rewrite libs anymore

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Replacing problematic JS bits Predictable performance Same peak performance, but less variation

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Features of Wasm Why is everybody looking at it?

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Near native speed https://medium.com/wasmer/benchmarking-webassembly-runtimes-18497ce0d76e

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Highly portable It can be run almost everywhere…

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Readable and debuggable Each .wasm file with it .wat companion file

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Memory safe & secure Running in a fully sandboxed environment

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Accepting many source languages And more and more…

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Some constraints Still a young platform

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Native WASM types are limited WASM currently has four available types: ● ● ● ● i32: 32-bit integer i64: 64-bit integer f32: 32-bit float f64: 64-bit float Types from languages compiled to WASM are mapped to these

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How can we share data? Using the same data in WASM and JS? Shared linear memory between them, and serializing the data to one Wasm types

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Solution is coming: Interface types Beautiful description at: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/08/webassembly-interface-types

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No outside access By design, communication is done using the shared linear memory only

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Solution exists: WASI

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Mono-thread and scalar operations only Not the most efficient way…

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Solution exists: SIMD

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Solutions are coming too: Wasm Threads Threads on Web Workers with shared linear memory

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Incoming proposals: Garbage collector And exception handling

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You can do steps 03 and 04 now Let’s code, mates!

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AssemblyScript Writing WASM without learning a new language

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TypeScript subset compiled to WASM Why would I want to compile TypeScript to WASM?

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Ahead of Time compiled TypeScript More predictable performance

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Avoiding the dynamicness of JavaScript More specific integer and floating point types

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Objects cannot flow in and out of WASM yet Using a loader to write/read them to/from memory

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No direct access to DOM Glue code using exports/imports to/from JavaScript

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You can do step 05 now Let’s code, mates!

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WebAssembly ❤ Web Components How to hide the complexity and remove friction

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The 3 minutes context What the heck are web component?

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Web Components Web standard W3C

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Web Components Available in all modern browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome

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Web Components Create your own HTML tags Encapsulating look and behavior

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Web Components Fully interoperable With other web components, with any framework

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Custom Element To define your own HTML tag <body> … <script> window.customElements.define(‘my-element’, class extends HTMLElement {…}); </script> <my-element></my-element> </body>

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Shadow DOM To encapsulate subtree and style in an element <button>Hello, world!</button> <script> var host = document.querySelector(‘button’); const shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({mode:’open’}); shadowRoot.textContent = ‘こんにちは、影の世界!’; </script>

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Template To have clonable document template <template id=”mytemplate”> <img src=”” alt=”great image”> <div class=”comment”></div> </template> var t = document.querySelector(‘#mytemplate’); // Populate the src at runtime. t.content.querySelector(‘img’).src = ‘logo.png’; var clone = document.importNode(t.content, true); document.body.appendChild(clone);

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But in fact, it’s just an element… ● ● ● ● Attributes Properties Methods Events

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You can do step 06 and 07 now Let’s code, mates!