Making your own Making yourmodule own Testcontainers for fun and profit! Testcontainers module
for fun and profit!
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What is productivity? The developer-centric approach to measuring and improving productivity. Abi Noda, DX Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria Nicole Forsgren, Microsoft Research Michaela Greiler, DX
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Test dependencies as code
Testcontainers is an open source library for providing ephemeral, lightweight instances of test dependencies.
var redis = new GenericContainer(“redis:6-alpine”).withExposedPorts(6379)
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Testcontainers: Test dependencies with real services wrapped in Docker containers var granite = new GenericContainer(“redhat/granite-7b-lab-gguf”).withCommand(“—serve”)
Testcontainers Library
Testcontainers Desktop
Testcontainers Cloud
Fast, reasistic, cost-effective dependencies
Better local development and debugging experience
Operationalize and roll out Testcontainers across the teams
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Testcontainers modules Test against any database, message broker, browser… or just about anything that runs in a Docker container!
Slide 11 has it :)
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Testcontainers module functionality
Container & Service Configuration Lifecycle API Convenience methods op