A presentation at Jfokus 2018 in in Stockholm, Sweden by Rowdy Rabouw
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1/1 20
A NG U LA R ! A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2/1 20
R o wd y R a bo u w 4 F reelan c e
w e b
a n d
a p p d evelop e r 4 L ead d evelop e r N ationa l e -N ederla n den P ension A pp 4 P rogres s D evelop e r E xpert
f o r N atives c ript 4 O rganiz e r N ativeS c ript D evelop e r
D a y E urope 4 C urator n atives c ript .n l A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3/1 20
R o wd y R a bo u w 4 S uperhe r o m ovies 4 F ormula O ne A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4/1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5/1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6/1 20
4 D isplay s topped w orking 4 A fter o 6 /o n : M acBook
P r o d idn 't b oot 4 S lides
we r e s aved
to p rivate c loud 4 D emo
co d e c ommite d to
g i t
4 ... b u t
n o t p ushed
to G ithub
f o r 3 w eeks 4 ... a n d
Ti m e M achine
w a s d isable d, so
no b ackup 4 2 011 M acbook
A i r
sl o w
f o r
a p p d evelop m ent A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 7/1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 8/1 20
N a ti v eS c ri p t A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 9/1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 0 /1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 1 /1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 2 /1 20
N a ti v eS c ri p t 4 O pen s ource f ramewo r k
f o r b uildin g t ruly n ative
m obile
ap p s
wi t h J avaScr i pt 4 t ogethe r wi t h m arkup (X ML /H TML ) a n d C SS 4 a nd n ative
co d e
y o u
wa n t
a n d d are 4 C ross P latfor m : o n e c odebas e f o r
i O S
a n d A ndroid A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 3 /1 20
N o t l ik e P h on e Ga p /C o rd o va w i th I on i c A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 4 /1 20
N o t l ik e P h on e Ga p /C o rd o va w it h I o ni c 4 N o
to m anipul a te 4 N o
HT M L e lement s s tyled
li k e n ative c ompone n ts 4 R eal n ative c ompone n ts A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 5 /1 20
N o t l ik e X a ma r in A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 6 /1 20
N o t l ik e X a ma r in 4 N o C ross C ompili n g 4 1 00 % a ccess
to n ative
AP I s w ithout w riting b inding s 4 N o .N ET
or C# A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 7 /1 20
N o t l ik e R e ac t N a ti v e A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 8 /1 20
N o t l ik e R e ac t N a ti v e 4 N ot b ound
to a s peci, c f ramewo r k 4 N o
ne e d w riting O bjecti v eC , S wift
or J ava 4 {N} J avaScr i pt
h a s 1 00 % a ccess
to n ative A PIs 4 M aturit y: 0.5 2
vs 3.4 A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 9 /1 20
H o w d oe s N a ti v eS c ri p t w o rk? A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 0 /1 20
H o w d oe s N a ti v eS c ri p t w or k ? A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 1 /1 20
A p pl i ca t io n C o de 4 J avaScr i pt c ode 4 P age l ayouts
in m arkup 4 C SS
f o r s tyling A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 2 /1 20
N a ti v eS c ri p t M od u le s 4 N ativeS c ript C ore 4 U I c ompone n ts 4 F ile s ystem a ccess 4 P latfor m i nforma t ion 4 N ativeS c ript P lugins 4 C amera 4 B luetoo t h 4 F ingerp r int A uthent i cation A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 3 /1 20
N a ti v eS c ri p t R un t im e 4 R uns
on J avaScr i pt V irtual M achine s 4 V 8 (A ndroid ) 4 J avaScr i ptCore (i OS ) 4 E xecute s C++ co d e
to i nvoke n ative c ode 4 U ses r eJ e ction
to g enerat e m etadat a 4 E xamine s, i ntrosp e cts , a n d m odiP e s
i t s
o w n s tructu r e
a n d b ehavio r at r untime 4 N o s eparat e b inding l ayers b etween {N} a n d
ea c h m obile p latfor m A PI 4 N ew f eature s a r e a vailab l e i mmedia t ely A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 4 /1 20
J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 5 /1 20
J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 6 /1 20
J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 7 /1 20
J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 8 /1 20
J a va S cr i pt A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 2 9 /1 20
A n gu l ar A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 0 /1 20
A n gu l ar 4 O pinion a ted J avaScr i pt f ramewo r k 4 T ypescr i pt 4 F ull -f eature d r outing 4 D epende n cy i njecti o n 4 D ata b inding A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 1 /1 20
A n gu l ar: d i re c to r y s tr u ct u re app/components/slider/ slider.component.html slider.component.ts slider.component.css slider-routing.module.ts slider-module.ts A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 2 /1 20
