A presentation at QRCA PNW Chapter Workshop in in Vancouver, BC, Canada by Lauren Isaacson
2 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF DISABLED EXCLUSION UNDERSTANDING DISABILITIES PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AS A MARKET WHY SHOULD WE MAKE RESEARCH INCLUSIVE MAKING RESEARCH INCLUSIVE Photo by Ariel PiloCo on Unsplash • Mind Your Manners • Design Inclusively • Be Accommodating www.companyname.com • Be Willing to Modify © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
3 My Experience Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash www.curioresearch.net
4 Cherry Rae, My Neighbour www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
5 Cherry Rae, Gamer www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
6 Cherry Rae, Person with Disabilities www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
7 Cherry Rae, Advocate and Consultant www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
8 W H AT I S YO U R D I S A B I L I T Y EXPERIENCE? Photo by Yomex Owo on Unsplash www.curioresearch.net
9 Legal Implications Exclusivity Is a Liability www.curioresearch.net Photo by Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash
10 ADA Americans with Disabilities Act US National Archives, Flickr The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed into law in 1990. It says people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against within any form of public life: Jobs Schools Transportation Any physical space open to the general public And increasingly, the web State Farm, Flickr Other legislaQon includes the Airline Carrier Accessibility Act (ACAA), The Twenty-First Century CommunicaQons and Video Accessibility Act, SecQon 508, SecQon 1577 of the Affordable Care Act. www.companyname.com Air Force Reserve Command Counse, Flickr © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. ADA National Network Essential Accessibility
11 Target Loses $9.7+ Million In September 2008, Target settled a class action lawsuit brought by a blind college student (lead plaintiff) and the National Federation of the Blind because its website wasn’t accessible to screen readers. Target paid: •$6M to a class action settlement fund •$3.7M in attorney’s fees and costs to the plaintiff •$15K per session to train its employees on web accessibility This was a major wakeup call. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. NFB vs. Target, Wikipedia ArsTechnica Syracuse University 3PlayMedia
12 ACA Accessible Canada Act “Nothing for us, without us” To date, while tis not any explicit Canadian equivalent of the ADA, people with disabilities are covered under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian Human Rights Act, Employment Equity Act, and other Laws. As of May 29th, 2019 the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) only awaits Royal Assent. The ACA seeks to prevent barriers for organizations under federal jurisdiction. Laws are passed in three provinces: N.S., MB, and Ontario. More to come. These laws command proactive work efforts to improve the lives of everyone. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Canadian Government ThePRESS/Justin Hill Times/Jake Right THE CANADIAN Tang
Reasonable “Good Faith” Accommodation 13 You have to prove you tried An adjustment made to a system to accommodate or make it fair for a person based on their need. It is meant to take away any ‘undue burden’ on individuals who would otherwise be excluded. Religious Physical Mental or Emotional www.curioresearch.net Academic Employment Wikipedia: Reasonable Accommodation
14 Duty to Accommodate For any needs related to discrimination Employers and service providers must alter rules, policies or practices to enable participation. The Canadian Human Rights Act ensures the accommodation of individuals are met to the point of undue hardship. National Post
Lawsuits Are on the Rise 93 15 Inaction is a Liability 277% Increase in civil lawsuits under the ADA 814 2,258 2017 2018 www.curioresearch.net Seyfarth Shaw SHRM Marine Base Camp Lejeune
No Sector is Exempt 16 This is just a sample Financial Education Entertainment Health Retail Bank of America Florida State University Netflix American Cancer Society CVS Charles Schwab Penn State University Redbox Humana Safeway e*Trade University of California Ticketmaster Weight Watchers Staples H&R Block University of Phoenix Beyoncè Winn Dixie and travel, and restaurants, and more… www.curiuoresearch.net Karl Groves Lainey Feingold
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines AKA, the WCAG • The digital standard or the basis for country specific standards, eg. Section 508 • Guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the main standards body for the internet. - Recommendations for making the web more accessible to people with disabilities. • US Courts are recognizing the web as another form of public space needing to be accessible. - No federally mandated guidelines for web accessibility, but they can require following WCAG guidelines. www.curioresearch.net 17
