Awesome native apps with NativeScript and Angular!

A presentation at Jfokus 2018 in February 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden by Rowdy Rabouw

Slide 1

Slide 1

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1/1 20

Slide 2

Slide 2



A NG U LA R ! A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2/1 20

Slide 3

Slide 3

R o wd y R a bo u w 4 F reelan c e

w e b

a n d

a p p d evelop e r 4 L ead d evelop e r N ationa l e -N ederla n den P ension A pp 4 P rogres s D evelop e r E xpert

f o r N atives c ript 4 O rganiz e r N ativeS c ript D evelop e r

D a y E urope 4 C urator n atives c ript .n l A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3/1 20

Slide 4

Slide 4

R o wd y R a bo u w 4 S uperhe r o m ovies 4 F ormula O ne A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4/1 20

Slide 5

Slide 5

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 5/1 20

Slide 6

Slide 6

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 6/1 20

Slide 7

Slide 7

4 D isplay s topped w orking 4 A fter o 6 /o n : M acBook

P r o d idn 't b oot 4 S lides

we r e s aved

to p rivate c loud 4 D emo

co d e c ommite d to

g i t

4 ... b u t

n o t p ushed

to G ithub

f o r 3 w eeks 4 ... a n d

Ti m e M achine

w a s d isable d, so

no b ackup 4 2 011 M acbook

A i r


sl o w

f o r

a p p d evelop m ent A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 7/1 20

Slide 8

Slide 8

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 8/1 20

Slide 9

Slide 9

N a ti v eS c ri p t A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 9/1 20

Slide 10

Slide 10

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 0 /1 20

Slide 11

Slide 11

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 1 /1 20

Slide 12

Slide 12

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 2 /1 20

Slide 13

Slide 13

N a ti v eS c ri p t 4 O pen s ource f ramewo r k

f o r b uildin g t ruly n ative

m obile

ap p s

wi t h J avaScr i pt 4 t ogethe r wi t h m arkup (X ML /H TML ) a n d C SS 4 a nd n ative

co d e


y o u

wa n t

a n d d are 4 C ross P latfor m : o n e c odebas e f o r

i O S

a n d A ndroid A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 3 /1 20

Slide 14

Slide 14

N o t l ik e P h on e Ga p /C o rd o va w i th I on i c A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 4 /1 20

Slide 15

Slide 15

N o t l ik e P h on e Ga p /C o rd o va w it h I o ni c 4 N o


to m anipul a te 4 N o

HT M L e lement s s tyled

li k e n ative c ompone n ts 4 R eal n ative c ompone n ts A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 5 /1 20

Slide 16

Slide 16

N o t l ik e X a ma r in A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 6 /1 20

Slide 17

Slide 17

N o t l ik e X a ma r in 4 N o C ross C ompili n g 4 1 00 % a ccess

to n ative

AP I s w ithout w riting b inding s 4 N o .N ET

or C# A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 7 /1 20

Slide 18

Slide 18

N o t l ik e R e ac t N a ti v e A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 8 /1 20

Slide 19

Slide 19

N o t l ik e R e ac t N a ti v e 4 N ot b ound

to a s peci, c f ramewo r k 4 N o

ne e d w riting O bjecti v eC , S wift

or J ava 4 {N} J avaScr i pt

h a s 1 00 % a ccess

to n ative A PIs 4 M aturit y: 0.5 2

vs 3.4 A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 9 /1 20

Slide 20

Slide 20

H o w d oe s N a ti v eS c ri p t w o rk? A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 0 /1 20

Slide 21

Slide 21

H o w d oe s N a ti v eS c ri p t w or k ? A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 1 /1 20

Slide 22

Slide 22

A p pl i ca t io n C o de 4 J avaScr i pt c ode 4 P age l ayouts

in m arkup 4 C SS

f o r s tyling A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 2 /1 20

Slide 23

Slide 23

N a ti v eS c ri p t M od u le s 4 N ativeS c ript C ore 4 U I c ompone n ts 4 F ile s ystem a ccess 4 P latfor m i nforma t ion 4 N ativeS c ript P lugins 4 C amera 4 B luetoo t h 4 F ingerp r int A uthent i cation A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 3 /1 20

