Process isolation
FileSystem, Network
CPU/memory limits
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Con guring multiple services simultaneously
Flexibility in creating test data or use-cases
Separation of production & test environments
Dynamic con guration of external mappings
Parallel deployments fi
Testcontainers-java •
Created 7 years ago
Uses docker-java API
Integrates with frameworks, like Spring, JUnit
Automatic Docker environment discovery
Automatic cleanup
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Replacing a hard problem with a hard solution is not success. Nor is replacing an easy problem with an easy solution.
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System checks Checking the system… ✔ Docker version should be at least 1.6.0 ✔ Docker environment should have more than 2GB free disk space ✔ File should be mountable
✔ A port exposed by a docker container should be accessible
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The problem
Extra mile
Port conflicts
Port randomization
Hard-coded scenarios
Data-driven tests
Slow tests
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We think it’s a useful default option for creating a reliable environment for running tests. … Our teams have consistently found this library of programmable, lightweight and disposable containers to make functional tests more reliable. https://www.thoughtworks.com/en-us/radar/languages-and-frameworks/testcontainers
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Show me the code
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Model: record Rating (String talkId, Integer value) {}