Weaving Webs of Workers

A presentation at JS Kongress in March 2019 in Munich, Germany by Trent Willis

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Hallo JS Kongress! @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Hallo JS Kongress! Raise your ✋ if you work on a web application. @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Cool Web App That Pays The Bills @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Cool Web App That Pays The Bills @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Cool Web App That Pays The Bills @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Cool Web App That Pays The Bills @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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How do we prevent numerous, large, and/or slow data requests from impacting our users? @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Web Workers. They help, but also complicate. @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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@TRENTMWILLIS Senior UI Engineer at Netflix y e d i p S @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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The Web Workers API “allows Web application authors to spawn background workers running scripts in parallel to their main page.” @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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new Worker(‘worker.js’); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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new Worker(‘worker.js’); new SharedWorker(‘worker.js’); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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new Worker(‘worker.js’); It’s like a <script> but loads in a different thread! @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Web Workers allow “for thread-like operation with message-passing as the coordination mechanism.” @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// main thread worker;; @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// main thread worker.postMessage(message);; @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// worker thread self // WorkerGlobalScope @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// worker thread self.addEventListener( ‘message’, event => { console.log(event.data); }; ); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// worker thread self.addEventListener( ‘message’, event => { console.log(event.data); self.postMessage(message); }; ); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Messaging is the bulk of the Web Workers API you need! // main thread worker.addEventListener( ‘message’, event => console.log(event.data) ); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// main thread worker.terminate(); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Knowing when a task is completed @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM No dynamic definition of workers @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Knowing when a task is completed @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Knowing when a task is completed Turn messages into Promises @TRENTMWILLIS Replace one platform feature with another! #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Knowing when a task is completed SOLUTION Turn messages into Promises const postMessage = (worker, message) => new Promise(resolve => { const resolution = (event) => { worker.removeEventListener(‘message’, resolution); resolve(event.data); }; worker.addEventListener(‘message’, resolution); worker.postMessage(message); }); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Knowing when a task is completed SOLUTION Turn messages into Promises postMessage(worker, data) data).then(response response => console.log(response) console.log(response)); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Knowing when a task is completed SOLUTION Turn messages into Promises const response = await postMessage(worker, data); console.log(response); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Knowing when a task is completed SOLUTION Turn messages into Promises promise-worker github.com/nolanlawson/promise-worker @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers Use Promises (again) @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers Expose Worker methods as main thread functions @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers SOLUTION Expose Worker methods as main thread functions backendOneWorker backendTwoWorker @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers SOLUTION Expose Worker methods as main thread functions const data = await Promise.all([ backendOneWorker.fetch(‘first’), backendTwoWorker.fetch(‘second’) ]); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers SOLUTION Expose Worker methods as main thread functions const data = await Promise.all([ backendOneWorker.fetch(‘first’), backendTwoWorker.fetch(‘second’) ]); const result = await processingWorker.process(data); console.log(result); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers SOLUTION Expose Worker methods as main thread functions const data = await Promise.all([ backendOne.fetch(‘first’), backendTwo.fetch(‘second’) ]); const result = await processing.process(data); console.log(result); A good Worker abstraction looks like any other object! @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Management and coordination of multiple workers SOLUTION Expose Worker methods as main thread functions Workerize github.com/developit/workerize @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM No dynamic definition of workers @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM No dynamic definition of workers Create Workers from Blob URLs of functions @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM No dynamic definition of workers SOLUTION Create Workers from Blob URLs of functions const workerFromFunction = (fn) => { const src = (${fn})();; const blob = new Blob([src], {type: ‘application/javascript’}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); return new Worker(url); }; @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM No dynamic definition of workers SOLUTION Create Workers from Blob URLs of functions greenlet github.com/developit/greenlet @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Lumen bit.ly/netflix-lumen @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Lumen “The majority of data operations in Lumen are done in Web Workers. This allows Lumen to keep the main thread free for user interactions, such as scrolling and interacting with individual charts, as the dashboard loads all of its data.” @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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This is how we “weave” a web of Web Workers! Worker-To-Worker Communication @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// worker thread const workerInWorker = new Worker(‘worker.js’); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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MessageChannel @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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MessageChannel consists of 2 MessagePorts @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// main thread const worker1 = new Worker(‘worker-1.js’); const worker2 = new Worker(‘worker-2.js’); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// main thread const worker1 = new Worker(‘worker-1.js’); const worker2 = new Worker(‘worker-2.js’); const channel = new MessageChannel(); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// main thread const worker1 = new Worker(‘worker-1.js’); const worker2 = new Worker(‘worker-2.js’); const channel = new MessageChannel(); worker1.postMessage(‘MessagePort’, [channel.port1]); worker2.postMessage(‘MessagePort’, [channel.port2]); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Transferable “[A Transferable] represents an object that can be transferred between different execution contexts, like the main thread and Web Workers.” @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// worker thread self.addEventListener(‘message’, (event) => { if (event.ports.length) { }; }); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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// worker thread self.addEventListener(‘message’, (event) => { if (event.ports.length) { event.ports[0].onmessage = event => console.log(event.data); event.ports[0].postMessage(‘hello from worker 2’); }; }); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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const data = await Promise.all([ backendOneWorker.fetch(‘first’), backendTwoWorker.fetch(‘second’) ]); const result = await processingWorker.process(data); console.log(result); @TRENTMWILLIS You can do this entirely off the main thread! #JSKongress

