Hands-on with Ember Octane

A presentation at Ember Chicago August Meetup in August 2019 in Chicago, IL, USA by Melanie Sumner

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Hands-on with Ember Octane A practical look at the latest from Ember.js

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Timeline August 5th No new features LTS Candidate 3.13 Beta September 16th 3.12 becomes LTS 3.14 Beta First release of Ember that defaults to Octane Ember Inspector First release that contains all of Octane’s features 3.12 3.13 3.14

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Classic vs. Octane

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Application Template Wrapper Classic Mode Octane Mode $ ember feature:disable application-template-wrapper

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jQuery Classic Mode Octane Mode • jQuery is included by default. • Ember components have a this.$ method. • jQuery is not included by default $ ember feature:disable jquery-integration

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Template-only Components Classic Mode Octane Mode • Template-only components get an implicit component class. • Template-only components have no (implicit or otherwise) component class. $ ember feature:enable template-only-glimmer-component

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Observers Classic Mode Octane Mode • Observers fire synchronously by default • Observer fire asynchronously by default $ ember feature:enable default-async-observers

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Idiom Changes

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Ember vs. Standard Class Syntax Classic Mode Idiom Octane Mode Idiom • subclass from framework classes • subclass from framework classes using JavaScript class syntax Route.extend({ … }) Controller.extend({ … }) class extends Route {…} class extends Controller {…} Migration Guide: https://tinyurl.com/octane-migration

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Computed vs. @tracked Classic Mode Idiom Octane Mode Idiom • State that could influence the output (“mutable state”) is marked using .set or Ember.set and use computed from @ember/object to describe derived state. Computed properties enumerate their dependent keys explicitly. • State that could influence the output is marked as @tracked. No other annotations are needed. Migration Guide: https://tinyurl.com/octane-migration

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Components Classic Mode Idiom Octane Mode Idiom • Components subclass from @ember/component. They use APIs like classNameBinding to configure the root element, and use lifecycle hooks on the component class to interact with the DOM. • Components subclass from @glimmer/component. They describe all elements, including the root element, in the template. They use modifiers to interact with the DOM. Migration Guide: https://tinyurl.com/octane-migration

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{{action}} vs. {{on}} Classic Mode Idiom Octane Mode Idiom • To handle events on a component’s root element, create a method on the component that corresponds to the event. To handle events on another element, use the {{action}} helper and put the action in the actions hash in your component. • To handle events on an element, use the {{on}} helper. Migration Guide: https://tinyurl.com/octane-migration

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Curly Braces vs. Angle Brackets Classic Mode Idiom Octane Mode Idiom • Components are invoked using {{component-name}} and {{#component-name}} syntax. • You invoke components using <ComponentName> syntax. Migration Guide: https://tinyurl.com/octane-migration

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Implicit vs. required this Classic Mode Idiom Octane Mode Idiom • You can refer to properties on the component as {{propertyName}} • References to properties on a component must be {{this.propertyName}} Migration Guide: https://tinyurl.com/octane-migration

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File Layout Classic Mode Idiom Octane Mode Idiom • A component’s files are in two places: • A component’s files are in the same place: app/components/componentname.js app/components/componentname.js app/templates/components/co mponent-name.hbs app/components/componentname.hbs Migration Guide: https://tinyurl.com/octane-migration

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Migration A reasonable approach

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Recommended Migration Order 1. Migrate away from observers before migrating to @tracked

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Recommended Migration Order 2. The template codemods are generally easier and more automatable, so they should be done first: • ember-angle-brackets-codemod • ember-no-implicit-this-codemod

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Recommended Migration Order 3. Classic Component Changes Step 3.1: remove use of implicit this

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Recommended Migration Order 3. Classic Component Changes Step 3.2: migrate to tagName:’’

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Recommended Migration Order Step 3.2: migrate to tagName:’’ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. wrap your component in a root element Change classNames to class=”…” Change classNameBindings to class={{…}} Change attributeBindings becomes attr={{…}} Change methods like click to {{on “click”}} 6. move DOM manipulation logic to modifiers (or at least emberrender-modifiers)

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Recommended Migration Order 3. Classic Component Changes Step 3.3: migrate {{action}} and the actions hash to {{on}} in the template and @action in the component.js file

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Recommended Migration Order 3. Classic Component Changes Step 3.4: migrate to native class syntax

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Recommended Migration Order 3. Classic Component Changes Step 5: migrate .set and computed properties to @tracked

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Codemods Native class codemod Angle bracket codemod No implicit this codemod https://github.com/ember-codemods

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Reference Materials • https://ember-learn.github.io/ember-octanevs-classic-cheat-sheet/ • https://codingitwrong.com/2019/07/23/em ber-component-cheat-sheet.html

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Extra Support • ember-template-lint • Updates for Octane support • New a11y rules • #topic-octane-migration

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Thank you!