EmberConf 2023 Keynote, Part 3

A presentation at EmberConf 2023 in July 2023 in Portland, OR, USA by Melanie Sumner

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So, what now? Turning inspiration into action

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A Keynote in three parts

  1. What is the vision? 2. What are the technical details? 3. What do we do now?

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“Okay but How do we make all of these awesome ideas happen?” -All EmberConf Attendees

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How does Ember work?

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100% collaborative effort

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What can that look like?

  1. Jen submits a PR to the guides to clarify a confusing sentence 2. Isaac donates to Ember through open collective 3. Mainmatter donates 20% of their employees’ time to work on Open Source 4. Hashicorp sponsored the Embroider Initiative 5. Heroku donates product for our use

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The role of core teams

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What do the core teams do?

  1. Define the vision for the project 2. Facilitate progress by writing quest issues, reviewing PRs 3. Lead the work, making space for others to join in

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The role of the Ember community

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What does the community do?

  1. Participate in the RFC process 2. Collaborate on implementation 3. Help write docs 4. Try out new features & provide feedback And much, mu ch m ore!!

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We all do the work.

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“What if I don’t SEE Progress?”

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“I don’t perceive progress in {{this.area}}… how can I get involved?” - Any Ember Community Member

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How to get involved: Places you can start

  1. visit #new-contributors in discord 2. Start a conversation at work about supporting Open Source 3. Reach out to schedule a call, let’s brainstorm and figure out what works best for you and your team.

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Help with Polaris

Polaris project Board: Https://github.com/orgs/ emberjs/projects/9 DM Melsumner to join The polaris Team!

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How Ember works best!

Ember works Best When we all participate