A presentation at All Day Hey! in in Leeds, UK by Ashley Baxter
Idea to Execution And beyond
➤ Solo founder ➤ Bootstrapped (funded with money from freelancing) ➤ Company of one
I mean business Some of this can apply to personal projects, but I’m talking about business
Let’s talk about ideas
What problem are you solving ?
What problem are you trying to solve? ➤ Lack of trust. 73% of consumers don’t trust their insurance provider
What problem are you trying to solve? ➤ Lack of trust. 73% of consumers don’t trust their insurance provider
What problem are you trying to solve? ➤ Lack of trust. 73% of consumers don’t trust their insurance provider
➤ Insurers don’t invest money into their technology. 74% of insurers see technological innovation as a challenge
What problem are you trying to solve? ➤ Lack of trust. 73% of consumers don’t trust their insurance provider
➤ Insurers don’t invest money into their technology . 74% of insurers see technological innovation as a challenge ➤ 2 out of 3 customers are dissatisfied with their customer journey
A customer-focused insurance company with design and technology at its core
The original post-it note when dreaming up With Jack December 2013
August 30th, 201 6 Launch day!
Shiny object syndrome
Someone on Twitter
Someone on Twitter
Someone on Twitter
Ideas need commitment to become great projects
We all have a limit of time, attention and focus—where are you going to spend it?
Pick one idea. Commit to it, give it the resources it needs to become a great project. C ull the rest
Idea validation
What did With Jack’s validation look like ?
Will people pay you money for it?
What did my MVP look like? ➤ Signed up as an affiliate ➤ Didn’t need to convince insurers to give me their products to sell ➤ Didn’t need to become authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority
I had zero control over the design and technology
I had no relationship with my customers
What did validation look like? ➤ People gave Insurance by Jack their money ➤ 55 paying customers ➤ £14,000 premium written
What did validation look like? ➤ People gave Insurance by Jack their money ➤ 55 paying customers ➤ £14,000 premium written
What’s the tiniest version of your idea?
What’s the tiniest version of your idea? ➤ Twitter poll / survey ➤ Spreadsheet (Nomad List started as a spreadsheet, now has $30K MRR) ➤ Email list (Product Hunt started as an email list) ➤ Landing page
Idea validation ➤ Are people paying you money for it? ➤ Can you profitably acquire new customers every month?
“ Money is the only validator. The key is to pinpoint the problem you're solving and build the solution as quickly as possible. Then you start selling it and see what happens.
Forecast your misery
The various stages of building something ➤ This is a good idea. I’m so going to do this
The various stages of building something ➤ This is a good idea. I’m so going to do this ➤ Huh, this is kind of hard. I’m not so sure about this
The various stages of building something ➤ This is a good idea. I’m so going to do this ➤ Huh, this is kind of hard. I’m not so sure about this ➤ This totally sucks. I suck.
The final 20% of any project is the hardest to complete
“ …It gets harder and less fun, until it hits a low point - really hard, really not fun .
What did The Dip look like for With Jack?
What did The Dip look like for With Jack ➤ Regulation was a barrier to entry
What did The Dip look like for With Jack ➤ Regulation was a barrier to entry ➤ Insurers didn’t want to work with me
It felt like I was putting in a ton of work in exchange for nothing
The Dip is when successful people don’t quit!
Andrew Chen
Use The Dip to measure how serious you are
Embracing transparency with the build process
Email. Is. Powerful.