s lider .c ompone n t .h tml < ActionBar
title ="Slider"></ ActionBar
< StackLayout
< Slider
value ="70"></ Slider
</ StackLayout
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 3 /1 20
s lider .c ompone n t .t s import { Component } from
"@angular/core" ; @Component({
selector : "app-slider" ,
moduleId : module .id,
templateUrl : "slider.component.html" ,
styleUrls : [ "slider.component.css" ] }) export
class SliderComponent {
constructor () {} } A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 4 /1 20
s lider .c ompone n t .c ss ActionBar {
color : white;
background-color : red; } StackLayout {
padding : 50 ; } Slider {
background-color : red; } A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 5 /1 20
s lider -r outing .m odule .t s import { NgModule } from
"@angular/core" ; import { Routes } from
"@angular/router" ; import { NativeScriptRouterModule } from
"nativescript-angular/router" ; import { SliderComponent } from
"./slider.component" ; const routes: Routes = [{ path : "" , component : SliderComponent }]; @NgModule({
imports : [NativeScriptRouterModule.forChild(routes)],
exports : [NativeScriptRouterModule] }) export
class SliderRoutingModule {} A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 6 /1 20
s lider .m odule .t s import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from
"@angular/core" ; import { NativeScriptModule } from
"nativescript-angular/nativescript.module" ; import { SliderRoutingModule } from
"./slider-routing.module" ; import { SliderComponent } from
"./slider.component" ; @NgModule({
imports : [NativeScriptModule, SliderRoutingModule],
declarations : [SliderComponent],
schemas : [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export
class SliderModule {} A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 7 /1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 8 /1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 3 9 /1 20
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 0 /1 20
P e rf o rm a nc e O p ti m iz a ti o n A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 1 /1 20
P e rf o rm a nc e O p ti m iz a ti o n 4 W ebpack 4 t ravers e s
yo u r s ource
tr e e
v i a m odule i mports 4 o nly i nclude m odules
th a t
a r e u sed 4 A head -o f -T ime c ompila t ion 4 p re -c ompile s a pplica t ion c ompone n ts
a n d t emplat e s 4 A ngular c ompile r n o t i nclude d in b undle A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 2 /1 20
P e rf o rm a nc e O p ti m iz a ti o n 4 U glify 4 c ode m ini+ c ation 4 r educes n ames
of l ocal v ariabl e s 4 L azy -L oad m odules 4 n ot
a l l m odules
a r e n eeded
at s tar tup 4 p re -l oad
in b ackgro u nd A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 3 /1 20
C a sc a di n g S ty l e S he e ts (C S S) A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 4 /1 20
C a sc a di n g S ty l e S he e ts (C S S) Button, .btn, Button[btn-type="primary"] {
height : 40 ;
font-size : 16 ;
color : rgb (197, 46, 54);
background-color : #f6c600 ;
text-transform : uppercase;
opacity : 0.5 ; } A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 5 /1 20
C a sc a di n g S ty l e S he e ts (C S S) 4 s ubset
is s upport e d 4 d evice -i ndepen d ent p ixels 4 h ttps ://d ocs .n atives c ript .o rg /u i /s tyling A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 6 /1 20
N a ti v eS c ri p t T he m e C or e R e ad y t o u s e c ol o r s ch e me s f o r i OS a nd A nd r oi d A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 7 /1 20
S y nt a ct i ca l ly A we s om e S t yl e S h ee t s C S S p re p ro c es s or (n e st e d r ul e s, f u nc t io n s, ...) A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 8 /1 20
N a ti v e e le m en t s w i th m ar k up A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 4 9 /1 20
N a ti v e e le m en t s w it h m a rk u p < ActionBar
title ="Native elements"></ ActionBar
< StackLayout
< Button
text ="Button" ( tap )="onButtonTap()"></ Button
< Switch
checked ="false"></ Switch
< SegmentedBar [ items ]="segmentedBarItems"></ SegmentedBar
< Progress
value ="0" maxValue ="100"></ Progress
< Slider
value ="0" minValue ="0" maxValue ="100"></ Slider
< DatePicker
year ="2018" month ="1" day ="1"
minDate ="1970-01-01" maxDate ="2100-12-31"></ DatePicker
</ StackLayout
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 0 /1 20
N a ti v e e le m en t s w it h m a rk u p < Button
text ="Button" ( tap )="onButtonTap()"></ Button
onButtonTap() {
let options = {
title : "Superheroes" ,
message : "Choose your favorite" ,
cancelButtonText : "Cancel" ,
actions : [ "Wonder Woman" , "Wolverine" , "Black Widow" , "Superman" ] }; action(options).then( ( result ) => { alert(result); }); } A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 1 /1 20
