Data Science + Magic = Profit

A presentation at DevOpsDays Chicago in August 2018 in Chicago, IL, USA by Lilia Gutnik

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Data Science + Magic = Profit LILIA GUTNIK @superlilia

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An alarm goes off in a nuclear power plant

credit: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1979

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Then another. And another.

credit: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1979

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The first was a small mechanical failure

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Cascading failure

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Cascading failure of humans

credit: " cascading failure of humans " –Roman Mars, 99% Invisible Podcast

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Everything Else vs Data Science

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Part 1: Identifying Customer Pain & Designing a Potential Solution

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People don’t pay for algorithms. They pay for solutions.

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Interviewing Users

credit: Interviewing Users: HOW TO UNCOVER COMPELLING INSIGHTS by Steve Portigal

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“Tell me about a time when…”

credit: Interviewing Users: HOW TO UNCOVER COMPELLING INSIGHTS by Steve Portigal

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“Imagine the ideal situation…”

Interviewing Users HOW TO UNCOVER COMPELLING INSIGHTS by Steve Portigal

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Product Vision: Imagine a good place

credit: Schur, M. (Writer, Director). (2017). Michael’s Gambit [Season 1, Episode 13]. In M. Schur (Executive producer), The Good Place. Universal City, CA: NBC.

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Product Vision: Ambitious future

Schur, M. (Writer, Director). (2017). Michael’s Gambit [Season 1, Episode 13]. In M. Schur (Executive producer), The Good Place. Universal City, CA: NBC. Data Science + Magic = Profit

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What is your product vision?

credit: Schur, M. (Writer, Director). (2017). Michael’s Gambit [Season 1, Episode 13]. In M. Schur (Executive producer), The Good Place. Universal City, CA: NBC.

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Predicting a value? Suggesting an action? Recommending something?

credit: Schur, M. (Writer, Director). (2017). Michael’s Gambit [Season 1, Episode 13]. In M. Schur (Executive producer), The Good Place. Universal City, CA: NBC.

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Supervised Machine Learning

credit for concept: Linda Zhou, Western Digital

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Supervised Machine Learning: Classification

credit concept: Linda Zhou, Western Digital

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“Using ____________ data I can predict (classify) __________”

credit: Jeremy Schiff, MLConf 2015

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credit: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1979

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It appears you are experiencing a nuclear meltdown

credit: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1979

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It appears you are experiencing a nuclear meltdown

credit: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1979

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Part 2: Finding Data, Prototyping, and Testing

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Finding data

350 million incidents 589 million notifications 1.7 million people

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Finding data

350 million incidents 589 million notifications 1.7 million people 28,000 manual merges 1/100 of 1% of incidents in dataset

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Can we find the data elsewhere?

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Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets, Y.Hu, Y. Koren, C. Volinsky, 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

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Mini version of the vision

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Part 3: Measuring Success, Iterating on Design, and Shipping

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Explainability v Complexity

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Explainability v Complexity

30 seconds 3 hours $200.00 @superlilia Data Science + Magic = Profit

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Explainability v Complexity

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Juggling requirements

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Juggling requirements

Complexity Accuracy Performance Precision Sellability Scale Customer Expectation Resilience Recall Explainability

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Final Thoughts

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Data Science + Magic = Profit

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Data Science + (Well Understood Customer Pain + Thoughtful Design) = Profit

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Data Science is part of the solution

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Data Science is not the entire solution

Creativity Customers Design Experiment Data Science Define success Iterate Make it understandable Ship it

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Data Science + Magic = Profit by Lilia Gutnik @superlilia

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NRC Annual Report, 1979, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission •“Lessons from Three Mile Island: the Design of Interactions in a High Stakes Environment”, A. Roesler, University of Washington, 2009 •Machine Learning for Designers, Patrick Hebron, 2016, O’Reilly Media, Inc •“Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets”, Y.Hu, Y. Koren, C. Volinsky, 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining •Human Interpretable Machine Learning - the Need and Importance of Model Interpretation, D. Sarkar, Intel, 2018, •Satisficing and Optimizing Metric,, A. Ng,, •Recommendation Architecture, J. Schiff, MLConf 2015, New York, NY •Simplify Machine Learning Pipeline Analysis with Object Storage, L. Zhou,, 2018