A presentation at Concatenate in in Lagos, Nigeria by Sarah Drasner
THE Future of WEB Animation
Before we begin.. @sarah_edo
THE Future of WEB Animation
Communicating @sarah_edo
? @sarah_edo
Happiness sadness Fear curiosity @sarah_edo
Happiness sadness Fear curiosity @sarah_edo
Anything can happen
page transitions
Vue Single File Components <template> <div></div> </template> <script> export default { } </script> <style scoped> </style> @sarah_edo
<nuxt-link to=”/product”>Product</nuxt-link> Livecode Nuxt Resource @sarah_edo
Transition hook already available name=“page” .page-enter-active, .page-leave-active { transition: all .25s ease-out; } .page-enter, .page-leave-active { opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.95); transform-origin: 50% 50%; } @sarah_edo
Js hooks export default { transition: { mode: ‘out-in’, css: false, enter (el, done) { let tl = new TimelineMax({ onComplete: done }), spt = new SplitText(‘h1’, { type: ‘chars’ }), chars = spt.chars; TweenMax.set(chars, { transformPerspective: 600, perspective: 300, transformStyle: ‘preserve-3d’ }) } tl.add(‘start’) tl.from(el, 0.8, { scale: 0.9, transformOrigin: ‘50% 50%’, ease: Sine.easeOut }, ‘start’) … tl.timeScale(1.5) @sarah_edo
Repo https://github.com/sdras/nuxt-type @sarah_edo
Native-like page transitions
Cognitive Load Kathy Sierra: Badass, Making Users Awesome @sarah_edo
In store/index.js import Vuex from ‘vuex’ const createStore = () =>” { return new Vuex.Store({ state: { page: ‘index’ }, mutations: { updatePage(state, pageName) { state.page = pageName } } }) } export default createStore @sarah_edo
In middleware/pages.js: export default function(context) { // go tell the store to update the page context.store.commit(‘updatePage’, context.route.name) } register the middleware in nuxt.config.js: module.exports = { … router: { middleware: ‘pages’ } } @sarah_edo
In layouts/default.vue: <template> <div> <app-navigation /> <nuxt/> </div> </template> In AppNavTransition.vue: <h2 key=”profile-name” class=”profile-name”> <span v-if=”page ===$$ ‘group’” class=”user-trip”>{{ selectedUser.trip }}</span> <span v-else>{{ selectedUser.name }}</span> </h2> @sarah_edo
<transition-group /> Flip under the hood Rosario’s article @sarah_edo
Transition Group wraps it… <transition-group name=”layout” tag=”g”> <rect class=”items rect” ref=”rect” key=”rect” width=”171” height=”171”/> … </transition-group> Styles: .items, .list-move { transition: all 0.4s ease; } .active { .rect { transform: translate3d(0, 30px, 0); } … } @sarah_edo
//animations .place { .follow { transform: translate3d(-215px, -80px, 0); } .profile-photo { transform: translate3d(-20px, -100px, 0) scale(0.75); } .profile-name { transform: translate3d(140px, -125px, 0) scale(0.75); color: white; } .side-icon { transform: translate3d(0, -40px, 0); background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); } .calendar { opacity: 1; } } @sarah_edo
My Demo vue/nuxt css-tricks.com/native-like-animations-for-page-transitions-on-the-web/ github.com/sdras/page-transitions-travelapp Simona Cotin fork angular/typescript github.com/simonaco/page-transitions-travelapp Shawn wang (swyx) fork react/next github.com/sw-yx/page-transitions-react-travelapp @sarah_edo
Next-level responsive
@joshcarpenter @sarah_edo
@joshcarpenter @sarah_edo
@joshcarpenter @sarah_edo
@joshcarpenter @sarah_edo
Index page design inspired from this dribbble shot @sarah_edo
methods: { startDrag() { this.dragging = true this.x = this.y = 0 }, stopDrag() { this.dragging = false }, coords(e) { if (this.page ===$$ ‘vrview’ && this.dragging) { this.x = (e.clientX || e.touches[0].clientX) / 60 + 4 this.y = (e.clientY || e.touches[0].clientY) / 100 + 5 } }, … } @sarah_edo
this.scene = new THREE.Scene() var geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(500, 60, 40) // invert the geometry on the x-axis so that all of the faces point inward geometry.scale(-1, 1, 1) var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: new THREE.TextureLoader().load(imgsrc) }) mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material) this.scene.add(mesh) @sarah_edo
update() { lat = Math.max(-85, Math.min(85, lat)) phi = THREE.Math.degToRad(90 - lat) theta = THREE.Math.degToRad(lon) camera.target.x = 500 * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta) camera.target.y = 500 * Math.cos(phi) camera.target.z = 500 * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta) camera.lookAt(camera.target) renderer.render(scene, camera) } @sarah_edo