N a ti v e e le m en t s w it h m a rk u p < SegmentedBar [ items ]="segmentedBarItems"></ SegmentedBar
import { SegmentedBar, SegmentedBarItem } from
"ui/segmented-bar" ; private getSegmentedBarItems = () => {
let segmentedBarItem1 = new SegmentedBarItem(); segmentedBarItem1.title = "Item 1" ;
let segmentedBarItem2 = new SegmentedBarItem(); segmentedBarItem2.title = "Item 2" ;
let segmentedBarItem3 = new SegmentedBarItem(); segmentedBarItem3.title = "Item 3" ;
return [segmentedBarItem1, segmentedBarItem2, segmentedBarItem3]; } segmentedBarItems: Array <SegmentedBarItem> = this .getSegmentedBarItems(); A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 2 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 4 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d < TextField
</ TextField
< TextField
text =""></ TextField
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 5 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d: h i nt < TextField
</ TextField
< TextField
text =""></ TextField
< TextField
hint ="Enter your name"></ TextField
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 6 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d: a u to c ap i ta l iz a ti o n
<!-- Capitalize all characters automatically -->< TextField
autocapitalizationType ="allCharacters"></ TextField
<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each sentence automatically; default -->< TextField
autocapitalizationType ="sentences"></ TextField
<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each word automatically -->< TextField
autocapitalizationType ="words"></ TextField
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 7 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d: a u to c ap i ta l iz a ti o n
<!-- Capitalize all characters automatically -->< TextField
autocapitalizationType ="allCharacters"></ TextField
<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each sentence automatically; default -->< TextField
autocapitalizationType ="sentences"></ TextField
<!-- Capitalize the first letter of each word automatically -->< TextField
autocapitalizationType ="words"></ TextField
<!-- Do not capitalize any text automatically -->< TextField
autocapitalizationType ="none"></ TextField
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 8 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d: a u to c or r ec t
<!-- Enables autocorrection; default -->< TextField
autocorrect ="true"></ TextField
<!-- Disables autocorrection -->< TextField
autocorrect ="false"></ TextField
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 5 9 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d: k e yb o ar d Ty p e
<!-- Sets the soft keyboard type -->< TextField
keyboardType ="number"></ TextField
< TextField
keyboardType ="datetime"></ TextField
< TextField
keyboardType ="phone"></ TextField
< TextField
keyboardType ="email"></ TextField
< TextField
keyboardType ="url"></ TextField
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 0 /1 20
T e xt F ie l d: m o re a tt r ib u te s
<!-- Sets text-alignment style property -->< TextField
textAlignment =""></ TextField
<!-- Sets the visibility of the view -->< TextField
visibility =""></ TextField
<!-- Sets the desired width of the view -->< TextField
width =""></ TextField
<!-- Limits input to a certain number of characters -->< TextField
maxLength =""></ TextField
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 2 /1 20
L a yo u ts A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 3 /1 20
S t ac k La y ou t < StackLayout
orientation ="horizontal">
< Label
text ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4"></ Label
</ StackLayout
A wesome N ative
Ap p s
wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 4 /1 20
S t ac k La y ou t < StackLayout
orientation ="horizontal">
< Label
text ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4"></ Label
</ StackLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 5 /1 20
S t ac k La y ou t < StackLayout
< Label
text ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4"></ Label
</ StackLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 6 /1 20
A b so l ut e La y ou t < AbsoluteLayout
< Label
text ="1" left ="40" top ="30"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" left ="100" top ="90"></ Label
</ AbsoluteLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 7 /1 20
A b so l ut e La y ou t < AbsoluteLayout
< Label
text ="1" left ="40" top ="30"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" left ="100" top ="90"></ Label
</ AbsoluteLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 8 /1 20
D o ck L ay o ut < DockLayout
height ="100%" stretchLastChild ="true">
< Label
text ="1" dock ="top" height ="100"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" dock ="bottom" height ="75"></ Label
