A presentation at EmberConf 2020 by Anne-Greeth van Herwijnen
Contributing to an open-source repository might seem scary for a lot of reasons. Maybe you just started with the framework, language or with software development in general. Maybe it is intimidating to try and jump into a project when others are already so invested and knowledgeable. However, contributing to Ember should be something that is accessible to everyone. In this talk I would like to tell my own story of how I became an Ember contributor. Drawing from scientific research, I will show how the community could make it easier for others to get involved.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Nice research on episodic volunteering in free and open source communities
Blogpost by Yehuda Katz on Ember and Community
Shorter version mostly about my journey in contributing to Ember
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.