120+ sign-ups
Many beta tested With Jack
Benefit #1: It builds community
Benefit #2: It’s how I got my first customer 3 weeks before I launched
Benefit #3: Get ideas from a range of people
Benefit #4: It can set you apart from the competition
Expectations ➤ A suite of insurance products
➤ A dashboard to manage your insurance
➤ Instant quotes and cover
➤ Referral program
➤ P olished customer journey
Reality ➤ One product—professional indemnity ➤ Manual quotes ➤ No dashboard ➤ Unpolished customer journey
Reality ➤ One product—professional indemnity ➤ Manual quotes ➤ No dashboard ➤ Unpolished customer journey
Reality ➤ One product—professional indemnity ➤ Manual quotes ➤ No dashboard ➤ Unpolished customer journey
Why was With Jack’s launch successful? ➤ Involved people in the build process ➤ Was transparent about the journey ➤ Focused on doing one thing well ➤ People had the same frustrations with insurance as me
Shipping Anxiety
Shipping anxiety ➤ Avoid spending time and money on pixel perfect products that nobody will buy
Shipping anxiety ➤ Avoid spending time and money on pixel perfect products that nobody will buy ➤ Launch with one, useful feature (do one thing well)
Shipping anxiety ➤ Avoid spending time and money on pixel perfect products that nobody will buy ➤ Launch with one, useful feature (do one thing well) ➤ It doesn’t matter when you launch—it’s always going to feel incomplete
Shipping anxiety ➤ Avoid spending time and money on pixel perfect products that nobody will buy ➤ Launch with one , useful feature (do one thing well) ➤ It doesn’t matter when you launch—it’s always going to feel incomplete ➤ Set an arbitrary date and ship it
What happens when you ship?
Yo u ’ l l d i s c ove r p ro bl e m s
What problems did I discover?
What happens when you ship?
There is no overnight success
➤ Idea to $20,000 MRR in 5 months ➤ How we got 300,000 users in 24 hours ➤ How I made $70,000 in 48 hours from self-publishing my book
➤ Idea to $20,000 MRR in 5 months ➤ How we got 300,000 users in 24 hours ➤ How I made $70,000 in 48 hours from self-publishing my book
AirBnb launched with 6 listings. Only 2 of them became bookings
(And one of those bookings was from the co-founder)
Everything in your business is a hypothesis, so get in the trenches and speak to your customers
August, 2016 With Jack launched with just one product—professional indemnity insurance
February, 2017 Rolled out two new products—public liability and contents insurance
April, 2017 Improved onboarding based on feedback. The biggest friction was the risk questions.
June, 201 7 Added support for more professions.
Coming Soon Instant quotes and account creation.
Have your customers tell you what they want
Customer Development
The Mom Test How to talk to customers
My assumptions ➤ More people will buy insurance if we offer them rewards
With Jack Customers
My assumptions ➤ More people will buy insurance if we offer them rewards ➤ Freelancers buy insurance because it’s contractually required
Job security
Peace of mind
Professional image
My assumptions ➤ More people will buy insurance if we offer them rewards ➤ Freelancers buy insurance because it’s contractually required
Real entrepreneurship is launching something that solves a problem for people and getting paid to do it again.
Actual stuff for you to do ➤ Pick one idea and give it the resources it needs to become a great project ➤ Forecast your misery. Do you love what you’re building enough to get through The Dip? ➤ Focus on launching with one polished feature. Set a date and ship it ➤ Do customer development and test your assumptions
Daniel Gross
Thank You for listening! @iamashley
A high-level run-through of what it takes to execute and launch a project. Ashley covers the idea stage, build process, launch, and what to expect post-launch. Idea validation, shipping anxiety, and customer development are just a few of the themes covered.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Some of the resources I mentioned in my talk @hey_stac.
— Ashley Baxter (@iamashley) May 1, 2018
* https://t.co/JhHnvPm5UD (h/t @igniteaccel)
* https://t.co/EJrBfKpdhw
* https://t.co/OAxe5M1POU
* https://t.co/c15uGBE88U
* https://t.co/iaTMU2u5fe
Great talk Ashley! A lot of your points really chimed with my experiences over the last few years. Articulated excellently 👌
— Ben Barnett (@benpbarnett) April 30, 2018
As a self learning code newbie found your talk amazingly insightful. Great job 👌🏽
— Dameon Sumpton (@dameon_sumpton) April 30, 2018
Your talk was fantastic! You've made me realise that I need to focus on one (or maybe two) things, so thank you.
— Craig Smith (@craigsssmith) April 30, 2018
Thanks @iamashley for the walkthrough of your idea journey! Feeling quite inspired to start something I threw away for a while ✌️ @hey_stac #AllDayHey
— Ruxi (@ruxi_ang) April 30, 2018
I've been sitting on an idea for almost 5 years now, I needed this#AllDayHey pic.twitter.com/H3amx965ab
— Joe Bell (@joebell_) April 30, 2018