appearance, Array at(), ::backdrop, background-attachment, BroadcastChannel, cascade layers, containment, <dialog>, :focusvisible, hwb(), dynamic-range media query, prefers-contrast media query, Streams API, contain: style, Individual transforms, Array findLast() and findLastIndex(), :modal pseudo-class, Permissions API, overscroll-behavior, overflow property, offset property, forced-colors media query, Inline-size containment, ic unit, grid animation, font-palette CSS property, small, large, and dynamic viewport units, WebGL OES_draw_buffers_indexed extension, MathML, :autofill pseudo, container queries, color-gamut media query, CSS trigonometric functions, font-variant-alternates, translate attribute, OPFS, Wasm SIMD, Imperative slot assignment, serverTiming, Screen orientation, Resource size, requestAnimationFrame() in workers, Push messages, CSS outline shorthand, OffscreenCanvas API, messageerror, media query range syntax, input (event), Import maps, Form-associated custom elements, font-synthesis properties, Fetch metadata, Constructed stylesheets, inert attribute, Canvas roundRect(), Canvas createConicGradient(), WebRTC SCTP information, New CSS color spaces, nth-child() of <selector>, Compression Streams, CSS color-mix(), CSS color(), window.print(), JavaScript modules in workers, calc() constants, Array by copy, animation-composition property, Two-values of CSS Display, dirname attribute, CSS Grid subgrid, font-variant-position Update frequency media query, Overflow media queries, <link rel=”modulepreload”>, image-set(), CSS hyphens property, Device orientation events, CSS @counterstyle, contain-intrinsic-style, HTML <search> element, Web Authn easy public key access, isWellFormed() and toWellFormed(), ARIA attribute reflection, :user-valid and :user-invalid, clip-path boxes, User activation API, lh unit, Storage access, URL.canParse(), Scripting media query, CSS mask property, CSS exponential functions, :dir pseudo-class, background-clip: text, preservesPitch property, rel=”preload” for responsive images, CSS Nesting, CSS linear() easing, counter-set, CSS cap unit, Canvas reset(), loading=”lazy” for <img> and <iframe>, :has(), Array.fromAsync, AVIF, Declarative shadow DOM, Transferable ArrayBuffer, Promise.withResolvers(), checkVisibility(), Array grouping, white-space-collapse, text-wrap: nowrap, AbortSignal.any(), CSS transform-box, Intl.Segmenter, Vertical form controls, text-wrap: balance, light-dark(), zoom, :state(), round(), mod(), rem(), Set methods, Gradient interpolation, Async clipboard API, Resizable ArrayBuffers, CSS Relative colors, @property, Unsanitized HTML parsing methods, alt text for generated content, font-size-adjust, transition-behavior, mutually exclusive details elements, contentvisibility, Canvas willReadFrequently,backdrop-filter
Newly interoperable features for the web platform 2022-2024