div { width: 500px; height: 500px; } border-radius: 50%; } @media vr { div { material: grass; } } @sarah_edo
sphere { material: envmap(0.9) reflectivity(0.5); } threejs.org/examples @sarah_edo
@joshcarpenter @sarah_edo
supermedium.com @sarah_edo
supermedium.com/supercraft @sarah_edo
ARKit 2.0 @OsFalmer @sarah_edo
Daniel @danielkuntz0 @sarah_edo
AR Expedition @sarah_edo
static 2d is an abstraction
Minh Pham on Dribbble @sarah_edo
How Virtual Reality Benefits Seniors Aditi Khazanchi @sarah_edo
seaheroquest.com @sarah_edo
The Art of Journey @sarah_edo
Hands-free experiences
SLOW DOWN @sarah_edo
In store.js (Vuex) export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { counter: 0, intent: ‘None’, intensity: ‘None’, score: 0, // idle - awaiting user input // listening - listening to user input // fetching - fetching user data from the API uiState: ‘idle’, zoom: 3 }, getters: { intentStr: state => { var str = state.intent str = str.replace(/\b(App.)\b/gi, ”) return str }, @sarah_edo
In store.js (Vuex) actions: { getSpeech({ dispatch, commit, state }) { commit(‘setUiState’, ‘listening’) //keep recording speech all the time or activate it//for the first screen no, press a button. second screen yes. state.intent === ‘None’ ? (recognition.continuous = true) : (recognition.continuous = false) recognition.start() … }, recognition.onresult = function(event) { const last = event.results.length - 1 const phrase = event.results[last][0].transcript dispatch(‘getUnderstanding’, phrase) } @sarah_edo
In store.js (Vuex) getUnderstanding({ commit }, utterance) { commit(‘setUiState’, ‘fetching’) const url = https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/v2.0/apps /4aba2274-c5df-4b0d-8ff7-57658254d042
https: axios({ method: ‘get’, url, params: { verbose: true, timezoneOffset: 0, q: utterance }, headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’, ‘Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key’: ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ } })
In store.js (Vuex) mutations: { newIntent: (state, {intent, score}) => { if (intent.includes(‘Intensity’)) { state.intensity = intent if (intent.includes(‘More’)) { state.counter++ } else if (intent.includes(‘Less’)) { state.counter-} } else { state.intent = intent } state.score = score }, … } @sarah_edo
In Base.vue (Components) createShapes() { this.bufferCamera.position.z = this.shapeZoom if (this.torusKnot !== null) { this.torusKnot.material.dispose() this.torusKnot.geometry.dispose() this.bufferScene.remove(this.torusKnot) } var shape = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry( this.tConfig.a, this.tConfig.b, this.tConfig.c, this.tConfig.d ), material … this.torusKnot = new THREE.Mesh(shape, material) this.torusKnot.material.needsUpdate = true this.bufferScene.add(this.torusKnot) }, @sarah_edo
In Base.vue (Components) animate() { this.storeRAF = requestAnimationFrame(this.animate) this.bufferScene.rotation.x += 0.01 this.bufferScene.rotation.y += 0.02 this.renderer.render( this.bufferScene, this.bufferCamera, this.bufferTexture ) this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera) }, @sarah_edo
In Base.vue (Components) watch: { shapeZoom() { this.createShapes() cancelAnimationFrame(this.storeRAF) this.animate() } }, Repo: github.com/sdras/three-vue-pattern @sarah_edo
Charlie Gerard, @devdevcharlie @sarah_edo
“We are in a rut. A rut shaped like this” -Jen Simmons @sarah_edo
Take up space
Think bigger
Thank you! @sarah_edo
We talk a lot about how to animate on the web, and what’s possible in browsers today, but where is animation heading? In this talk, we’ll start with some bleeding edge techniques such as native-like page transitions with nuxt, but then we’ll push it further. The intersection of health and animation with biofeedback sensors and Vue, the future of 3d in the browser complete with interviews with people who are writing these specs… this talk will show that in terms of animation on the web, we’re just getting started.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Yaaayyyy 💃💃💃💃 I finally get to meet @sarah_edo I've always been looking up to her, I call her the #AnimationGoddess she's already taken the web to another level. I'm so excited. #ConcatenateConf2019 #ConcatenateConf #100DaysOfCode pic.twitter.com/XvhPA8EudF
— Olajide (@olatojoshua) October 11, 2019
The most impactful speech I have ever been in. @sarah_edo just made my day.
