My Amsterdam

A presentation at Service Design in Government 2017 in March 2017 in London, UK by Peter Boersma

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Peter Boersma

  • City of Amsterdam - @pboersma

Service Design in Government - March 8-10, 2017 - London, United Kingdom

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I am peter b oersma / @pboersma 1970 
 commodore 16 information ergonomics 
 20 years at interactive agencies

design process freak 
 in-house UX strategist

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I am peter b oersma / @pboersma hired by the City of Amsterdam 
 as online product manager

to develop the concept for 
 an online integrated customer view

and manage its 
 user experience strategy and roadmap

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I am an agenda

my amsterdam

prototype challenges lessons advice q&a

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I am an elevator pitch for citizens, companies and institutes

the City of Amsterdam offers 
 an online Integrated Customer View 
 application which is a layer over 
 a channel-independent application

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I am an online integrated customer view for citizens , companies and institutes who want to know how they are registered with the City

who want to know (the history of) the status of service-processes they are engaged in

who want to (and are allowed to) take next steps in these processes

who don’t want to (or can’t) use other channels such as a service desk or call centre the City of Amsterdam offers an online Integrated Customer View application where their registered profile is shown

where the status of current and completed processes are shown

where information about, and links to, possible actions are given

where suggestions for other, relevant processes are made which is a layer over a channel-independent application with layers for other target groups , e.g. civil servants

with layers for other channels , e.g. mobile, service desks, call centre

with an underlying layer of webservices to support all applications My Amsterdam 
 (online & personal) Integrated 
 Customer View 
 (not public & virtual) } }

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I am an online integrated customer view the concept sketch

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I am an online integrated customer view professional citizen the current situation - offline

product-specific application (for professional)

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I am an online integrated customer view citizen product 
 forms professional the current situation - online ?

public website

product-specific application (for professional)

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I am an online integrated customer view my profile product 
 statuses My Amsterdam is a thin layer over product applications citizen product

My Amsterdam
product-specific application 
 (for citizen) manage 
 account edit 

login welcome product webservice

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I am an online integrated customer view webservices are also connected to applications for professionals citizen professional product 
 statuses product

product-specific application (for professional) My Amsterdam
product webservice

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I am an online integrated customer view a citizen’s context determines which products get suggested citizen professional product 
 statuses suggestion my profile product 

suggestion engine My Amsterdam
public website
product-specific application 
 (for citizen)

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I am an online integrated customer view what we have designed, built & usability-tested so far 1 product 
 status my profile product

1 product webservice profile webservice login webservice welcome login suggestion engine 
 proof-of-concept My Amsterdam
 profile 1 product-specific application 
 (for citizen)

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I am an online integrated customer view what we add for every product product 
 status product product 


product-specific application 
 (for citizen) product-specific application (for professional) suggestion rules

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I am an online integrated customer view the collection of web services is the real integrated customer view citizen professional products

 service web 
 service web 
 service web 

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I am an agenda my amsterdam


challenges lessons advice q&a

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I am a prototype - welcome page

login for citizens login for employers welcome

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I am a prototype - login using national digital ID

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I am a prototype - My Amsterdam with statuses welcome current processes status and description view details

product name

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I am a prototype - My Amsterdam with statuses suggestions finished processes

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I am a prototype - product detail page (parking permit) product details product documents product actions

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I am a prototype - product-specific application (parking) product details product documents product actions product line overview product line actions product line suggestions product line info

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I am a prototype - my registered profile name 
 core profile details core profile product profile data settings

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I am a prototype - my registered profile name 
 addresses marital status family nationality passports

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I am a prototype - My Amsterdam with lot of statuses

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I am a prototype - My Amsterdam with lot of statuses

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I am a prototype - product-specific application (in-home care)

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I am a prototype - product-specific application (in-home care)

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I am a prototype - product-specific application (income)

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I am a prototype - product-specific application (welfare)

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I am a prototype - product-specific application

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I am a prototype - product-specific application (taxes)

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I am a prototype - product-specific application (deaths) funeral company profile this month’s registered funerals

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I am a prototype - design pattern library

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I am a prototype - design pattern library

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I am an agenda my amsterdam prototype challenges - agile or waterfall?

  • make or buy? lessons advice q&a

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I am a challenge - agile or waterfall?

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I am a challenge - agile or waterfall ? “in Amsterdam, everything 
 takes 3 months”

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I am a solution - agilefall PoC basics roadmap (“backlog”) specific app specific app generic app improve basics specific app specific app specific app specific app specific app generic app specific app ? ? ? ? specific app generic app improve 
 basics ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? generic app Q1 Q2-Q3 Q4 concept Q4 waterfall agile waterfall agile waterfall agile 2015 2016 2017

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I am an agenda my amsterdam prototype challenges - agile or waterfall? - make or buy?

lessons advice q&a

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I am a challenge - make or buy? “we are not 
 in the business of making software” Jan Flippo, Amsterdam’s CIO

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I am a challenge

  • make or buy?

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I am a challenge

  • make or buy? Using modern technologies and hosted in the cloud, 
 a new UI and information model were built 
 for Atlas, a map-based geographical information system.

