Inayaili León

Inayaili León

Director, Design Operations at GitHub. Wrote two books. Does talks. Love naps.

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Recent Presentations

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DesignOps: The API of design teams Converge September 2022
DesignOps: The API of design teams UX London June 2022
DesignOps: The API of design teams Figma Config May 2022
Ask Me Anything with Design Systems Advocate, Jina Anne, featuring Inayaili León Ask Me Anything with Design Systems Advocate, Jina Anne May 2020
Humans vs Design at Scale Web Directions Summit October 2019
5 things that aren’t true about design systems Microsoft Reactor Sydney October 2019
Humans vs Design at Scale All Things Open 2019 October 2019
Designers who write [workshop] UXBristol 2019 July 2019
5 things that aren’t true about design systems Patterns Day June 2019
Design system: how to foster participation UX Crunch: Design Systems June 2019
Design systems: how to foster participation Design Systems London November 2018
Design systems: how to foster participation Digital Product London September 2018
Keeping your design system alive Pixel Pioneers June 2018
Keeping your design system alive DIGICOM November 2017
Keeping your design system alive View Source October 2017
8 things I learned from building a pattern library London CSS Meetup August 2016
Realistic responsive design Awwwards Conference - Amsterdam 2016 January 2016
Realistic responsive design View Source Conference November 2015
Realistic responsive design makingweb 2.15 September 2015
Realistic responsive design Generate London 2015 September 2015
Realistic responsive design Front-Trends 2015 May 2015
Realistic responsive design Responsive Day Out 2 June 2014
Post-revolutionary web design Future of Web Design April 2014
The most important part of your job Smashing Conference 2013 September 2013
The most important part of your job Reasons to be Creative September 2012
CSS3 Transforms, Transitions & Animations London Web Standards: CSS3 June 2011
The Mechanical Revolution DIBI 2011 June 2011
CSS3 Transforms, Transitions & Animations standards>next May 2011
Stop being so clever SparkUp 2010 May 2010
Design in Lost BarCamp London 7 October 2009

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