A presentation at San Francisco JUG in in San Francisco, CA, USA by Viktor Gamov
@ Apache Kafka A Streaming Data Platform and #javapuzzlersng @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Who am I?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Solutions Architect Who am I?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Solutions Architect Developer Advocate Who am I?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Solutions Architect Developer Advocate @gamussa in internetz Who am I?
@gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
Solutions Architect
Developer Advocate
in internetz
Hey you, yes, you,
go follow me in twitter ©
Who am I?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Kafka & Confluent
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc We are hiring! https://www.confluent.io/careers/
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc A company is build on
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc A company is build on DATA FLOWS but All we have is DATA STORES
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Kafka is a Streaming Platform The Log Connectors Connectors Producer Consumer Streaming Engine
@gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
KV-storage etc.)
Streams /
High Throughput
API based
Origins in Stream Processing
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc authorization_attempts possible_fraud What exactly is Stream Processing?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count() FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 MINUTE) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count() > 3; authorization_attempts possible_fraud What exactly is Stream Processing?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count() FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 MINUTE) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count() > 3; authorization_attempts possible_fraud What exactly is Stream Processing?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count() FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 MINUTE) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count() > 3; authorization_attempts possible_fraud What exactly is Stream Processing?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count() FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 MINUTE) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count() > 3; authorization_attempts possible_fraud What exactly is Stream Processing?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count() FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 MINUTE) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count() > 3; authorization_attempts possible_fraud What exactly is Stream Processing?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count() FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 MINUTE) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count() > 3; authorization_attempts possible_fraud What exactly is Stream Processing?
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Streaming is the toolset for dealing with events as they move!
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc What is a Streaming Platform? The Log Connectors Connectors Producer Consumer Streaming Engine
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Kafka’s Distributed Log The Log Connectors Connectors Producer Consumer Streaming Engine
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc The log is a type of durable messaging system
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Similar to a traditional messaging system (ActiveMQ, Rabbit etc) but with: (a) Far better scalability (b) Built in fault tolerance / HA (c) Storage The log is a type of durable messaging system
@gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
The log is a simple idea
Messages are added
at the end of the log
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Consumers have a position all of their own Sally is here George is here Fred is here Old New Scan Scan Scan
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Only Sequential Access Old New Read to offset & scan
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Scaling Out
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Shard data to get scalability Messages are sent to different partitions Producer (1) Producer (2) Producer (3) Cluster of machines Partitions live on different machines
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Replicate to get fault tolerance replicate msg msg leader Machine A Machine B
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Partition Leadership and Replication Broker 1 Topic1 partition1 Broker 2 Broker 3 Broker 4 Topic1 partition1 Topic1 partition1 Leader Follower Topic1 partition2 Topic1 partition2 Topic1 partition2 Topic1 partition3 Topic1 partition4 Topic1 partition3 Topic1 partition3 Topic1 partition4 Topic1 partition4
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Replication provides resiliency A ‘replica’ takes over on machine failure
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Partition Leadership and Replication - node failure Broker 1 Topic1 partition1 Broker 2 Broker 3 Broker 4 Topic1 partition1 Topic1 partition1 Leader Follower Topic1 partition2 Topic1 partition2 Topic1 partition2 Topic1 partition3 Topic1 partition4 Topic1 partition3 Topic1 partition3 Topic1 partition4 Topic1 partition4
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Linearly Scalable Architecture Single topic:
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Worldwide, localized views ! 33 NY London Tokyo Replicator Replicator Replicator
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc The Connect API The Log Connectors Connectors Producer Consumer Streaming Engine
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Ingest / Egest into any data source Kafka
Connect Kafka
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Ingest/Egest data from/to data sources Amazon S3 Elasticsearch HDFS JDBC Couchbase Cassandra Oracle SAP Vertica Blockchain JMX
Kenesis MongoDB
Redis Twitter
DynamoDB FTP
Github BigQuery Google Pub Sub
RethinkDB Salesforce
Solr Splunk
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Kafka Streams and KSQL The Log Connectors Connectors Producer Consumer Streaming Engine
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc SELECT card_number, count(*)
FROM authorization_attempts
GROUP BY card_number
HAVING count(*) > 3;
Engine for Continuous Computation
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc But it’s just an API public static void main(String[] args) { StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder(); builder.stream( "caterpillars" ) .map(StreamsApp !" coolTransformation) .to( "butterflies" );
new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), props()).start(); }
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Compacted
Topic Join Stream Table Kafka Kafka Streams / KSQL Topic Join Streams and Tables
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc KAFKA Payments Orders Buffer 5 mins Emailer Windows / Retention – Handle Late Events In an asynchronous world, will the payment come first, or the order? Join by Key
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Windows / Retention – Handle Late Events KAFKA Payments Orders Buffer 5 mins Emailer Join by Key KStream orders = builder.stream( "Orders" ); KStream payments = builder.stream( "Payments" ); orders.join(payments, KeyValue !" new , JoinWindows.of( 1
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc A KTable is just a stream with infinite retention KAFKA Emailer Orders, Payments Customers Join
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc A KTable is a stream with infinite retention KAFKA Emailer Orders, Payments Customers Join Materialize a table in two lines of code! KStream orders = builder.stream( "Orders" ); KStream payments = builder.stream( "Payments" ); KTable customers = builder.table( "Customers" ); orders.join(payments, EmailTuple !" new , JoinWindows.of( 1 *MIN)) .join(customers, (tuple, cust) !# tuple.setCust(cust)) .peek((key, tuple) !# emailer.sendMail(tuple));
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc The Log Connectors Connectors Producer Consumer Streaming Engine Kafka is a complete Streaming Platform
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc The Log Connectors Connectors Producer Consumer Streaming Engine Kafka is a complete Streaming Platform
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc https://www.confluent.io/download/
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc We are hiring! https://www.confluent.io/careers/
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc One more thing …
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc A Major New Paradigm
@ @gamussa @sfjava @confluentinc Thanks ! Stay for #javapuzzlersng!!! @gamussa viktor@confluent.io We are hiring! https://www.confluent.io/careers/
When it comes time to choose a distributed messaging system, everyone knows the answer: Apache Kafka. But how about when you’re on the hook to choose a world-class, horizontally scalable stream data processing system? When you need not just publish and subscribe messaging, but also long-term storage, a flexible integration framework, and a means of deploying real-time stream processing applications at scale without having to integrate a number of different pieces of infrastructure yourself? The answer is still Apache Kafka.
In this talk, we’ll make a rapid-fire review of the breadth of Kafka as a streaming data platform. We’ll look at its internal architecture, including how it partitions messaging workloads in a fault-tolerant way. We’ll learn how it provides message durability. We’ll look at its approach to pub/sub messaging. We’ll even take a peek at how Kafka Connect provides code-free, scalable, fault-tolerant integration, and how the Streams API provides a complete framework for computation over all the streaming data in your cluster.