< Label
text ="3" dock ="right" width ="100"></ Label
< Label
text ="4" dock ="left"></ Label
</ DockLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 6 9 /1 20
D o ck L ay o ut < DockLayout
height ="100%" stretchLastChild ="true">
< Label
text ="1" dock ="top" height ="100"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" dock ="bottom" height ="75"></ Label
< Label
text ="3" dock ="right" width ="100"></ Label
< Label
text ="4" dock ="left"></ Label
</ DockLayout
A wesome N ative
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j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 7 0 /1 20
G r id L ay o ut < GridLayout
columns ="100, auto, *" rows ="100, auto, *">
< Label
text ="1" row ="0" col ="0"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" row ="0" col ="1" colSpan ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3" row ="1" col ="0" rowSpan ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="4" row ="1" col ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="5" row ="1" col ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="6" row ="2" col ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="7" row ="2" col ="2"></ Label
</ GridLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 7 1 /1 20
G r id L ay o ut < GridLayout
columns ="100, auto, *" rows ="100, auto, *">
< Label
text ="1" row ="0" col ="0"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" row ="0" col ="1" colSpan ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3" row ="1" col ="0" rowSpan ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="4" row ="1" col ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="5" row ="1" col ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="6" row ="2" col ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="7" row ="2" col ="2"></ Label
</ GridLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 7 2 /1 20
W r ap L ay o ut < WrapLayout
orientation ="vertical">
< Label
text ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4"></ Label
</ WrapLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 7 3 /1 20
W r ap L ay o ut < WrapLayout
orientation ="vertical">
< Label
text ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4"></ Label
</ WrapLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 7 4 /1 20
W r ap L ay o ut < WrapLayout
< Label
text ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4"></ Label
</ WrapLayout
A wesome N ative
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wi t h N ativeS c ript
j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 7 5 /1 20
F l ex b ox L ay o ut < FlexboxLayout
flexDirection ="row-reverse">
< Label
text ="1" flexGrow ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" flexGrow ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3" flexGrow ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4" flexGrow ="4"></ Label
< Label
text ="5" flexGrow ="5"></ Label
< Label
text ="6" flexGrow ="6"></ Label
</ FlexboxLayout
A wesome N ative
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F l ex b ox L ay o ut < FlexboxLayout
flexDirection ="row-reverse">
< Label
text ="1" flexGrow ="1"></ Label
< Label
text ="2" flexGrow ="2"></ Label
< Label
text ="3" flexGrow ="3"></ Label
< Label
text ="4" flexGrow ="4"></ Label
< Label
text ="5" flexGrow ="5"></ Label
< Label
text ="6" flexGrow ="6"></ Label
</ FlexboxLayout
A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 7 7 /1 20
T a bV i ew A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 7 8 /1 20
T a bV i ew < TabView
< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Tab 1'}">
<!-- Tab 1 content --></ StackLayout
< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Tab 2'}">
<!-- Tab 2 content --></ StackLayout
< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Tab 3'}">
<!-- Tab 3 content --></ StackLayout
</ TabView
A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 7 9 /1 20
T a bV i ew < TabView
height ="100%">
< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Rocket Raccoon'}" class ="full rocket">
</ StackLayout
< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Harley Quinn'}" class ="full harley">
</ StackLayout
< StackLayout * tabItem ="{title: 'Hulk'}" class ="full hulk">
</ StackLayout
</ TabView
A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 8 0 /1 20
T a bV i ew .full {
background-size : cover;
background-position : center;
background-repeat : no-repeat; } .rocket { background-image : url ( '~/images/rocket-raccoon.jpg' ); } .harley { background-image : url ( '~/images/harley-quinn.jpg' ); } .hulk { background-image : url ( '~/images/hulk.jpg' ); } A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 8 1 /1 20
N a ti v e c od e A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 8 3 /1 20