Slide 24

Slide 24

N a ti v eS c ri p t R un t im e 4 R uns

on J avaScr i pt V irtual M achine s 4 V 8 (A ndroid ) 4 J avaScr i ptCore (i OS ) 4 E xecute s C++ co d e

to i nvoke n ative c ode 4 U ses r eJ e ction

to g enerat e m etadat a 4 E xamine s, i ntrosp e cts , a n d m odiP e s

i t s

o w n s tructu r e

a n d b ehavio r at r untime 4 N o s eparat e b inding l ayers b etween {N} a n d

ea c h m obile p latfor m A PI 4 N ew f eature s a r e a vailab l e i mmedia t ely A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 4 /1 20

Slide 25

Slide 25

J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 5 /1 20

Slide 26

Slide 26

J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 6 /1 20

Slide 27

Slide 27

J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 7 /1 20

Slide 28

Slide 28

J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 8 /1 20

Slide 29

Slide 29

J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 2 9 /1 20

Slide 30

Slide 30

A n gu l ar A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 0 /1 20

Slide 31

Slide 31

A n gu l ar 4 O pinion a ted J avaScr i pt f ramewo r k 4 T ypescr i pt 4 F ull -f eature d r outing 4 D epende n cy i njecti o n 4 D ata b inding A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 1 /1 20

Slide 32

Slide 32

A n gu l ar: d i re c to r y s tr u ct u re app/components/slider/ slider.component.html slider.component.ts slider.component.css slider-routing.module.ts slider-module.ts A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 2 /1 20

Slide 33

Slide 33

s lider .c ompone n t .h tml < ActionBar

title ="Slider"></ ActionBar

< StackLayout

< Slider

value ="70"></ Slider

</ StackLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 3 /1 20

Slide 34

Slide 34

s lider .c ompone n t .t s import { Component } from

"@angular/core" ; @Component({

selector : "app-slider" ,

moduleId : module .id,

templateUrl : "slider.component.html" ,

styleUrls : [ "slider.component.css" ] }) export

class SliderComponent {

constructor () {} } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 4 /1 20

Slide 35

Slide 35

s lider .c ompone n t .c ss ActionBar {

color : white;

background-color : red; } StackLayout {

padding : 50 ; } Slider {

background-color : red; } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 5 /1 20

Slide 36

Slide 36

s lider -r outing .m odule .t s import { NgModule } from

"@angular/core" ; import { Routes } from

"@angular/router" ; import { NativeScriptRouterModule } from

"nativescript-angular/router" ; import { SliderComponent } from

"./slider.component" ; const routes: Routes = [{ path : "" , component : SliderComponent }]; @NgModule({

imports : [NativeScriptRouterModule.forChild(routes)],

exports : [NativeScriptRouterModule] }) export

class SliderRoutingModule {} A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 6 /1 20

Slide 37

Slide 37

s lider .m odule .t s import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from

"@angular/core" ; import { NativeScriptModule } from

"nativescript-angular/nativescript.module" ; import { SliderRoutingModule } from

"./slider-routing.module" ; import { SliderComponent } from

"./slider.component" ; @NgModule({

imports : [NativeScriptModule, SliderRoutingModule],

declarations : [SliderComponent],

schemas : [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export

class SliderModule {} A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 7 /1 20

Slide 38

Slide 38

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 8 /1 20

Slide 39

Slide 39

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 3 9 /1 20

Slide 40

Slide 40

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 0 /1 20

Slide 41

Slide 41

P e rf o rm a nc e O p ti m iz a ti o n A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 1 /1 20

Slide 42

Slide 42

P e rf o rm a nc e O p ti m iz a ti o n 4 W ebpack 4 t ravers e s

yo u r s ource

tr e e

v i a m odule i mports 4 o nly i nclude m odules

th a t

a r e u sed 4 A head -o f -T ime c ompila t ion 4 p re -c ompile s a pplica t ion c ompone n ts

a n d t emplat e s 4 A ngular c ompile r n o t i nclude d in b undle A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 2 /1 20

