Getting your Team Passionate About Web Performance to Achieve Performant Web Apps

A presentation at FrontEnd Connect in December 2018 in Warsaw, Poland by Nicolas Goutay

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Getting your Team Passionate About Web Performance g to Achieve Performant Web Apps & /phacks

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πŸ‘‹ Hi! I am Nicolas Goutay. I work at Theodo, a web consultancy based in Paris & London. I build JS & Python web applications. I have stage fright am excited to be here with all of you ☺ You can find me online (Twitter & GitHub) on @phacks. & /phacks

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Last February, 3 Theodo web apps were performant. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ & /phacks

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Last February, 3 Theodo web apps were performant. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Last June, 8 Theodo web apps were performant. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ & /phacks

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Last February, 3 Theodo web apps were performant. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Last June, 8 Theodo web apps were performant. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Today, 12 Theodo web apps are performant. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ & /phacks

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The Culture of Web Performance πŸ› Structure & /phacks

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The Culture of Web Performance πŸ› Structure πŸ›  Tooling & /phacks

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The Culture of Web Performance πŸ› Structure πŸ›  Tooling πŸ’‘ Knowledge & /phacks

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πŸ› Structure Leveraging Lean methodologies & /phacks

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What is Lean? Lean is a systematic method to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. & /phacks

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What is Lean? Lean is a systematic method to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Helped propel Toyota from a small company to the world’s largest automaker in ~50 years. & /phacks

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What is Lean? Lean is a systematic method to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Helped propel Toyota from a small company to the world’s largest automaker in ~50 years. Its roots trace back to manufacturing, but it can be applied to any industry, including digital product crafting. & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream In Lean, the Value Stream is a representation of all the value-added steps in the process to go from the raw materials to the finished product. & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream In Lean, the Value Stream is a representation of all the value-added steps in the process to go from the raw materials to the finished product. It helps you understand and visualize the whole process, so that you can easily see waste and fight it. & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream In Lean, the Value Stream is a representation of all the value-added steps in the process to go from the raw materials to the finished product. It helps you understand and visualize the whole process, so that you can easily see waste and fight it. In Web Perf, the Value Stream would be all the steps for a website to go from the initial user request to it being interactive. & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream We mapped the Value Stream, from backend to frontend and back again, and set out to determine maximum durations at every step. & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream ⏱ βœ… ⏱ ⏱ ❌ βœ… Cache Control: Private & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream πŸ‘€ Forces to look at the whole process, not only frontend/ backend & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream πŸ‘€ Forces to look at the whole process, not only frontend/ backend ⏱ Setting standard times meant that teams asked for help much sooner, and it was easier and faster to help them & /phacks

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Identifying the Value Stream πŸ‘€ Forces to look at the whole process, not only frontend/ backend ⏱ Setting standard times meant that teams asked for help much sooner, and it was easier and faster to help them πŸ’΅ Great format to communicate with stakeholders and get buy-in, as it makes β€œtech stuff” much more tangible & /phacks

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Jidoka: catch problems at the earliest In Toyota factories, whenever a defect is spotted on the assembly line, the operator stops the whole line to try and fix the defect instead of passing it down the line. Then, the process is refined to make sure that it prevents that defect from happening again. In Lean, this is called Jidoka. & /phacks

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Jidoka: catch problems at the earliest In the IDE: We use the Import Cost VSCode extension to detect heavy libraries when we add them to our code. & /phacks

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Jidoka: catch problems at the earliest In the command line: We spot avoidable library duplication in bundles using yarn.lock information Runs automatically on yarn or yarn add & /phacks

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Jidoka: catch problems at the earliest In the CI: We check on each PR if the bundle size of our web site is under a certain threshold (here, 500Kb). & /phacks

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Jidoka: catch problems at the earliest Finding the right threshold: Find your users’ average network speed, verify them & use this handmade, organic & gluten-free Performance Budget Calculator & /phacks

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πŸ›  Tooling The Tools of the Trade & /phacks

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Little-known Chrome Dev Tools for Web Perf 🎨 Coverage: Real-time CSS & JS code coverage. πŸ’‘ Helpful for: detecting unused libraries or dead code. & /phacks

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Little-known Chrome Dev Tools for Web Perf 🎨 Paint Flashing: Highlight in green the parts of the UI that has been painted by Chrome. πŸ’‘ Helpful for: detecting useless renders slowing down the UI. & /phacks

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Why Did You Update? ❓ why-did-you-update: Displays a warning in the Chrome console when a React makes unnecessary updates πŸ’‘ Helpful for: detecting useless renders slowing down the UI. & /phacks

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Keeping it small πŸ“¦ bundlesize: CI-friendly bundle size checker. πŸ’‘ Helpful for: detecting if your JS goes over a certain threshold & /phacks

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Keeping it small 😱 Bundlephobia: Find the cost of adding a NPM package to your bundle. πŸ’‘ Helpful for: Deciding between two libraries with similar functionalities. & /phacks

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πŸ’‘ Knowledge Knowledge is power, Sharing is better & /phacks

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Share your discoveries! πŸ“† Weekly Perf: Every week, we have a 1h informal meeting about performance, where we share new libraries, articles, and tackle specific problems on a project. & /phacks

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Share your discoveries! πŸ“† Weekly Perf: Every week, we have a 1h informal meeting about performance, where we share new libraries, articles, and tackle specific problems on a project. πŸ“£ Dedicated channel: On your company’s social network (Slack, Workplace…), set up a channel dedicated to all things Web Perf. & /phacks

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Share your discoveries! πŸ“† Weekly Perf: Every week, we have a 1h informal meeting about performance, where we share new libraries, articles, and tackle specific problems on a project. πŸ“£ Dedicated channel: On your company’s social network (Slack, Workplace…), set up a channel dedicated to all things Web Perf. πŸ“ˆ Showcase your successes: I set up a whiteboard showcasing performant projects, what we learned, and what we’re focusing on right now. & /phacks

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Best resources to get started πŸ’» Online Lighthouse audit; lots of tutorials to implement performance best practices with interactive exercises & /phacks

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Best resources to get started πŸ“– HPBN: High Performance Browser Networking β€” a free ebook teaching deep understanding of how browsers & Web protocols work, so that you can get the most of them & /phacks

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πŸ™ Thanks! & /phacks

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Slides Available at: Sources My article in Planet Lean: Import Cost VSCode extension: Yarn tools to list duplicates: 6878465820605e6c2946f034f70f662c Performance Budget Calculator: 1X7RTp0cQbuSTAlNDO7K-Ln5V4i3iwmWAO0Cndgs4ulw/edit?usp=sharing Bundlesize: Bundlephobia: Why Did You Update?: HPBN: & /phacks