Inayaili León

Inayaili León

Director, Design Operations at GitHub. Wrote two books. Does talks. Love naps.

Twitter: @yaili

Biographies for publication

Short biography

Inayaili León is Director of Design Operations at GitHub. Previously, she was a Senior Designer at Microsoft, and she led the team creating Canonical’s Vanilla design system. She writes for well-known online publications and on her own blog, and speaks at international conferences. She’s the co-author of Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites (Apress, 2011), and author of Moving to Responsive Web Design (Apress, 2016). She’s Panamanian Portuguese, and lives in London.

Full biography

Inayaili León is Director of Design Operations at GitHub. Previously, she was as a Senior Designer at Microsoft, working on design systems and design ops, and she led the team creating Canonical’s Vanilla design system. She writes frequently for well-known online publications and on her own web design blog, and speaks at local and international web conferences and meet-ups. She’s the co-author of “Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites” (Apress, 2011), and author of “Moving to Responsive Web Design” (Apress, 2016). She’s Panamanian Portuguese, and lives in London — her favourite city in the world.

Photos of Yaili

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