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I am

a challenge - make or buy? The “Easy Market” app was rolled out across all Amsterdam markets 
 within 2 months of finishing the working prototype. login scan administration annotate payment

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I am

a challenge - make or buy? The “Report Nuisance” app was tested with 150 users, is managed by the upholders and used by the neighbourhood. The number of resolved complaints has increased.

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I am a challenge

  • make or buy?

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I am a solution - make and buy formal process to prepare to buy PoC basics roadmap (“backlog”) specific app specific app generic app improve basics specific app specific app specific app specific app specific app generic app specific app ? ? ? ? specific app generic app improve 
 basics ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? generic app Q1 Q2-Q3 Q4 concept Q4

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I am a solution - make and buy - market consultation

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I am a solution - make and buy - market consultation

Market Consultation concluded: 
 My Amsterdam is timely; expected by citizens & companies the software industry offers partial solutions and standardsin-house data-services need to be professionalised organisational impact means closer collaboration required organisation: “please minimise redesign of service processes” working agile is the preferred way

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I am a solution - make and buy

Market Consultation recommended: 
 build a modular system buy modules individually vs. one monolithic systemstart multiple projects for different (groups of ) modules define a governance model look around for similar initiatives elsewhere

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I am an agenda my amsterdam prototype challenges lessons - checklists

  • connecting applications - people advice q&a

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I am a lesson - checklists shortcuts that we have taken proposed key performance indicators rules to prioritise additional products checklist for connecting products service concept (how we help the organisation)

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I am a lesson - checklists shortcuts that we have taken proposed key performance indicators rules to prioritise additional products checklist for connecting products service concept (how we help the organisation)

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I am a lesson - rules to prioritise additional products

  1. requests by users 
 (citizens & companies & institutes) 

  2. fit for online self-service 
 (product & organisation)

 3. promising business case 
 (investments vs. savings) 4. we realise that politicians will influence priorities, but we cannot predict or measure that

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I am a lesson - requests by users: citizen survey results survey about 
 user needs 
 (N=425) community to 
 discuss attitudes (N=122) survey about 
 My Amsterdam (N=438)

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I am a lesson - requests by users: citizen survey results civil affairs taxes & charges garbage health & care parking & traffic leisure work & income education & youth permits those who selected more than 3 themes, were asked to select a top 3 (green) themes 
 top 3

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I am a lesson - requests by users: citizen survey results overall appeal overall usefulness intention to use archive appeal very high high neutral low very low

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I am a lesson - checklists shortcuts that we have taken proposed key performance indicators rules to prioritise additional products checklist for connecting products service concept (how we help the organisation)

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intake user & business goals are clear organisational unit is ready to build design & build the product status is available the application is defined & implemented everything is tested launch & maintain organisational unit is ready to launch rest of the organisation is prepared I am a lesson - checklist for connecting products

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I am a lesson - checklists shortcuts that we have taken proposed key performance indicators rules to prioritise additional products checklist for connecting products service concept (how we help the organisation)

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I am a lesson - checklists - service concept why do we do this? 
 (execute parts of the organisational strategy) 
 what services do we deliver? 
 (maintain My Amsterdam, standards for applications, open-up data) 
 how do we do this? 
 (improve My Amsterdam, develop applications,

work with departments) 
 who is involved? 
 (design team in Service department, other roles elsewhere) 
 when do we do what? 
 (criteria, priorities, surveys, budgets)

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I am an agenda my amsterdam prototype challenges lessons - checklists - connecting applications

  • people advice q&a

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I am a lesson - specifications for connected applications

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I am a lesson - specifications for connected applications PAGE TREE Scope - Proof of Concept Scope - Basic environment Scope - Roadmap

Roadmap - Generic Applications

Roadmap - Product Specific Applications … Specific Application - Move Specific Application - WMO, including H…

Roadmap - Future Professional Applications

Roadmap - On Hold

Application factsheet (template)

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Specific Application Introduction Users Functionality

Status in My Amsterdam

Specific Application

APIs Technology Meetings Contacts Misc. I am a lesson - specifications for connected applications

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I am a lesson - dashboard for connected applications product- specific application org design webservice 
 live? readiness source state source state welfare ready internal final internal final beta in-home care busy internal mockups external connected no permits almost internal mockups external connected no land rights busy internal flows & mockups external sketch no taxes no external reviewed external sketch no parking no external reviewed external sketch no house values ready external reviewed external no no work & income busy external reviewed “internal” sketch beta

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I am an agenda my amsterdam prototype challenges lessons - checklists - connecting applications - people

advice q&a

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? I am a network of people My Amsterdam team launch committee product owners DevOps IT enterprise architects domain experts application providers service department UX lab process improvers application managers public website editors city hall desks privacy experts call center API developers other departments other channels

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I am a network of people

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I am an agenda my amsterdam prototype challenges lessons



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I am advice from Amsterdam


  • prototype, launch small, learn


  • in planned, incremental steps


  • connect with the organisation and people will be exhilarated!

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I am an agenda my amsterdam prototype challenges lessons advice


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Peter Boersma

  • City of Amsterdam - @pboersma

Service Design in Government - March 8-10, 2017 - London, United Kingdom