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Non-Blocking Canvas Graphics @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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OffscreenCanvas @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Non-Blocking DOM Manipulation @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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worker-dom github.com/ampproject/worker-dom @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Conway’s Game of Life canvas-of-life.glitch.me @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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@TRENTMWILLIS So janky! #JSKongress

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@TRENTMWILLIS Much better! #JSKongress

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You Can Do A LOT With Web Workers… @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test How do we test them? @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test A Tale of Two Strategies @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test Run your testing framework and worker in the same thread @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test // Main <script <script <script @TRENTMWILLIS thread src=”test-framework.js”></script> src=”worker.js”></script> src=”tests.js”></script> #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test // Main <script <script <script thread src=”test-framework.js”></script> src=”worker.js”></script> src=”tests.js”></script> // Or, worker thread importScripts(‘test-framework.js’, ‘worker.js’); // Your tests here… @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test That is NOT how Workers are used. @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test Treat your Worker as a Function @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test SOLUTION Treat your Worker as a Function test(‘transforms data’, async (assert) => { const worker = new Worker (‘transform.js’); const data = [1, 2, 3]; const result = postMessage(worker, data); assert.equal(result, I'm transformed!); }); @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test SOLUTION Treat your Worker as a Function Sub-Problem: How do we mock/stub calls a Worker? @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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PROBLEM Difficult to test SOLUTION Treat your Worker as a Function worker-box github.com/trentmwillis/worker-box @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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canvas-of-life.glitch.me/tests @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Web Workers are powerful @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Web Workers are powerful, but avoid using them directly @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Web Workers are powerful, but avoid using them directly, instead stand on the shoulders of giants. @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress

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Thank you! @TRENTMWILLIS Web Workers are powerful, but avoid using them directly, instead stand on the shoulders of giants. There is no better time to start than right now. #JSKongress

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• • • • • • • • • Resources Spider icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com Web Workers spec: www.w3.org/TR/workers/ Promise Worker: github.com/nolanlawson/promise-worker Workerize: github.com/developit/workerize Greenlet: github.com/developit/greenlet Lumen: bit.ly/netflix-lumen Worker DOM: github.com/ampproject/worker-dom Game of Life Demo: canvas-of-life.glitch.me Worker Box: github.com/trentmwillis/worker-box @TRENTMWILLIS #JSKongress