A presentation at Progress: The Longest Day 2019 in in Breda, Netherlands by Rowdy Rabouw
MIJN INKOMEN LATER 1/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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B2C MOBILE APP DEV NATIONALE-NEDERLANDEN 3/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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ROWDY RABOUW > Senior engineer Nationale-Nederlanden > Lead developer NN Pension App: Mijn Inkomen Later > Progress Developer Expert for Nativescript > Co-organizer NativeScript Developer Day Europe 5/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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MIJN.PENSIOEN 7/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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MIJN PENSIOENCOACH 10/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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CALCULATION OBJECTS > Pension App Calculation Engine (PACE) > PEnsion Advisory Calculation Engine (PEACE) > Family Pension Plan (FPP) > DoelInkomen Adviseur (DIA) 12/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
2015 External partner Native iOS + Android Objective-C + Java Native performance progress . . ? 13/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
2015 External partner Native iOS + Android Objective-C + Java Native performance Unhappy with the progress 14/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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PROOF OF CONCEPT 16/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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ANGULAR > Opinionated framework > Object oriented > Typescript > Full-featured routing > dependency injection > Data binding 21/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
CALCULATION OBJECTS -> TYPESCRIPT > Pension App Calculation Engine (PACE) > PEnsion Advisory Calculation Engine (PEACE) > Family Pension Plan (FPP) > DoelInkomen Adviseur (DIA) 22/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
CALCULATION OBJECTS -> TYPESCRIPT > Belastingdienst > Calculator > Database (JSON ipv SQLite) > Helper / Logger > NNverzekeraar > Socialeverzekeringsbank 23/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
DATASERVICE > Instantiate calculation objects > Call calculation objects methods > Get and set Settings like language > Load JSON database (taffydb) > Encrypt and save sensitive user input 24/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
VALIDATION SERVICE > Ranges for spinners > maximum length for inputs > Validate input fields > Minimum and maximum values for sliders 25/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
VALIDATION SERVICE “BeleggenRendementPercentage”: { “type”: “number”, “required”: true, “minimum”: 0, “maximum”: 15, “steps”: 0.05, “digits”: true }, “WerkurenHuidig”: { “type”: “number”, “minimum”: 0, “maximum”: 48 } 26/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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NATIVESCRIPT PLUGINS > nativescript-barcodescanner > nativescript-carousel > nativescript-toast > nnativescript-ui-sidedrawer > nativescript-plugin-firebase 28/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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MONDRIAAN ? PIEKENPIJP ? 31/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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MULTILINGUAL WITH NGX-TRANSLATE > internationalization library for Angular 2+ > define translations in different languages > switch between them easily > no hardcoded text/labels - all in one place > start directly - even with one language 41/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
NL.JSON { “GRAPH”: { “PAGETITLE”: “Inkomen later”, “HDRTXT”: “Gewenste pensioenleeftijd”, “BTN_01”: “Salaris / inkomen”, “BTN_02”: “NN Pensioenen”, “BTN_03”: “Pensioenen”, “BTN_04”: “Keuzes voor later”, “BTN_05”: “AOW”, “BTN_06”: “Pensioen situatie” } }
EN.JSON { “GRAPH”: { “PAGETITLE”: “Income later”, “HDRTXT”: “Desired retirement age”, “BTN_01”: “Salary / income”, “BTN_02”: “NN Pensions”, “BTN_03”: “Pensions”, “BTN_04”: “Choices for later”, “BTN_05”: “AOW”, “BTN_06”: “Pension situation” } }
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NOT ALL ROSES 45/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS <Slider minValue=”0” maxValue=”100” value=”40” (valueChange)=”onSliderValueChange($event)”> </Slider> 47/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS <Slider minValue=”{{minSliderSparen}}” maxValue=”{{maxSliderSparen}}” [(ngModel)]=”extraSparenInlegPerMaand” (valueChange)=”onSparenSliderValueChange($event)”> </Slider> 48/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS <Slider #sparenSlider minValue=”{{minSliderSparen}}” maxValue=”{{maxSliderSparen}}” [(ngModel)]=”extraSparenInlegPerMaand”> </Slider> 49/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS @ViewChild(“sparenSlider”) sparenSlider: ElementRef; ngOnInit() { this.sparenSlider.nativeElement.addEventListener(“valueChange”, (args: PropertyChangeData) => { this.debouncerSparen.next(args); }); this.debouncerSparen.debounceTime(150).subscribe(args => { this.sparenSliderChanged(args); }); } 50/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS sparenSliderChanged(args: PropertyChangeData) { this.extraSparenInlegPerMaand = Math.round(args.value); this.removeAllEventListeners(); …. // calculate and set all values for 5 sliders …. this._changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); this.addAllEventListeners(); } 51/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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NOT ALL ROSES: ANGULAR & PERFORMANCE > lazy loading > webpack & uglify > faster start-up time (12 seconds -> 3 seconds) > smaller app bundle (iOS 114 MB -> 42 MB) 53/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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UPDATES 55/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES > Nativescript CLI > NativeScript core modules > Xcode > Plugins 56/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES: PLUGINS package.json “dependencies”: { “nativescript-angular”: “~4.4.1”, “nativescript-barcodescanner”: “^2.7.0” } Semantic Versioning: major.minor.patch 57/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES: PLUGINS tilde vs ~8.0.1
= 8.0.1 < 8.1.0 ^3.2.0 = 3.2.0 < 4.0.0 58/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES: PLUGINS package.json “dependencies”: { “nativescript-angular”: “8.0.1”, “nativescript-barcodescanner”: “3.2.0” } CodeRelease.io 59/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
2015 2016 - 2019 External partner In-house team Native NativeScript iOS + Android Cross-platform Objective-C + Java Web technologies Native performance Native performance Unhappy with the progress 60/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
2015 2016 - 2019 External partner In-house team Native NativeScript iOS + Android Cross-platform Objective-C + Java Web technologies Native performance Native performance Unhappy with the progress Happy with Progress 61/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
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THANK YOU AND ENJOY YOUR LUNCH! 64/64 — Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - The Longest Day 2019 - @rowdyrabouw
Nationale-Nederlanden lanceerde enkele jaren geleden de native app Mijn Pensioencoach. In deze sessie zal Rowdy uitleggen waarom ze deze eind 2016 vervangen hebben door de - met NativeScript en Angular gerealiseerde - Mijn Inkomen Later app. Tevens deelt hij zijn ervaringen, worstelingen, uitdagingen en overwinningen tijdens dit traject.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
I love hearing how companies are using @ProgressSW products for app development. Learn how the NN Group used @NativeScript for B2C app development using one codebase for Android & iOS!https://t.co/hXq1Z1XZsJ
— Eric Bishard (@httpJunkie) July 31, 2019
If you're in or around the #Netherlands, come visit us at "The Future of Enterprise Mobile, Web, and Chat App Development" on June 20th at De Koepel in Breda:https://t.co/5XDYB1mlkJ pic.twitter.com/KiN7idHuUM
— NativeScript (@NativeScript) June 17, 2019