Slide 43

Slide 43

P e rf o rm a nc e O p ti m iz a ti o n 4 U glify 4 c ode m ini+ c ation 4 r educes n ames

of l ocal v ariabl e s 4 L azy -L oad m odules 4 n ot

a l l m odules

a r e n eeded

at s tar tup 4 p re -l oad

in b ackgro u nd A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 3 /1 20

Slide 44

Slide 44

C a sc a di n g S ty l e S he e ts (C S S) A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 4 /1 20

Slide 45

Slide 45

C a sc a di n g S ty l e S he e ts (C S S) Button, .btn, Button[btn-type="primary"] {

height : 40 ;

font-size : 16 ;

color : rgb (197, 46, 54);

background-color : #f6c600 ;

text-transform : uppercase;

opacity : 0.5 ; } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 5 /1 20

Slide 46

Slide 46

C a sc a di n g S ty l e S he e ts (C S S) 4 s ubset



is s upport e d 4 d evice -i ndepen d ent p ixels 4 h ttps ://d ocs .n atives c ript .o rg /u i /s tyling A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 6 /1 20

Slide 47

Slide 47

N a ti v eS c ri p t T he m e C or e R e ad y t o u s e c ol o r s ch e me s f o r i OS a nd A nd r oi d A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 7 /1 20

Slide 48

Slide 48

S y nt a ct i ca l ly A we s om e S t yl e S h ee t s C S S p re p ro c es s or (n e st e d r ul e s, f u nc t io n s, ...) A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 4 8 /1 20

Slide 49

Slide 49

N a ti v e e le m en t s w i th m ar k up A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 4 9 /1 20

Slide 50

Slide 50

N a ti v e e le m en t s w it h m a rk u p < ActionBar

title ="Native elements"></ ActionBar

< StackLayout

< Button

text ="Button" ( tap )="onButtonTap()"></ Button

< Switch

checked ="false"></ Switch

< SegmentedBar [ items ]="segmentedBarItems"></ SegmentedBar

< Progress

value ="0" maxValue ="100"></ Progress

< Slider

value ="0" minValue ="0" maxValue ="100"></ Slider

< DatePicker

year ="2018" month ="1" day ="1"

minDate ="1970-01-01" maxDate ="2100-12-31"></ DatePicker

</ StackLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 5 0 /1 20

Slide 51

Slide 51

N a ti v e e le m en t s w it h m a rk u p < Button

text ="Button" ( tap )="onButtonTap()"></ Button

onButtonTap() {

let options = {

title : "Superheroes" ,

message : "Choose your favorite" ,

cancelButtonText : "Cancel" ,

actions : [ "Wonder Woman" , "Wolverine" , "Black Widow" , "Superman" ] }; action(options).then( ( result ) => { alert(result); }); } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 5 1 /1 20

Slide 52

Slide 52

N a ti v e e le m en t s w it h m a rk u p < SegmentedBar [ items ]="segmentedBarItems"></ SegmentedBar

import { SegmentedBar, SegmentedBarItem } from

"ui/segmented-bar" ; private getSegmentedBarItems = () => {

let segmentedBarItem1 = new SegmentedBarItem(); segmentedBarItem1.title = "Item 1" ;

let segmentedBarItem2 = new SegmentedBarItem(); segmentedBarItem2.title = "Item 2" ;

let segmentedBarItem3 = new SegmentedBarItem(); segmentedBarItem3.title = "Item 3" ;

return [segmentedBarItem1, segmentedBarItem2, segmentedBarItem3]; } segmentedBarItems: Array <SegmentedBarItem> = this .getSegmentedBarItems(); A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 5 2 /1 20

Slide 53

Slide 53

Slide 54

Slide 54

T e xt F ie l d A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 5 4 /1 20

Slide 55

Slide 55

T e xt F ie l d < TextField

</ TextField

< TextField

text =""></ TextField

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 5 5 /1 20

Slide 56

Slide 56

T e xt F ie l d: h i nt < TextField

</ TextField

< TextField

text =""></ TextField

< TextField

hint ="Enter your name"></ TextField

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 5 6 /1 20

Slide 57

Slide 57

T e xt F ie l d: a u to c ap i ta l iz a ti o n

<!-- Capitalize all characters automatically -->

< TextField

autocapitalizationType ="allCharacters"></ TextField

<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each sentence automatically; default -->

