David McKay ➔
Developer Advocate for InfluxData
Kubernetes Release Team
Lover of esoteric programming languages
Tweets @rawkode
Likes symmetry
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Some* developers don’t want to use Docker * No developer with macOS wants to use Docker
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Docker is useful Encapsulated Dependencies
Documented Build Process
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3 Components Dockerfile
Docker Compose
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Dockerfile Make it work for all environments
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Dockerfile FROM elixir:1.9-alpine AS base FROM base AS development RUN apk add —update vim git make FROM base AS build RUN make compile FROM base AS production COPY —from=build … …
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Docker Compose Make it as (more) painful as possible (than normal)
Encourage DShell Block Up service: myapp: entrypoint: sh command: echo
Publish Service Ports
Override Entrypoint
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DO NOT use compose syntax v3 in dev
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Best Practice Use Depends On depends_on:
12-Factor env_file: .env
mongodb: condition: service_healthy
env_file: - .env - .env.secret
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Makefile Unify Developers
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The Sausage .PHONY: dshell dclean up up: deps @mix run —no-halt compile: deps @mix compile
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up up: @npm run develop @mix test @FLASK_APP=hello flask run
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dclean! dclean: @docker-compose down —rmi=local -v
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Final API ❏
make dshell
make up
make test | deps | whatever
make dclean
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Better Together We’re deploying Docker to production (I hope), so encourage (not force) it’s usage for local development; make it easy for people to dip their toe in.
Thank You ➔
Follow me on Twitter (@rawkode)
At the InfluxData booth (I’ve got badges and stickers)
Come speak to me about InfluxDB, Cloud Native, Monitoring, Docker, or Kubernetes