— NGIRI MICHAEL (@MichaelNgiri) October 11, 2019
She explains with simple things you can relate with and goes further to broaden your knowledge. My mind was really expanded at #ConcatenateConf2019
Now I feel like combining animations, vr and cloud pic.twitter.com/UpXKFFw1V4
After attending #ConcatenateConf2019 today. I asked myself. What have I been doing in this life? #ThereIsMore. But we limit ourselves. Thanks @sarah_edo
— Osadome (@Osadome) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo @ConcatenateConf Thank you for making my day || The Best talk I've heard in a long time 🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/zfeYhWYEjV
— __officialNonso. (@nonsodaniel07) October 11, 2019
This is me stealing selfies with @sarah_edo @ConcatenateConf guys this lady blew my mind away with her talk about animations on the web
— Vincent edeh 🚀@concatenateconf (@_DEVince) October 11, 2019
From the whys the how's what it's been and what it could become
Was nice to listen to you Sarah
I hail ooh😁😉 pic.twitter.com/c9f3fJLMeZ
They say that the best wine are always served last. @sarah_edo talk “The Future of web technologies” brought a fitting end to day 1 of #ConcatenateConf pic.twitter.com/A5TfYo6JJd
— Iyke (@Ikekul) October 11, 2019
#ConcatenateConf2019 full of great minded people that are building great stuff. @sarah_edo is the Mama for the Web Technology. You're super Amazing and yeah a Wonder Woman.
— Progressive Being (@midecodeable) October 11, 2019
Cc @dev_careers pic.twitter.com/fzLJrtmHU0
She's an amazing blessed being. I'm so glad to have a discussion with her today. She is just awesome. Great mind.
— Waheed ♥♥ @ConcatenateConf2019 ♥♥ (@checkwithwaheed) October 11, 2019
That moment when you finally meet a role model; @sarah_edo @Netlify @Microsoft.
— Femi (@Femi86977360) October 11, 2019
Thanks for all you do.
#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/j3x7b0mStX
Nice meeting @sarah_edo it was truly a honor meeting you. Your talk would surely go along way in my life..
— dumtochukwu (@narthcodes) October 11, 2019
I certainly believe I’ll speak at concatenate next year... I’ll work hard towards it😁 #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/8Ig9WgFWMA
Hello @sarah_edo
— che che❤️ CONCATENATE CONF (@necheibekendu) October 11, 2019
Your talk about the Future Web was super amazing and I really enjoyed your Session.
If you don’t mind, May I get a Link of your Slideshow, please?
The atmosphere changed at #ConcatenateConf2019 the moment she mounted the stage! @sarah_edo is a very brilliant woman! I learnt a lot from what she taught us @ConcatenateConf
— Ajeigbe Johnson O. (@john_pels) October 11, 2019
We rep @dev_careers! pic.twitter.com/fVmTy8bTvj
Sarah @sarah_edo is really awesome 😭😭😭 she's super creative, great deliver, even better teacher in person. #ConcatenateConf @ConcatenateConf
— Veteran Problem Solver (@waleCloud) October 11, 2019
Thanks to the whole team @lauragift21 @unicodeveloper @codebeast @M_Silm 👏👏👏
We couldn't have asked for a better ending than the one dished out hot by @sarah_edo our minds where totaly blown away#ConcatenateConf2019 https://t.co/BOQLee2qDd
@sarah_edo is even more impressive in person, her talk was awesome. #ConcatenateConf2019
— Dongun (@yusufdamiloju) October 11, 2019
Today was dealing awesome. @sarah_edo's talk was the delicious icing in the cake. Damn, I've hot a lot to put in my journal.