< TextField

autocapitalizationType ="sentences"></ TextField

<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each word automatically -->

< TextField

autocapitalizationType ="words"></ TextField

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 5 7 /1 20

Slide 58

Slide 58

T e xt F ie l d: a u to c ap i ta l iz a ti o n

<!-- Capitalize all characters automatically -->

< TextField

autocapitalizationType ="allCharacters"></ TextField

<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each sentence automatically; default -->

< TextField

autocapitalizationType ="sentences"></ TextField

<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each word automatically -->

< TextField

autocapitalizationType ="words"></ TextField

<!-- Do not capitalize any text automatically -->

< TextField

autocapitalizationType ="none"></ TextField

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 5 8 /1 20

Slide 59

Slide 59

T e xt F ie l d: a u to c or r ec t

<!-- Enables autocorrection; default -->

< TextField

autocorrect ="true"></ TextField

<!-- Disables autocorrection -->

< TextField

autocorrect ="false"></ TextField

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 5 9 /1 20

Slide 60

Slide 60

T e xt F ie l d: k e yb o ar d Ty p e

<!-- Sets the soft keyboard type -->

< TextField

keyboardType ="number"></ TextField

< TextField

keyboardType ="datetime"></ TextField

< TextField

keyboardType ="phone"></ TextField

< TextField

keyboardType ="email"></ TextField

< TextField

keyboardType ="url"></ TextField

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 6 0 /1 20

Slide 61

Slide 61

Slide 62

Slide 62

T e xt F ie l d: m o re a tt r ib u te s

<!-- Sets text-alignment style property -->

< TextField

textAlignment =""></ TextField

<!-- Sets the visibility of the view -->

< TextField

visibility =""></ TextField

<!-- Sets the desired width of the view -->

< TextField

width =""></ TextField

<!-- Limits input to a certain number of characters -->

< TextField

maxLength =""></ TextField

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

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j fokus

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Slide 63

Slide 63

L a yo u ts A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

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Slide 64

Slide 64

S t ac k La y ou t < StackLayout

orientation ="horizontal">

< Label

text ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4"></ Label

</ StackLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 6 4 /1 20

Slide 65

Slide 65

S t ac k La y ou t < StackLayout

orientation ="horizontal">

< Label

text ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4"></ Label

</ StackLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 6 5 /1 20

Slide 66

Slide 66

S t ac k La y ou t < StackLayout

< Label

text ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4"></ Label

</ StackLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 6 6 /1 20

Slide 67

Slide 67

A b so l ut e La y ou t < AbsoluteLayout

< Label

text ="1" left ="40" top ="30"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" left ="100" top ="90"></ Label

</ AbsoluteLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 6 7 /1 20

Slide 68

Slide 68

A b so l ut e La y ou t < AbsoluteLayout

< Label

text ="1" left ="40" top ="30"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" left ="100" top ="90"></ Label

</ AbsoluteLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 6 8 /1 20

Slide 69

Slide 69

D o ck L ay o ut < DockLayout

height ="100%" stretchLastChild ="true">

< Label

text ="1" dock ="top" height ="100"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" dock ="bottom" height ="75"></ Label

< Label

text ="3" dock ="right" width ="100"></ Label

< Label

text ="4" dock ="left"></ Label

</ DockLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 6 9 /1 20

Slide 70

Slide 70

D o ck L ay o ut < DockLayout

height ="100%" stretchLastChild ="true">

< Label

text ="1" dock ="top" height ="100"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" dock ="bottom" height ="75"></ Label

< Label

text ="3" dock ="right" width ="100"></ Label

< Label

text ="4" dock ="left"></ Label

</ DockLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 7 0 /1 20

Slide 71

Slide 71

G r id L ay o ut < GridLayout

columns ="100, auto, *" rows ="100, auto, *">

< Label

text ="1" row ="0" col ="0"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" row ="0" col ="1" colSpan ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3" row ="1" col ="0" rowSpan ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="4" row ="1" col ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="5" row ="1" col ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="6" row ="2" col ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="7" row ="2" col ="2"></ Label

</ GridLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 7 1 /1 20

Slide 72

Slide 72

G r id L ay o ut < GridLayout

columns ="100, auto, *" rows ="100, auto, *">

< Label

text ="1" row ="0" col ="0"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" row ="0" col ="1" colSpan ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3" row ="1" col ="0" rowSpan ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="4" row ="1" col ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="5" row ="1" col ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="6" row ="2" col ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="7" row ="2" col ="2"></ Label

</ GridLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 7 2 /1 20

Slide 73

Slide 73

W r ap L ay o ut < WrapLayout

orientation ="vertical">

< Label

text ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4"></ Label

</ WrapLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 7 3 /1 20

Slide 74

Slide 74

W r ap L ay o ut < WrapLayout

orientation ="vertical">

< Label

text ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4"></ Label

</ WrapLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 7 4 /1 20

Slide 75

Slide 75

W r ap L ay o ut < WrapLayout

< Label

text ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4"></ Label

</ WrapLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 76

Slide 76

F l ex b ox L ay o ut < FlexboxLayout

flexDirection ="row-reverse">

< Label

text ="1" flexGrow ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" flexGrow ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3" flexGrow ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4" flexGrow ="4"></ Label

< Label

text ="5" flexGrow ="5"></ Label

< Label

text ="6" flexGrow ="6"></ Label

</ FlexboxLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 77

Slide 77

F l ex b ox L ay o ut < FlexboxLayout

flexDirection ="row-reverse">

< Label

text ="1" flexGrow ="1"></ Label

< Label

text ="2" flexGrow ="2"></ Label

< Label

text ="3" flexGrow ="3"></ Label

< Label

text ="4" flexGrow ="4"></ Label

< Label

text ="5" flexGrow ="5"></ Label

< Label

text ="6" flexGrow ="6"></ Label

</ FlexboxLayout

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 78

Slide 78

T a bV i ew A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 7 8 /1 20

Slide 79

Slide 79

T a bV i ew < TabView

< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Tab 1'}">

<!-- Tab 1 content -->

</ StackLayout

< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Tab 2'}">

<!-- Tab 2 content -->

</ StackLayout

< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Tab 3'}">

<!-- Tab 3 content -->

</ StackLayout

</ TabView

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 80

Slide 80

T a bV i ew < TabView

height ="100%">

< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Rocket Raccoon'}" class ="full rocket">

</ StackLayout

< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Harley Quinn'}" class ="full harley">

</ StackLayout

< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Hulk'}" class ="full hulk">

</ StackLayout

</ TabView

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 81

Slide 81

T a bV i ew .full {

background-size : cover;

background-position : center;

background-repeat : no-repeat; } .rocket { background-image : url ( '~/images/rocket-raccoon.jpg' ); } .harley { background-image : url ( '~/images/harley-quinn.jpg' ); } .hulk { background-image : url ( '~/images/hulk.jpg' ); } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 8 1 /1 20

Slide 82

Slide 82

Slide 83

Slide 83

N a ti v e c od e A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 8 3 /1 20

Slide 84

Slide 84

N ative c ode : s lider .c ompone n t .h tml < ActionBar

title ="Slider"></ ActionBar

< StackLayout

< Slider


value ="70"></ Slider

</ StackLayout

4 a ttribu t e d irecti v e 4 c hanges

t h e a ppeara n ce

or b ehavio r of

an e lement A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 85

Slide 85

N ative c ode : s lider .d irecti v e .t s import { Directive, ElementRef } from

"@angular/core" ; import { isIOS } from

"platform" ; @Directive({

selector : "[slider-icon]" }) export

class SliderIconDirective {

constructor (private el: ElementRef) {

if (isIOS) {

let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( "image.png" ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 8 5 /1 20

Slide 86

Slide 86

N ative c ode : s lider .d irecti v e .t s import { Directive, ElementRef } from

"@angular/core" ; import { isIOS } from

"platform" ; @Directive({

selector : "[slider-icon]" }) export

class SliderIconDirective {

constructor (private el: ElementRef) {

if (isIOS) {

let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( "image.png" ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 8 6 /1 20

