Cloud native Java microservices with GraalVM native image

A presentation at Devoxx UK in November 2021 in London, UK by Oleg Šelajev

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Cloud native Java microservices with GraalVM native image Oleg Šelajev @shelajev

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Developer advocate

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What is GraalVM?

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Increased performance in Real-World Application Benchmarks

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Startup Speed Peak Throughput JIT AOT Reduced Max Latency Low Memory Footprint Small Packaging

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Getting started in 5 easy steps 1. Download the archive 2. Unpack: tar -zxf … 3. export GRAALVM_HOME=… 4.export PATH=$GRAALVM_HOME/bin:$PATH -jar your-application.jar install native-image

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Native Image fundamentals java –jar … Run time

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Native Image fundamentals native-image –jar … Build time ./application Run time

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Native Image Build Process Input: All classes from application, libraries, and VM Application Output: Native executable Points-to Analysis Ahead-of-Tim Compilation Libraries Code in Text Section Run Initializations JDK Heap Snapshotting Substrate VM


Iterative analysis until fixed point is reached Image Heap Writing Image Heap in Data Section

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Configuring Native Image build: Reflection, Proxies, JNI, Resources, etc

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Configuring Native Image build: Reflection, Proxies, JNI, Resources, etc java -agentlib:native-image-agent= config-output-dir=META-INF/native-image -jar App.jar

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Class initialization! native-image –jar … Build time ./application Run time

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Class initialization! native-image –jar … ./application Build time Run time -H:+PrintClassInitializatio —initialize-at-build-time= —initialize-at-run-time=p.C1 n p

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Working on making native executables smaller -H:DashboardDump=dumpfileoversized -H:+DashboardAll

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Optimizing the binary size even further upx —best -k mynativeimage Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates

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Optimizing Docker images

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Optimizing Docker images • Use slim base images • Use Distroless base images • • -H:+StaticExecutableWithDynamicLib • Use FROM scratch Docker image C • —static —libc=musl

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Configuring memory usage for Native Image • • • • • -Xmx - maximum heap size in bytes -Xms - minimum heap size in bytes -Xmn - the size of the young generation in bytes -XX:+PrintGC - print basic information for every garbage collection -XX:+VerboseGC - can be added to print further garbage collection details At build time: • -R:MaxHeapSize - maximum heap size in bytes

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Addressing Peak Throughput & Max Latency • G1 Garbage Collector option for native image for better max latenc • Profile-guided optimizations (PGO) for better peak performance Workloads Instrumented Binary native-image —pgo Profiles y native-image —pgo-instrument Optimized Binary

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Startup Speed Peak Throughput JIT AOT Reduced Max Latency Low Memory Footprint Small Packaging

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fi Binary le

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Testing GraalVM native image applications

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How we test Java applications? java –jar … Run time Testcontainers

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The honeycomb

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The honeycomb 🤔 Testcontainers

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How can we test Native Image apps? native-image –jar … Build time ./application Run time

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Native Build Tools

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Native Build Tools

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Testcontainers 🐋 Database Test Application code Kafka API

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Testcontainers 🐋 Database API tests UI tests App Kafka API

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Monitoring GraalVM native image applications

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JFR recording (custom events mostly)

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Container based monitoring

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Build tools • sbt native clien • • • mvnd t •

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GraalVM Native Image Support in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x The test application creates an S3Client with ApacheHttpClient and sends a simple GetObjectRequest. In our testing, we measured the SDK 2.x startup time and the first request latency as well as the memory usage.

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Writing Kubectl plugins with Scala or Java, with Fabric8 Kubernetes client on GraalVM Rewriting a kubectl plugin from a standard Go stack to a more comfortable approach with Scala has been challenging and rewarding. We are really happy with the result, and we arguably improved it in several ways.

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AOT native-image MyMainClas ./mymainclass JIT Java on Truffle java MyMainClass s java -truffle MyMainClass

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JIT AOT Java cod Java code AOT + JIT Java code (AOT + VM Java HotSpot VM VM

  • Java on Truffl + Truffle + GraalVM JI (all of which i Java code) ) e s T e Java code (JIT)

Mixing AOT and JIT in Java programs

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