Michelle Barker

Michelle Barker

Michelle is a Senior Front End Developer at Ada Mode, with an interest in tech for good and creative coding. She is author of front-end blog CSS { In Real Life }, as well as a writer for Smashing Magazine, MDN, Web.dev, Codrops and CSS Tricks. Michelle is a regular speaker on CSS topics and digital sustainability. She has a background in illustration, and enjoys tinkering with code in creative demos and side projects, as well as helping others to fall in love with CSS.

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More presentations
Modern CSS Layout is Awesome! Beyond Tellerand April 2023
Creative CSS Layout State of the browser October 2022
Modern CSS Layout Smashing Conference Freiburg 2022 September 2022
Creative CSS Layout & the Flexible Web CSS Day June 2022
Building a Greener Web Toronto Web Performance February 2022
Custom Properties: The Secret Ingredients for CSS Magic Smashing Meets – Happy Holidays Edition December 2020
Custom Properties: The Secret Ingredients for CSS Magic Bath Digital Festival October 2020
Custom Properties: The Secret Ingredients for CSS Magic SmashingConf Live August 2020
Building the Zig-Zag Gradient Lab Vienna Calling July 2020
Debugging CSS Grid Bristol JS November 2019
A Guide to Debugging CSS Grid Generate CSS September 2019
When Grids Go Wrong: Debugging CSS Grid State Of The Browser September 2019
When Grids Go Wrong: Debugging CSS Grid London CSS August 2019
Building Intelligent Layouts with CSS Grid WordCamp Bristol May 2019
Building Complex Layouts with CSS Grid Future Sync April 2019
Building Intelligent Layouts with CSS Grid Upfront Conf March 2019
Building Intelligent Layouts with CSS Grid Bristol Wordpress People March 2019
Building Challenging Layouts with CSS Grid Women Who Code January 2019
Super-powered Layouts with CSS Grid and CSS Variables Bath Digital Festival: All-Dayer for Web Makers October 2018
Super-powered Layouts with CSS Grid and CSS Variables Web Dev Conference October 2018
Super-powered Layouts with CSS Grid and CSS Variables State Of The Browser 2018 September 2018
Super-powered Layouts with CSS Grid and CSS Variables Bristol JS June 2018