Slide 87

Slide 87

N ative c ode : s lider .d irecti v e .t s import { Directive, ElementRef } from

"@angular/core" ; import { isIOS } from

"platform" ; @Directive({

selector : "[slider-icon]" }) export

class SliderIconDirective {

constructor (private el: ElementRef) {

if (isIOS) {

let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( "image.png" ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 88

Slide 88

N ative c ode : s lider .m odule .t s import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from

"@angular/core" ; import { NativeScriptModule } from

"nativescript-angular/nativescript.module" ; import { SliderIconDirective } from

"./slider.directive" ; import { SliderRoutingModule } from

"./slider-routing.module" ; import { SliderComponent } from

"./slider.component" ; @NgModule({

imports : [NativeScriptModule, SliderRoutingModule],

declarations : [SliderComponent, SliderIconDirective],

schemas : [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export

class SliderModule {} A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 8 8 /1 20

Slide 89

Slide 89

N ative c ode : s lider .m odule .t s import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from

"@angular/core" ; import { NativeScriptModule } from

"nativescript-angular/nativescript.module" ; import { SliderIconDirective } from

"./slider.directive" ; import { SliderRoutingModule } from

"./slider-routing.module" ; import { SliderComponent } from

"./slider.component" ; @NgModule({

imports : [NativeScriptModule, SliderRoutingModule],

declarations : [SliderComponent, SliderIconDirective],

schemas : [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export

class SliderModule {} A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 90

Slide 90

9 0 /1 20

Slide 91

Slide 91

N o de P ac k ag e M a na g er A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 9 1 /1 20

Slide 92

Slide 92

N o de P ac k ag e M a na g er 4 c ommonl y k nown

as n pm 4 r eady


u s e J avaScr i pt m odules 4 a lmost 5 00 .0 00 p ackage s of f ree , r eusabl e c ode A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 9 2 /1 20

Slide 93

Slide 93

A n dr o id A rs e na l 4 l ibrari e s

f o r A ndroid (J ava / K otlin ) C o co a po d s 4 l ibrari e s

f o r

i O S (O bjecti v e -C / S wift ) A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 94

Slide 94

M u lt i li n gu a l w i th n gx-t r an s la t e A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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Slide 95

Slide 95

M u lt i li n gu a l w it h n g x-t r an s la t e 4 i nterna t ionali z ation l ibrary

f o r A ngular 2+ 4 d e9 n e t ransla t ions

in d i= e rent l anguag e s 4 s witch b etween

th e m e asily 4 n o h ardcod e d t ext /l abels , a l l


o n e p lace 4 s tar t d irectl y, ev e n

wi t h

o n e l anguag e A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 9 5 /1 20

Slide 96

Slide 96

9 6 /1 20

Slide 97

Slide 97

n l .j s on {

"GRAPH" : {

"PAGETITLE" : "Inkomen later" ,

"HDRTXT" : "Gewenste pensioenleeftijd" ,

"BTN_01" : "Salaris / inkomen" ,

"BTN_02" : "NN Pensioenen" ,

"BTN_03" : "Pensioenen" ,

"BTN_04" : "Keuzes voor later" ,

"BTN_05" : "AOW" ,

"BTN_06" : "Pensioen situatie" } }

Slide 98

Slide 98

e n .j s on {

"GRAPH" : {

"PAGETITLE" : "Income later" ,

"HDRTXT" : "Desired retirement age" ,

"BTN_01" : "Salary / income" ,

"BTN_02" : "NN Pensions" ,

"BTN_03" : "Pensions" ,

"BTN_04" : "Choices for later" ,

"BTN_05" : "AOW" ,

"BTN_06" : "Pension situation" } }

Slide 99

Slide 99

M u lt i li n gu a l w it h n g x-t r an s la t e B abelEd i t

by A ndreas Löw - @C odeAnd W eb h ttps ://w ww .c odeand w eb .c om /b abeled i t A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 9 9 /1 20

Slide 100

Slide 100

M u lt i li n gu a l w it h n g x-t r an s la t e < Label [ text ]="'GRAPH.HDRTXT' | translate"></ Label

