How Do You Query a Stream?

A presentation at jPrime 2024 in May 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria by Viktor Gamov

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How To Query A Stream? Viktor Gamov, StarTree @gamussa Geecon, Kraków, 2024 @gamussa | @startreedata | @apachepinot

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@gamussa | @startreedata | @apachepinot

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@gamussa | @startreedata | @apachepinot

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Viktor GAMOV Head of Developer Advocacy | StarTree f THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY Twitter X: @gamussa Kong Con idential

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Simpler times Monolith

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Simpler analytics ETL and CDC

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DHW->Hadoop Mobile Era

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Data Pipelines Streaming data pipelines and Microservices

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OLTP stream vs OLAP vs. OLTP in Streams OLAP streams

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Our Options f • • • • • • Connect/Relational DB Ka ka Streams Streaming SQL Cloud Data Warehouse Data Lake Real-Time OLAP Database

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f Ka ka Connect

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Connect/RDBMS Broker Broker Broker Cluster Data Source Kafka Connect Kafka Connect Data Sink

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` Connect/RDBMS • Suitable for smaller data • Transactional • Familiar to users

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f Ka ka Streams

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Ka ka Streams (transactional) f • Ingests directly from a topic • KTable • Forms an in-memory key/value store suitable for querying by topic key • Scalable across members of a consumer group • Readable through Interactive Queries

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Ka ka Streams (transactional) final KStream<String, String> stream =, Consumed.with(stringSerde, stringSerde)); f final KTable<String, String> convertedTable = stream.toTable(“streamconverted-to-table”));

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Ka ka Streams (analytical) • • • • • Full-featured Java stream processing API Arbitrary streaming computation Can emit new streams (not this talk) KTables queryable by key f Every read pattern requires its own topology • Interactive Queries again

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Ka ka Streams (analytical) KTable<String, Long> wordCounts = textLines .flatMapValues(textLine -> Arrays.asList(textLine.toLowerCase().split(“\W+”))) .groupBy((key, word) -> word) .count(Materialized.<String, Long, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(“counts-store”)); f wordCounts.toStream().to(“WordsWithCountsTopic”, Produced.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long()));

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Streaming SQLs

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Streaming SQL • • • • Materialize DeltaStream RisingWave ksqlDB

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I love you, little squirrel. Why not Flink?

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But this talk is not about you. Why not Flink?

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Materialize f • Replacement data warehouse • Integrates with Ka ka, Postgres, dbt • The Materialized View is the central abstraction • Views are persistent and queryable • Postgres wire-compatible • Positioned as an analytics solution

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Delta Stream Cloud-native streaming SQL Serverless, BYOC Ka ka, Kinesis integration Materialized views and streaming pipelines • streaming database and streaming analytics f • • • •

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Rising Wave f • Distributed SQL Streaming database • Cloud and OSS versions • Implementation of Flink in Rust • Ka ka, Pulsar, Kinesis integrations • Flink+persistent views • Postgres wire-compatible

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ksqlDB f • «Streaming Database» • Provides persistent TABLE abstraction • Pull and Push queries • Like Ka kaStreams, but in SQL

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Cloud Data Warehouses

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Cloud Data Warehouses

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Cloud Data Warehouses • The cloud-based heir of legacy DWH • Ingest from batch and streaming sources • Biased towards structured data and batch access

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Data Lake

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Data Lake f Anything else We’ll igure this out

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Data Lakes • • • • • Started as the HDFS cluster Became S3 That didn’t help… ELT vs. ETL Iceberg/Hudi/DeltaLake

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Data Lakes f • Storage and compute are radically decoupled • Structure is relatively less important • Reads are slow • Streaming is historically dif icult

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Data Lakes f • Storage and compute are radically decoupled • Structure is relatively less important • Reads are slow • Streaming is historically dif icult

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Real-Time Analytics Database

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Real-Time OLAP f • Designed for high concurrency, low latency queries • Ingests from streaming and batch sources • Intimate integration with Ka ka • Conventional tables and SQL

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Real-Time OLAP • Analytics shaped like realtime data • Analytics when users are decision makers

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No Solutions Technology Selection only Trade Offs

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Sometimes you go with what you know

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This is not bad!

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Performance Performance

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Community/Adoption Community

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Differentiated Application Code Area of Exploration Kafka

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Need your feedback @gamussa | @startreedata | @apachepinot

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Need your feedback It’s Anonymous @gamussa | @startreedata | @apachepinot

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For more resources on Apache Pinot: Viktor Gamov, StarTree @gamussa