N ative c ode : s lider .c ompone n t .h tml < ActionBar
title ="Slider"></ ActionBar
< StackLayout
< Slider
value ="70"></ Slider
</ StackLayout
4 a ttribu t e d irecti v e 4 c hanges
t h e a ppeara n ce
or b ehavio r of
an e lement A wesome N ative
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j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 8 4 /1 20
N ative c ode : s lider .d irecti v e .t s import { Directive, ElementRef } from
"@angular/core" ; import { isIOS } from
"platform" ; @Directive({
selector : "[slider-icon]" }) export
class SliderIconDirective {
constructor (private el: ElementRef) {
if (isIOS) {
let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( "image.png" ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } A wesome N ative
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j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 8 5 /1 20
N ative c ode : s lider .d irecti v e .t s import { Directive, ElementRef } from
"@angular/core" ; import { isIOS } from
"platform" ; @Directive({
selector : "[slider-icon]" }) export
class SliderIconDirective {
constructor (private el: ElementRef) {
if (isIOS) {
let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( "image.png" ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } A wesome N ative
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j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 8 6 /1 20
N ative c ode : s lider .d irecti v e .t s import { Directive, ElementRef } from
"@angular/core" ; import { isIOS } from
"platform" ; @Directive({
selector : "[slider-icon]" }) export
class SliderIconDirective {
constructor (private el: ElementRef) {
if (isIOS) {
let uiSlider = this .el.nativeElement.ios; uiSlider.setThumbImageForState( UIImage.imageNamed( "image.png" ), UIControlState.Normal); } } } A wesome N ative
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j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 8 7 /1 20
N ative c ode : s lider .m odule .t s import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from
"@angular/core" ; import { NativeScriptModule } from
"nativescript-angular/nativescript.module" ; import { SliderIconDirective } from
"./slider.directive" ; import { SliderRoutingModule } from
"./slider-routing.module" ; import { SliderComponent } from
"./slider.component" ; @NgModule({
imports : [NativeScriptModule, SliderRoutingModule],
declarations : [SliderComponent, SliderIconDirective],
schemas : [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export
class SliderModule {} A wesome N ative
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j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 8 8 /1 20
N ative c ode : s lider .m odule .t s import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from
"@angular/core" ; import { NativeScriptModule } from
"nativescript-angular/nativescript.module" ; import { SliderIconDirective } from
"./slider.directive" ; import { SliderRoutingModule } from
"./slider-routing.module" ; import { SliderComponent } from
"./slider.component" ; @NgModule({
imports : [NativeScriptModule, SliderRoutingModule],
declarations : [SliderComponent, SliderIconDirective],
schemas : [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] }) export
class SliderModule {} A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 8 9 /1 20
9 0 /1 20
N o de P ac k ag e M a na g er A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 9 1 /1 20
N o de P ac k ag e M a na g er 4 c ommonl y k nown
as n pm 4 r eady
u s e J avaScr i pt m odules 4 a lmost 5 00 .0 00 p ackage s of f ree , r eusabl e c ode A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 9 2 /1 20
A n dr o id A rs e na l 4 l ibrari e s
f o r A ndroid (J ava / K otlin ) C o co a po d s 4 l ibrari e s
f o r
i O S (O bjecti v e -C / S wift ) A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 9 3 /1 20
M u lt i li n gu a l w i th n gx-t r an s la t e A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 9 4 /1 20
M u lt i li n gu a l w it h n g x-t r an s la t e 4 i nterna t ionali z ation l ibrary
f o r A ngular 2+ 4 d e9 n e t ransla t ions
in d i= e rent l anguag e s 4 s witch b etween
th e m e asily 4 n o h ardcod e d t ext /l abels , a l l
o n e p lace 4 s tar t d irectl y, ev e n
wi t h
o n e l anguag e A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 9 5 /1 20
9 6 /1 20
n l .j s on {
"GRAPH" : {
"PAGETITLE" : "Inkomen later" ,
"HDRTXT" : "Gewenste pensioenleeftijd" ,
"BTN_01" : "Salaris / inkomen" ,
"BTN_02" : "NN Pensioenen" ,
"BTN_03" : "Pensioenen" ,
"BTN_04" : "Keuzes voor later" ,
"BTN_05" : "AOW" ,
"BTN_06" : "Pensioen situatie" } }
e n .j s on {
"GRAPH" : {
"PAGETITLE" : "Income later" ,
"HDRTXT" : "Desired retirement age" ,
"BTN_01" : "Salary / income" ,
"BTN_02" : "NN Pensions" ,
