Making Open Weather Data More Accessible: Extracting Seasonal Insights from Singapore Weather Station Data

A presentation at Open Up Global Summit 2019 in in Taipei, Taiwan by Ong Chin Hwee

Making Open Weather Data More Accessible: Extracting Seasonal Insights from Singapore Weather Station Data 讓天氣數據資料開源-洞悉新加坡天氣站的季節性資料

Most of the world experience the four seasons, but how many seasons does a tropical country like Singapore have? We can get such insights from publicly-available weather data; however, we need to write scripts to make API requests to retrieve the data. In this talk, I will be sharing about a data-scraping tool that I have created to retrieve Singapore weather station data for a user-defined time period, and using a data-driven approach to gain a better understanding on the weather trends and seasons over the past few years.


Buzz and feedback

Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.