Open Source & OVH

A presentation at Rencontres Régionales du Logiciel Libre in September 2018 in Nantes, France by Horacio Gonzalez

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Open Source & OVH Our promise, your freedom Didier Caroff Horacio Gonzalez RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Horacio Gonzalez @LostInBrittany Spaniard lost in Brittany, developer, dreamer and all-around geek RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Users vs contributors An open source dilema RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Open source has won RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Well, has it really won? RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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The open source paradox Companies make lots of money from open source but contributors get ony bread crumbs... RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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The Redis example Have you heard about it? What do you think? RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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If you make money on it, contribute! Many ways to contribute: ● ● ● ● ● Contribute your code Sponsor Organize meetups Write blog posts Be an active member of the community! RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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OVH and the open source We love open source! We build great things with it! And we contribute RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Many kinds of contribution ● Projects intended to be OSS ● Internal projects released as OSS ● Contribution to established projects ● Contribution to projects' ecosystem RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Projects intended to be OSS CDS: Continuous Delivery System RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Projects intended to be OSS CDS: Continuous Delivery System Enterprise-Grade Continuous Delivery & DevOps Automation Open Source Platform RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Why another CI/CD tool? It begins as an internal need: The quest for a CI/CD tool for OVH RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Why another CI/CD tool? And what about Jenkins? Travis? Buildbot? RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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The need A common tool for all OVH products to: ● Compile ● Test ● Package ● Deploy RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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CDS: Continuous Delivery System RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Open source since 2016 Very active project on GitHub RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Internal projects released as OSS OVH Control Panel RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Internal projects released as OSS OVH Control Panel: the OVH Managers (Cloud, Web, Telecom…) RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Why? Why did we opensource our Control Panel? RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Why? The Control Panel is the cornerstone of OVH services All our customers use it RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Why? ● Getting user feedback ● Getting user contribution ● Commit to transparency ● Create a community RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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The long road... ● Announced in OVH Summit 2016 ● Released on July 2017 ● In between? ○ ○ ○ ○ Guidelines Toolbox Cleaning code Documentation RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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The ecosystem OVH Metrics projects RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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OVH Metrics build over OSS At the heart of OVH Metrics: Warp 10, by Cityzen Data RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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And around it, lots of code! RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Releasing some of that code... ● Beamium - metrics scraper for Warp10 & Prometheus ● Noderig - Export OS stats as Sensision Metrics ● Metronome - Distributed, fault tolerant scheduler RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Giving a hand with the community Co-organizing the Warp 10 Meetup RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Working together in OSS projects RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Contribution to established projects OpenStack RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Why? OVH Cloud is built on OpenStack RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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The journey of contribution... RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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A case of atypical usage In 2012 OVH was and early adopter… and an atypical user: Public Cloud RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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An increasing commitment ● Participating to OpenStack Summit since 2014 ● Corporate sponsor since 2014 ● Infrastructure Donor since 2016 ● Sponsoring OpenStack Academy since 2017 ● Organizing events and meetups RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Technical contributions Increasingly larger OpenStack code contribution RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Committed to interoperability OpenStack Powered label RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Open source & our customers Our promise, your freedom RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Build on open source isn't all All cloud providers use Open Source RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Most actors force vendor lock-in ● ● ● ● ● Difficult portability No interoperability Contracts Exit Fees VP lobbying RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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For us open source means freedom ● ● ● ● Freedom to take away your data Freedom to install the solution yourself Freedom to host the solution Freedom to be multi-provider RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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How open source helps? ● Standard and open APIs ● Standard and open formats ● Standard and open products RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18

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Conclusion That's all folks! RRLL 2018​ 2018-09-18