Inayaili León

Inayaili León

Director, Design Operations at GitHub. Wrote two books. Does talks. Love naps.

Twitter: @yaili

Biographies for publication

Short biography

Inayaili Leon is Director of Design Operations at GitHub. She combines her hands-on design background with her passion for creating clear processes that enable design teams to successfully deliver on their most critical priorities. She began her career as a designer, giving her firsthand experience of the challenges practitioners face. This perspective now helps her build better ways for teams to work together, and create consistent, high-quality designs. When she’s not leading design operations initiatives, she shares her knowledge through articles in industry publications and on her blog. She regularly speaks at international conferences about improving how design teams work and building effective design systems. She’s Panamanian Portuguese, lives in London, and loves tea and podcasts.

Photos of Yaili

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