— Vulcan @concatenateconf (@hillareee_) October 11, 2019
Okay so today was awesome @sarah_edo is offically my favorite person!!!#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/8xtJksSU1c
— Arafah📍 (@bamiogunfemi) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo gave the most electrifying speech ever!! #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/m3XsLj6gKD
— ........ (@Mabrouk__a) October 11, 2019
Sarah @sarah_edo made the entire room emotional by sharing the story behind starting @ConcatenateConf
— Concatenate 🇳🇬🇰🇪 (@ConcatenateConf) October 11, 2019
We love you ❤️#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/MfVUyrtna8
Amazing talk @sarah_edo . It was the bomb 💣💣💥💥
— Eze Emmanuel (@eze_emery) October 11, 2019
We had the amazing @sarah_edo close the first day with a standing ovation from the audience.
— Concatenate 🇳🇬🇰🇪 (@ConcatenateConf) October 11, 2019
Great talk on the future of web animations.
#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/JBWuzNaLUF
@sarah_edo blew my mind!
— Deolu (@Deolu____) October 11, 2019
Listened to @sarah_edo speak for the very first time and I must admit, She is the most awesome public speaker I have ever listened to.#ConcatenateConf2019
— Mark Boleigha @ Concatenate Lagos (@MarkBoleigha) October 11, 2019
"It's time to expand our minds beyond the rectangles of the past!"
— Odohi David (@spankie_dee) October 11, 2019
I now see frontend web from a different perspective, thanks to @sarah_edo talk @ConcatenateConf 2019.
Hats off! 🙌
After Yesterday's workshop, I thought I had experienced peak @sarah_edo
— 'Seun Oyebode (@seunoyebode) October 11, 2019
After her talk today, everyone gave her a standing ovation.
You'd be catching me more on your site these days Sarah. You're awesome.#ConcatenateConf2019#ConcatenateConf @ConcatenateConf https://t.co/ADJzfl3QOK
See standing ovation for the one and only Sarah drainer @sarah_edo after giving her talk on future of web animation at the concantenateconf in Lagos, Nigeria. #ConcatenateConf2019 #aceknoxxicecode pic.twitter.com/PaLqxewFPw
— Mustapha toyib (@aceknoxxicecode) October 11, 2019
How can you create something different, how can you make something that currently doesn't exist, how can you make your dreams come true.
— Chiamaka Kindness Osumgba @ConcatenateConf (@KindnessOsumgba) October 11, 2019
These last words by @sarah_edo sank real deep into my mind.
And the first day of #ConcatenateConf came to a close.#ConcatenateConf2019
"It's time to expand our minds beyond the boundaries of the past" - @sarah_edo. You blew my mind today Sarah. Thank you for that. #ConcatenateConf2019
— Seun Adetunji 📍 ConcatenateConf! (@SeunIsRoyalty) October 11, 2019
"Static 2D is an abstraction" - @sarah_edo at #ConcatenateConf2019
— Seun Adetunji 📍 ConcatenateConf! (@SeunIsRoyalty) October 11, 2019
You were amazing with your talk too. It was very refreshing and eye opening I loved it ❤ thank you for coming to Lagos, Nigeria. And @Kolokodess you were just too much 👏
— Mustapha toyib (@aceknoxxicecode) October 11, 2019
Fav 💛 with @sarah_edo @ConcatenateConf pic.twitter.com/WA3enRaDGf
— Abdullahi CAP 🇳🇬 @concatenateConf (@Abdullahi_bn) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo's talk on "The Future of Web Animation" @ConcatenateConf actually made me pause and think if I'm actually thinking outside the box to make the web better and inclusive. Awesome content.