[] = o n e

w a y

da t a b inding

in A ngular | = d isplay -v alue t ransfo r mation s A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 00 /1 20

Slide 101

Slide 101

1 01 /1 20

Slide 102

Slide 102

P l ug i ns A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 02 /1 20

Slide 103

Slide 103

P l ug i ns: a n at o my A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 03 /1 20

Slide 104

Slide 104

v e rs i on-n u mb e r.i o s.t s export

class VersionNumber { get() {

let version = NSBundle.mainBundle. objectForInfoDictionaryKey( "CFBundleShortVersionString" );

return version; } } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 04 /1 20

Slide 105

Slide 105

v e rs i on-n u mb e r.a n dr o id.t s import * as application from

"application" ; export

class VersionNumber { get() {

let PackageManager =;

let pkg =, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);

return pkg.versionName; } } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 05 /1 20

Slide 106

Slide 106

v e rs i on-n u mb e r.d.t s export declare class VersionNumber { get(): any; } A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 06 /1 20

Slide 107

Slide 107

tns plugin add nativescript-version-number import { VersionNumber } from

"nativescript-version-number" ; let version = new VersionNumber().get(); A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

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@r owdyra b ouw 1 07 /1 20

Slide 108

Slide 108

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 08 /1 20

Slide 109

Slide 109

n a ti v es c ri p t-t e xt t os p ee c h n a ti v es c ri p t-a u di o n a ti v es c ri p t-v i de o pl a ye r A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 09 /1 20

Slide 110

Slide 110

n a ti v es c ri p t-t e xt t os p ee c h tns plugin add nativescript-texttospeech import { TNSTextToSpeech, SpeakOptions } from

"nativescript-texttospeech" ; let textToSpeech = new TNSTextToSpeech(); let speakOptions: SpeakOptions = {

text : "Hello world!" ,

locale : "en-GB" } textToSpeech.speak(speakOptions); A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 10 /1 20

Slide 111

Slide 111

n a ti v es c ri p t-a u di o tns plugin add nativescript-audio import { TNSPlayer } from

"nativescript-audio" ; let player = new TNSPlayer(); player.initFromFile({

audioFile : "~/audio/song.mp3" });; A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 11 /1 20

Slide 112

Slide 112

n a ti v es c ri p t-v i de o pl a ye r tns plugin add nativescript-videoplayer import { Video } from

"nativescript-videoplayer" ; < VideoPlayer

src ="video.mp4"></ VideoPlayer

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 12 /1 20

Slide 113

Slide 113

W i n a T-s h ir t ! A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 13 /1 20

Slide 114

Slide 114

A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 14 /1 20

Slide 115

Slide 115

h t tp://2x r .n l /J f ok u s2018 A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 15 /1 20

Slide 116

Slide 116

T a k! ! A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 16 /1 20

Slide 117

Slide 117

T a ck! ! A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 17 /1 20

Slide 118

Slide 118

L i nk s a n d R es o ur c es A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 18 /1 20

Slide 119

Slide 119

L i nk s N ativeS c ript s tyling : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /c ss N ative e lement s p laygro u nd : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /N ative k eyboar d Type p laygro u nd : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /k eyboar d Type T abView p laygro u nd : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /T abView P lugin

de m o a pp : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /J fokus2 0 18Code A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 19 /1 20

Slide 120

Slide 120

R e so u rc e s N ativeS c ript .n l

h ttps ://n atives c ript .n l N ativeS c ript

Bo o k

h ttps ://n atives c ript .o rg /g et -t he -n atives c ript -b ook N ativeS c ript D ocumen t ation

h ttps ://d ocs .n atives c ript .o rg N ativeS c ript M arketp l ace

h ttps ://m arket .n atives c ript .o rg N ativeS c ript P laygro u nd

h ttps ://p lay .n atives c ript .o rg

N ativeS c ript S idekic k - h ttps ://w ww .n atives c ript .o rg /n atives c ript -s idekic k A wesome N ative

Ap p s

wi t h N ativeS c ript

a n d A ngular

R owdy R abouw

j fokus

20 1 8

@r owdyra b ouw 1 20 /1 20