Demystifying incremental static regeneration

A presentation at Decoupled Days 2021 in July 2021 in by Phil Hawksworth

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Demystifying Incremental Static Regeneration And raising the Jamstack ceiling Phil Hawksworth, Netlify

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! @philhawksworth

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These slides and links @philhawksworth

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Why this talk? Terminology / confusion / doubt / opportunity

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Jamstack @philhawksworth

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JavaScript / APIs / Markup ( but Jamstack means more than what it stands for ) @philhawksworth

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Jamstack A way of thinking about how to build for the web. The UI is compiled, the frontend is decoupled, and data is pulled in as needed. @philhawksworth

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Decoupling @philhawksworth

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Compiling @philhawksworth

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Pre-generating @philhawksworth

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It used to be so simple ASK FOR STUFF GET STUFF @philhawksworth

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Decoupling @philhawksworth

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Front-end code is no longer limited to being a product of a back-end system @philhawksworth

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Capable of being served directly from a CDN @philhawksworth

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Offloading hosting complexity as a solved problem @philhawksworth

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Pre-generation of a site + The workflows and automation that unlocks @philhawksworth

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T I F E N E B HUGE Deploys are immutable and atomic @philhawksworth

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Live Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Deploy 89 Live Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Live Deploy 89 Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Deploy 89 Live Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Deploy 89 Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Live Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Zero burden on the developers for caching logic

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Caching is one of the easiest things in computer science — Nobody ever. @philhawksworth

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Confidence & certainty @philhawksworth

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But… (And potentially a big but) @philhawksworth

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WH ? T U O B A T A User generated content?

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WH ? T U O B A T A Sites with huge numbers of pages?

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Has Jamstack reached its ceiling? WH ? T U O AT AB Sites with huge numbers of pages? WH ? T U O AT AB User generated content?

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Incremental builds @philhawksworth

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@ Phil Hawksworth Director of Developer Experience, Netlify

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These slides and links @philhawksworth

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Let’s talk 1 2 Approaches to delivering incremental builds Understanding the benefits and the sacrifices 3 A practical example of a first step to incremental builds

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1 Approaches to delivering incremental builds @philhawksworth

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S E H C A O R APP ISR Incremental Static Regeneration @philhawksworth / DPR Distributed Persistent Rendering / BYO Bring Your Own

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Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) @philhawksworth

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Added to Next.js by Vercel @philhawksworth

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@philhawksworth Source:

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When to render? Specifying the fallback fallback: false fallback: true fallback: blocking If the page was not generated in the build, request will 404 Serve a stale page or holding page but update the cache for future requests Generate a page ondemand and cache it for future @philhawksworth

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An excellent enhancement to Next.js Managing caching behaviours needs careful handling @philhawksworth

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EARLI ER Distributed Persistent Rendering (DPR) @philhawksworth

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Distributed Persistent Rendering (DPR) @philhawksworth

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(Builds with a long tail) @philhawksworth

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Code @philhawksworth

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Code Build Deploy number 75 @philhawksworth

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Code Build Deploy number 75 @philhawksworth On demand

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Code Build Deploy number 75 @philhawksworth On demand

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Code Build Deploy number 75 @philhawksworth On demand

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Code Build Deploy number 76 @philhawksworth

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Code Build Deploy number 76 @philhawksworth On demand

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Code Build Deploy number 76 @philhawksworth On demand

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Live Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Deploy 89 Live Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Live Deploy 89 Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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Deploy 89 Live Deploy 88 Deploy 87 Deploy 86 @philhawksworth Deploy 86

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A serverless function const handler = async event =>” { // return a view }; @philhawksworth

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A serverless function const { builder } = require(“@netlify/functions”); const handler = async event =>” { // return a view }; exports.handler = builder(handler); @philhawksworth

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Help to refine this pattern @philhawksworth

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Bring Your Own What are the underlying primitives you need? @philhawksworth

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Use with any generator or framework @philhawksworth

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A site without complex interdependencies between pages

  • An tool which can generate pages from a set of data
  • The ability to cache things between builds @philhawksworth

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Slide 65 thousands of pages of user content Each new deploy comes from the build cache And then generates new pages and adds them to the build cache @philhawksworth

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2 Understanding the benefits and the sacrifices @philhawksworth

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Generating pages on-demand S G N BRI The ability to serve far larger sites The ability to deliver previously unknown, dynamic content @philhawksworth

