A presentation at Reinventing Work Meetup in in London, UK by Phoebe Tickell
The Enspiral Network For the Reinventing Work London meet-up 19th November 2019 Phoebe Tickell / @phoebetickell / phoebe@enspiral.com @enspiral www.enspiral.com
“The workplace is killing people and nobody cares” Stanford Graduate School of Business March 2018
Phoebe Tickell © The future is calling for new ways of working GenZ cites “positive workplace culture” top of wish list
Phoebe Tickell ©
Phoebe Tickell © The major sources of psychological stress at work are connected to top-down, “vertical” culture. “La sante psychologique au travail… de la definition du probleme aux solutions”, Jean-Pierre Brun, 2003
Phoebe Tickell © collective spaces for reflection talking about and check ins sharing power inviting in complexity PRACTICES FOR A asking for feedback rotating the facilitator HORIZONTAL ORGANISATION making finances transparent clearly stating purpose using new decision making methods with your team peer to peer feedback
How do we help to support people in: building great livelihoods together, working on the problems that mean the most to them, solving the greatest challenges of our time, while growing and learning to become their best selves?
What is Enspiral? A self-organising collaborative entrepreneurship ecosystem made up of entrepreneurs and start-ups working together to share resources, decision-making, knowledge, and unlock collective intelligence.
180 people 6 continents 20 startups 8 years of successful experimentation and innovation
A millennial career
How Enspiral does… Governance People, projects, ventures A shared brand & identity Our ecosystem: Contributors, Members, Friends NZ Foundation and Minimum Viable Board
How Enspiral does… Governance 160 Contributors participate in our financial & information systems 22 Members own a share in the core collective, make a couple of core decisions ~20 Ventures providing livelihood & making impact
How Enspiral does… Governance Enspiral Foundation is the central entity that holds resources, the glue that connects all people and ventures together MVB have a narrow compliance Focus, maintain overview of current finances, “steward” the LLC, red button
How Enspiral does… Decisions We use our tool Loomio: www.loomio.org We use consensus decision-making Anyone can raise a discussion or proposal on Loomio There are private channels for e.g. voting in a new Member Different criteria for approval depending on context
How Enspiral does… Decisions New ideas: Circles? Actions: Enspiral swarm on climate change solutions for Wellington Temperature check: Temperature Check on EDA grads using the space Updates: April 2017 check-ins
TO MAKE DECISIONS Share power Autocratic Consent Democratic Consensus Advice
How Enspiral does… Finances Cobudget www.cobudget.co Participatory co-budgeting People and Ventures contribute money voluntarily, and allocate it together Anyone can raise a “bucket” for a project or idea It’s like an internal kickstarter that increases autonomy and engagement
How Enspiral does… Contributions People contribute in many ways. We steward the Enspiral Foundation as our commons.
How Enspiral does… Contributions People contribute in many ways. We steward the Enspiral Foundation as our commons.
What are the practices and culture? Catalysts practice servant leadership and cycle every 2yrs. Retreats nourish relationships Open source documentation www.handbook.enspiral.com https://medium.com/enspiral-tales Practices allow us to deliberately develop and learn.
How does Enspiral support people new to the group? Outreach - talks, workshops, blogposts, signalling Being invited to join as a Contributor - Members Onboarding - your steward, cohorts, #engagement-wg Learning and working groups Match-making and support.
Some of our learnings… Make collective purpose your boss Invest in people and connection above all else Use rhythm as a tool Develop really good tools, collective processes, structures - it is not “structurelessness” Spend time together, build relationships Run time-limited experiments and retrospectives
Enspiral Europe?
Get in touch! phoebe@enspiral.com www.enspiral.com www.medium.com/enspiral-tales T: @solarpunk_girl