A presentation at Progress Innovation Day in in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Rowdy Rabouw
MIJN INKOMEN LATER 1/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
CUSTOMER STORY: NATIONALE-NEDERLANDEN 2/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Lead developer Nationale-Nederlanden Pension App
Freelance web and app developer
Progress Developer Expert for Nativescript
International speaker
Organizer NativeScript Developer Day Europe
Curator nativescript.nl 3/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NATIVESCRIPT 4/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
5/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Open source framework
building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript
together with markup (XML/HTML) and CSS
and native code if you want and dare
Cross Platform : one codebase for iOS and Android 6/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT LIKE PHONEGAP/CORDOVA WITH IONIC 7/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
No Webview
No DOM to manipulate
No HTML elements styled like native components
Real native components 8/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT LIKE XAMARIN 9/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
No Cross Compiling
100% access to native APIs without writing bindings
No .NET or C# 10/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT LIKE REACT NATIVE 11/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Not bound to a specific framework
No need writing Objective-C, Swift or Java
{ N } JavaScript has 100% access to native APIs
Maturity: 0.52 vs 3.4 12/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
HOW DOES NATIVESCRIPT WORK? 13/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
HOW DOES NATIVESCRIPT WORK? 14/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
JavaScript code
Page layouts in markup
CSS for styling 15/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NativeScript Core
UI components
File system access
Platform information
NativeScript Plugins
Fingerprint Authentication 16/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Runs on JavaScript Virtual Machines
V8 (Android)
JavaScriptCore (iOS)
Executes C++ code to invoke native code
Uses reflection to generate metadata
Examines, introspects, and modifies its own structure and behavior at runtime
No separate binding layers between { N } and each mobile platform API
New features are available immediately 17/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
JAVASCRIPT 18/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
JAVASCRIPT 19/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
JAVASCRIPT 20/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
JAVASCRIPT 21/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
JAVASCRIPT 22/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
MIJN.PENSIOEN 23/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
24/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
MIJN PENSIOENCOACH 25/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
26/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Pension App Calculation Engine (PACE)
PEnsion Advisory Calculation Engine (PEACE)
Family Pension Plan (FPP)
DoelInkomen Adviseur (DIA) 27/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
2015 External partner Native iOS + Android Objective-C + Java Native performance Unhappy with the progress 28/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
PROOF OF CONCEPT 29/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
30/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
31/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
33/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Opinionated framework
Object oriented
Full-featured routing
dependency injection
Data binding 34/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Pension App Calculation Engine (PACE)
PEnsion Advisory Calculation Engine (PEACE)
Family Pension Plan (FPP)
DoelInkomen Adviseur (DIA) 35/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Database (JSON ipv SQLite)
Helper / Logger
Socialeverzekeringsbank 36/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Instantiate calculation objects
Call calculation objects methods
Get and set Settings like language
Load JSON database (taffydb)
Encrypt and save sensitive user input 37/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Ranges for spinners
maximum length for inputs
Validate input fields
Minimum and maximum values for sliders 38/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
VALIDATION SERVICE "BeleggenRendementPercentage": { "type": "number", "required": true, "minimum": 0, "maximum": 15, "steps": 0.05, "digits": true }, "WerkurenHuidig": { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 48 } 39/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
nativescript-plugin-firebase 40/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
41/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
PIEKENPIJP ? 42/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
43/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
44/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
45/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
46/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
47/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
48/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
49/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
51/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
internationalization library for Angular 2+
define translations in different languages
switch between them easily
no hardcoded text/labels - all in one place
start directly - even with one language 52/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NL.JSON { "GRAPH": { "PAGETITLE": "Inkomen later", "HDRTXT": "Gewenste pensioenleeftijd", "BTN_01": "Salaris / inkomen", "BTN_02": "NN Pensioenen", "BTN_03": "Pensioenen", "BTN_04": "Keuzes voor later", "BTN_05": "AOW", "BTN_06": "Pensioen situatie" } }
EN.JSON { "GRAPH": { "PAGETITLE": "Income later", "HDRTXT": "Desired retirement age", "BTN_01": "Salary / income", "BTN_02": "NN Pensions", "BTN_03": "Pensions", "BTN_04": "Choices for later", "BTN_05": "AOW", "BTN_06": "Pension situation" } }
NOT ALL ROSES 55/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
56/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS <Slider minValue="0" maxValue="100" value="40" (valueChange)="onSliderValueChange($event)"> </Slider> 57/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS <Slider minValue="{{minSliderSparen}}" maxValue="{{maxSliderSparen}}" [(ngModel)]="extraSparenInlegPerMaand" (valueChange)="onSparenSliderValueChange($event)"> </Slider> 58/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS <Slider #sparenSlider minValue="{{minSliderSparen}}" maxValue="{{maxSliderSparen}}" [(ngModel)]="extraSparenInlegPerMaand"> </Slider> 59/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS @ViewChild("sparenSlider") sparenSlider: ElementRef; ngOnInit() { this.sparenSlider.nativeElement.addEventListener("valueChange", (args: PropertyChangeData) => { this.debouncerSparen.next(args); }); this.debouncerSparen.debounceTime(150).subscribe(args => { this.sparenSliderChanged(args); }); } 60/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
NOT ALL ROSES: SLIDERS sparenSliderChanged(args: PropertyChangeData) { this.extraSparenInlegPerMaand = Math.round(args.value); this.removeAllEventListeners(); .... // calculate and set all values for 5 sliders .... this._changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); this.addAllEventListeners(); } 61/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
62/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
lazy loading
webpack & uglify
faster start-up time (12 seconds -> 3 seconds)
smaller app bundle (iOS 114 MB -> 42 MB) 63/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES 64/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Nativescript CLI
NativeScript core modules
Plugins 65/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES: PLUGINS package.json "dependencies": { "nativescript-angular": "~4.4.1", "nativescript-barcodescanner": "^2.7.0" } Semantic Versioning: major.minor.patch 66/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES: PLUGINS tilde vs ! ~4.4.1 >= 4.4.1 < 4.5.0 ^2.7.0 >= 2.7.0 < 3.0.0 67/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
UPDATES: PLUGINS package.json "dependencies": { "nativescript-angular": "4.4.1", "nativescript-barcodescanner": "2.7.0" } sibbell.com 68/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
2015 2018 External partner In-house team Native NativeScript iOS + Android Cross-platform Objective-C + Java Web technologies Native performance Native performance Unhappy with the progress 69/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
2015 2018 External partner In-house team Native NativeScript iOS + Android Cross-platform Objective-C + Java Web technologies Native performance Native performance Unhappy with the progress Happy with
Progress 70/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
2XR.NL/NN 71/71 — Customer story: Nationale-Nederlanden - Rowdy Rabouw - Progress Innovation Day - @rowdyrabouw
Nationale-Nederlanden lanceerde enkele jaren geleden de native app Mijn Pensioencoach. In deze sessie zal Rowdy uitleggen waarom ze deze eind vorige jaar vervangen hebben door de - met NativeScript en Angular gerealiseerde - Mijn Inkomen Later app. Tevens deelt hij zijn ervaringen, worstelingen, uitdagingen en overwinningen tijdens dit traject.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.