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BUT Generating pages on-demand Can re-introduce the uncertainty of what lives at a URL Can violate the contract of atomic, immutable builds Can make architectures harder to reason about @philhawksworth

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So consider your approach carefully Evaluate the functional and non-functional requirements of your project @philhawksworth

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3 A practical example of a first step to incremental builds @philhawksworth

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_redirects /thecode /incremental /supasupa /magic-roundabout /learn/graphql /eleventail /cal /jamstack/london /jamstack/growing @philhawksworth

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BEH S R U AVIO Render the page the first time it is requested Persist the page as part of the latest deploy Start fresh after each new deploy @philhawksworth

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We’ll need 1 2 A function to build the pages on-demand and persist them A way to direct requests to our function

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_redirects /magic-roundabout /learn/graphql /eleventail /cal /jamstack/london /jamstack/growing /qr/*$ /.netlify/functions/show-qr @philhawksworth 200

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show-qr.js const const const const const { builder } QRCode fetch pageTemplate rootURL = = = = = require(“@netlify/functions”); require(‘qrcode’); require(‘node-fetch’); require(‘../../includes/page.js’); “”; const handler = async event =>” { // Get the original short URL (without the qr part of the path) const path = event.path.split(“/qr/”)[1]; const shortURL = ${rootURL}/${path}; // follow the redirect to get the destination to display const destinationURL = await fetch(shortURL); // make a QR cade and then return a page displaying it return QRCode.toString(shortURL, {‘type’:’svg’} ) .then(svg =>” { // render the data into the template return { statusCode: 200, body: pageTemplate({ shortURL : shortURL, destinationURL : destinationURL.url, svg: escape(svg) }) }; }) .catch(err =>” { console.error(err) }) }; exports.handler = builder(handler); @philhawksworth

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show-qr.js const handler = async event =>” { // Get the original short URL (without the qr part of the path) const path = event.path.split(“/qr/”)[1]; const shortURL = ${rootURL}/${path}; // follow the redirect to get the destination to display const destinationURL = await fetch(shortURL); // make a QR cade and then return a page displaying it return QRCode.toString(shortURL, {‘type’:’svg’} ) .then(svg =>” { // render the data into the template return { statusCode: 200, body: pageTemplate({ shortURL : shortURL, destinationURL : destinationURL.url, svg: escape(svg) }) }; }) .catch(err =>” { console.error(err) }) }; @philhawksworth

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show-qr.js const const const const const { builder } QRCode fetch pageTemplate rootURL @philhawksworth = = = = = require(“@netlify/functions”); require(‘qrcode’); require(‘node-fetch’); require(‘../../includes/page.js’); “”;

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page.js module.exports = (data) =>” { return <!DOCTYPE html> … <body> <header> <h1><a href="${ data.shortURL }">${ data.shortURL }</a></h1> <a class="dest" href="${ data.destinationURL }">${ data.destinationURL }</a> </header> <main> <img src='data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${ data.svg }'> </main> …;} @philhawksworth

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show-qr.js const const const const const { builder } QRCode fetch pageTemplate rootURL = = = = = require(“@netlify/functions”); require(‘qrcode’); require(‘node-fetch’); require(‘../../includes/page.js’); “”; const handler = async event =>” { // Get the original short URL (without the qr part of the path) const path = event.path.split(“/qr/”)[1]; const shortURL = ${rootURL}/${path}; // follow the redirect to get the destination to display const destinationURL = await fetch(shortURL); // make a QR cade and then return a page displaying it return QRCode.toString(shortURL, {‘type’:’svg’} ) .then(svg =>” { // render the data into the template return { statusCode: 200, body: pageTemplate({ shortURL : shortURL, destinationURL : destinationURL.url, svg: escape(svg) }) }; }) .catch(err =>” { console.error(err) }) }; exports.handler = builder(handler); @philhawksworth

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show-qr.js const { builder } = require(“@netlify/functions”); const handler = async event =>” { … }; exports.handler = builder(handler); @philhawksworth

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These slides and links @philhawksworth

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Wrapping up @philhawksworth

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R E B M E M RE Incremental builds are possible right now Sites built with any framework or generator can be enhanced Embracing the law of least power helps protect an architecture you can reason about @philhawksworth

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R E B M E M RE The benefits of a Jamstack architecture are worth protecting Examine your use cases Please don’t make me have to understand and manage end-to-end caching @philhawksworth

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Jamstack Community Survey 2021 Jamstack Conf - Speak!

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Thanks @philhawksworth