— Chiamaka Ikeanyi ♦️ (@chiamakaikeanyi) October 11, 2019
And the crowd goes wild! 😍 #ConcatenateConf2019 Day 1 ends on the wonderful note of a massive standing ovation for @sarah_edo! 🎶🎺🎉✨ https://t.co/vVhzsyBsb9 pic.twitter.com/wzitflAwYh
— Anjana @ Concatenate Lagos 🇳🇬 (@AnjanaVakil) October 11, 2019
And I got a photo 😱 @sarah_edo 🔥 #ConcatenateConf2019 #ConcatenateConf #Concatenate2019 https://t.co/KynpbDDY0W pic.twitter.com/G7Vj6jzSBn
— labi francis Concatenate Conf 🇳🇬 (@labifrancis) October 11, 2019
argggggghhhhh.... not just the room, the online viewers...ME @sarah_edo
— brownfro_ samurai (@meduna_) October 11, 2019
I doff my hat 🧢 @sarah_edo . That was an amazing presentation. #ConcatenateConf2019
— Timi Tejumola 🇳🇬 (@timicodes) October 11, 2019
Closing note: @sarah_edo
— Chijioke wisest (@wisestMe) October 11, 2019
How can you make possible what is currently not possible? How can you make available what is currently not available? #ConcatenateConf2019
I kept saying “wow” during @sarah_edo talk 🔥 🔥💯💯💯💯
— labi francis Concatenate Conf 🇳🇬 (@labifrancis) October 11, 2019
- Think Bigger
- Take up Space
- Create, Invent and share
- The web is about communicating #ConcatenateConf2019 #ConcatenateConf #Concatenate2019 pic.twitter.com/gyG8yoHmDp
Sarah Sarah Sarah 👏🏼🙌🏻🤯🥰 always a delight to learn from you @sarah_edo
— Joy Utosu (@KwereUtosu) October 11, 2019
“Take up space”
The future is here, and it holds a lot.#Concatenate2019 #ConcatenateConf2019
@sarah_edo 's talk ends with a standing ovation.
We couldn't have asked for a better ending for today's conference @ConcatenateConf #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/MxU37wrDCo
What are you gonna build? Can you make your dreams in code and share it to the world?
— Mark Boleigha @ Concatenate Lagos (@MarkBoleigha) October 11, 2019
Awesome talk by @sarah_edo #ConcatenateConf2019
@sarah_edo Can deliver a talk OMG! I was captivated all through!!! Can we get your slides please? Amazing talk #ConcatenateConf
— Olutobi Ogunsola (@code_stack) October 11, 2019
The all time amazing @sarah_edo steady wowing the @ConcatenateConf audience... “What if our websites weren’t just responsive in two dimensions, but in three”? That right there is the future of the web 🔥🔥 #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/S0TM7tFkXz
— Ekene Eze🦋 (@kenny_io) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo deserves a national award for her presentation@ConcatenateConf #ConcatenateConf2019
— Omokehinde (@kehdcode) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo’s talk at #ConcatenateConf2019 is really opening my mind up. So happy to be present for it.
— John Ayeni Yohannah (@johnayeni_) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo really moves and touches me today.
— TechMisfit (@okoyedonaldson) October 11, 2019
It is time to space up.
Thank you @sarah_edo
@sarah_edo making so much sense over here @ConcatenateConf 🙌🏽🙌🏽
— #ConcatenateConf2019 (@js_oracle) October 11, 2019
She's blowing our minds 😃#ConcatenateConf2019#ConcatenateConf pic.twitter.com/elLY1xfc2n
If you come @ConcatenateConf today and you no wait for @sarah_edo talk, I swear you miss alot. @sarah_edo Na Confirm Guru
— Omo_Baba (@adedejioshi) October 11, 2019
#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/INqFncGSvd
@sarah_edo Thank you for such a challenging talk #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/klbXk1k2z2
— Lesi S (@LesiS19) October 11, 2019
That woman is a genius
— Omokehinde (@kehdcode) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo blowing minds 💣
— Mark Boleigha @ Concatenate Lagos (@MarkBoleigha) October 11, 2019
Somebody call the bomb squad!!!#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/1lz6srMi3V
I'm speechless. Thanks for coming @sarah_edo #ConcatenateConf2019
— Adewale Olaoye (@dewaleolaoye) October 11, 2019
I need to watch her sesion on #TheFutureOfWebAnimation again and again
@sarah_edo taking responsive designs to another level.
We are completely wowed.
It's just mind blowing @ConcatenateConf#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/bl7gVj0Zof
Oh Lord, Can you duplicate @sarah_edo brain for my sake and implement it in my brain🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/TR0ZJEblOF
— Omo_Baba (@adedejioshi) October 11, 2019
I know there’s a “You don’t know JS” book but after listening to that talk by @sarah_edo at the #ConcatenateConf2019, I don’t know who needs to see this but someone out there owes me a “You don’t know CSS” book...... my gawd!🔥🔥
— theJohnKey({ ...❤️ }) (@itsMUYIjohn) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo 's blowing my mind 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮.