"BTN_03" : "Pensions" ,
"BTN_04" : "Choices for later" ,
"BTN_05" : "AOW" ,
"BTN_06" : "Pension situation" } }
M u lt i li n gu a l w it h n g x-t r an s la t e B abelEd i t
by A ndreas Löw - @C odeAnd W eb h ttps ://w ww .c odeand w eb .c om /b abeled i t A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 9 9 /1 20
M u lt i li n gu a l w it h n g x-t r an s la t e < Label [ text ]="'GRAPH.HDRTXT' | translate"></ Label
[] = o n e
w a y
da t a b inding
in A ngular | = d isplay -v alue t ransfo r mation s A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 00 /1 20
1 01 /1 20
P l ug i ns A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 02 /1 20
P l ug i ns: a n at o my A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 03 /1 20
v e rs i on-n u mb e r.i o s.t s export
class VersionNumber { get() {
let version = NSBundle.mainBundle. objectForInfoDictionaryKey( "CFBundleShortVersionString" );
return version; } } A wesome N ative
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j fokus
@r owdyra b ouw 1 04 /1 20
v e rs i on-n u mb e r.a n dr o id.t s import * as application from
"application" ; export
class VersionNumber { get() {
let PackageManager = android.content.pm.PackageManager;
let pkg = application.android.context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo( application.android.context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
return pkg.versionName; } } A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 05 /1 20
v e rs i on-n u mb e r.d.t s export declare class VersionNumber { get(): any; } A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 06 /1 20
tns plugin add nativescript-version-number import { VersionNumber } from
"nativescript-version-number" ; let version = new VersionNumber().get(); A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 07 /1 20
A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 08 /1 20
n a ti v es c ri p t-t e xt t os p ee c h n a ti v es c ri p t-a u di o n a ti v es c ri p t-v i de o pl a ye r A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 09 /1 20
n a ti v es c ri p t-t e xt t os p ee c h tns plugin add nativescript-texttospeech import { TNSTextToSpeech, SpeakOptions } from
"nativescript-texttospeech" ; let textToSpeech = new TNSTextToSpeech(); let speakOptions: SpeakOptions = {
text : "Hello world!" ,
locale : "en-GB" } textToSpeech.speak(speakOptions); A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 10 /1 20
n a ti v es c ri p t-a u di o tns plugin add nativescript-audio import { TNSPlayer } from
"nativescript-audio" ; let player = new TNSPlayer(); player.initFromFile({
audioFile : "~/audio/song.mp3" }); player.play(); A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 11 /1 20
n a ti v es c ri p t-v i de o pl a ye r tns plugin add nativescript-videoplayer import { Video } from
"nativescript-videoplayer" ; < VideoPlayer
src ="video.mp4"></ VideoPlayer
A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 12 /1 20
W i n a T-s h ir t ! A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 13 /1 20
A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 14 /1 20
h t tp://2x r .n l /J f ok u s2018 A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 15 /1 20
T a k! ! A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 16 /1 20
T a ck! ! A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 17 /1 20
L i nk s a n d R es o ur c es A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 18 /1 20
L i nk s N ativeS c ript s tyling : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /c ss N ative e lement s p laygro u nd : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /N ative k eyboar d Type p laygro u nd : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /k eyboar d Type T abView p laygro u nd : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /T abView P lugin
de m o a pp : h ttp ://2 xr .n l /J fokus2 0 18Code A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 19 /1 20
h ttps ://n atives c ript .n l N ativeS c ript
h ttps ://p lay .n atives c ript .o rg
N ativeS c ript S idekic k - h ttps ://w ww .n atives c ript .o rg /n atives c ript -s idekic k A wesome N ative
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@r owdyra b ouw 1 20 /1 20
Developing native iOS and Android apps can be very time consuming and expensive. What if you could build native apps with one code base and web techniques? Well, you can with NativeScript! In this introduction, I’ll explain what NativeScript is and how it compares to other platforms. And in a live demo, I will show you how easy it is to get started and to make use of native capabilities.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Thanks for great talk! I will definitely give a try to NativeScript.
— Denish Vachhani (@denishvd) February 7, 2018