— Code Hijabi 💙💚💛🧡💜 (@CodeHijabi) October 11, 2019
I think I want to animate 😍😍😍😍#ConcatenateConf #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/vNf3RspZRq
😂😂@sarah_edo is super cool speaker
— Jude Obiejesi🚀@ConcatenateConf (@Chinweike_Dev) October 11, 2019
And blowing our heads out💣💣💣🔥🔥🚀🚀
— Samson Goddy 🚀 #concatenateConf🔥🔥 (@Samson_Goddy) October 11, 2019
....@unicodeveloper shouted "Mad O" on the future of responsiveness by @sarah_edo 🔥🔥🔥🔥#ConcatenateConf #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/5GrRuUWF5G
— Samson Goddy 🚀 #concatenateConf🔥🔥 (@Samson_Goddy) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo is on stage dropping animation 🔥🔥🔥 with @nuxt_js #ConcatenateConf2019 #ConcatenateConf
— Egin Steve (@baystizzle) October 11, 2019
Incredible @sarah_edo is closing the first day of Concatenate Conf by reflecting back to the first year 💖 pic.twitter.com/1Fejuerd1i
— Simona Cotin (@simona_cotin) October 11, 2019
So awesome listening to @sarah_edo. She is the best, definitely going to work with animations. #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/ecVYSCCkcw
— Bankai (@toyin_ayorinde) October 11, 2019
The @sarah_edo of @ConcatenateConf is giving a heart warming talk on the future of animation in the web. Nice...#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/UmCKSWhmYr
— Chinwe Okonkwo (@ChilieCoder) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo ma pa wa na
— The 'Tunde Yusuf (@iamtundeyusuf) October 11, 2019
the future of animation on the web, is here #concatenate2019 🔥🔥🔥
Using cognitive load to deliver a nicer and more seamless user experience by @Sarah_edo
— Mark Boleigha @ Concatenate Lagos (@MarkBoleigha) October 11, 2019
Mind blown 🤯 #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/JU3GHsmdcb
Day 1 of #ConcatenateConf2019 has been 💯!
— Anjana @ Concatenate Lagos 🇳🇬 (@AnjanaVakil) October 11, 2019
Now the one & only @sarah_edo ends the day with a talk on web animation, but first a look back at the birth of @ConcatenateConf
Thank you Sarah & @codebeast for this fantastic event you have created, so happy to be a part of it! 💗 pic.twitter.com/MCbF5THYeU
@sarah_edo on stage and it's quite am emotional start.
Thank you very much 4 coming down to Nigeria 4 @ConcatenateConf & for also being part of the organising team
We are deeply grateful & yes am wearing @Netlify branded tshirt from @sarah_edo @Netlify #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/JfrDsxBCQJ
Finally. Today I met with @sarah_edo...not while on stage ofc. We spoke for about 5 mins about...thanks to @ConcatenateConf and @codebeast
— Waheed ♥♥ @ConcatenateConf2019 ♥♥ (@checkwithwaheed) October 11, 2019
I am blessed with what I have learnt today. #ConcatennateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/vnnYmdZ5jj
@sarah_edo with the 🔥 lecture on using animations in the browser#ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/l71GHyJDSN
— Mark Boleigha @ Concatenate Lagos (@MarkBoleigha) October 11, 2019
The Oracle is on stage 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀🚀 @sarah_edo talking about "Future of Web Animation". #ConcatenateConf #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/ZP3zVgaoz6
— Samson Goddy 🚀 #concatenateConf🔥🔥 (@Samson_Goddy) October 11, 2019
Oh my 😂😂 @sarah_edo speaking pidgin English is highlight for me 🙌🏻🙌🏻
— Joy Utosu (@KwereUtosu) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo just said una Dey totori me scatter. The moment I have been waiting for. @ConcatenateConf. Live streaming, couldn’t join 😖😖
— Olaoluwani Onafowope 🇳🇬 (@ola_onafowope) October 11, 2019
Lagos stand up!!! @sarah_edo is on stage.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 pic.twitter.com/OwIWTXzLA0
— Mark Boleigha @ Concatenate Lagos (@MarkBoleigha) October 11, 2019
Happy to see @sarah_edo at @ConcatenateConf talking about animation on the web and what’s possible in today’s browsers.#ConcatenateConf2019 #ConcatenateConf pic.twitter.com/JsYwLFtlyi
— David Bisset (@dimensionmedia) October 11, 2019
@sarah_edo #ConcatenateConf2019 pic.twitter.com/jJf7PflRTB
— Omo_Baba (@adedejioshi) October 11, 2019