18 Exclusion is Everywhere Not just the web Wikipedia Restaurants Bathrooms •High tables •Bench seating •Crowded table layout •Too small for mobility aids •Mirrors not tilted down Amusement Parks Video Games •Rides not accommodating wheelchairs •Visuals that cause vertigo •Controllers requiring high dexterity We don’t think about it because we don’t have to. That’s privilege. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
Photo by Audi Nissen on Unsplash 19 Understanding Disabilities It’s not easy. There’s a lot. www.curioresearch.net
Major Types of Disabilities 20 Complexity is easier as an abstraction PHYSICAL VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Affect’s a person’s mobility and/or dexterity Only 5% are completely blind. Lots of variation. INTELLECTUAL/LEARNING HEARING IMPAIRMENTS Learn or process information differently Not necessarily deaf to be hearing impaired. PHYCHIATRIC NEUROLOGICAL Stress related, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and schizophrenia Associated to damage to the nervous system. www.curioresearch.net NEADS
Great Variation Within Categories But it’s still complex Visual Impairments Color Blindness Low Vision Legal Blindness Blindness www.curioresearch.net Innate Visual Impairment Acquired Visual Impairment 21
Disability as a Continuum 22 One Arm Something that works for someone with one arm will also work for people with a temporary or situational disability. Permanent www.curioresearch.net Temporary Situational
Disability as a Continuum 23 Low Vision Something designed for someone with low vision will also work for people who need to update the prescription for their glasses or who are trying to read a screen in bright sunlight. Permanent www.curioresearch.net Temporary Situational
24 People With Disabilities The size of the market Photo by Audi Nissen on Unsplash www.curioresearch.net
Disabilities by the Numbers 25 USA! USA! •6.2% identifies as having a disability ABLE BODIED* 287 MILLION •50% of people 75+ have a disability WITH A DISABILITY 40 MILLION www.curioresearch.net Pew Research
Disabilities by the Numbers 26 Oh Canada! • 20% identifies as having a disability ABLE BODIED* 30.8 MILLION • 38% of people 65+ have a disability WITH A DISABILITY
Comparative Buying Power 27 It’s worth considering AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES CANADIANS WITH DISABILITIES $490 BILLION AFRICAN AMERICANS $55 BILLION CHINESE CANADIANS $501 BILLION HISPANIC AMERICANS $53 BILLION SOUTH EAST ASIAN CANADIANS $582 BILLION $51 BILLION This does not include the primary caregivers and loved ones in their lives. eMarketer www.curioresearch.net American Institutes for Research
Disability Rates Increase with Age 28 We are getting older and less abled every day 2% Children younger than 3-years 12% School aged children 21% 15-years and older 50% 65 and older www.curioresearch.net National Institutes of Health
29 Why Make Research Inclusive It’s more than a kindness Photo by Carlos Navas on Unsplash www.curioresearch.net
30 ENCOURAGE CLIENTS TO HAVE AN OPEN MIND DaveyNin, Flickr Just because respondents do not fully conform to the client’s mental image of the identified persona or ideal customer, these respondents still have useful feedback to provide. Wikimedia www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Wikimedia QRCA Maximizing ROI
Healthcare Research 31 They ARE the target market People with disabilities are often excluded from healthcare research even though they experience poorer health, greater incidence of chronic conditions, and higher health care expenditures than people without disabilities. Health care for adults with disabilities amounts to roughly $400 billion per year, and represented approximately one quarter of 2016 health care expenditures in the United States. www.curioresearch.net National Institutes of Health
User Experience Research 32 They’re more than an edge case Companies with a web presence who do not build and test for accessibility are vulnerable to lawsuits. Ignorance and edge cases are no longer excuses. Solving for “edge case issues” makes systems easier to use for everyone. While sites may be technically accessible, this may not ensure their usability for people with disabilities. Research and testing matter. www.curiuoresearch.net
Political and Policy Research They ARE the constituency Governments, political leaders, and policy makers have a responsibility to serve the entire populace. A good way to ensure a policy, an initiative, a service, or a facility is inclusive is through ensuring racial, economic, and ability diversity during every research activity. www.curioresearch.net 33
Innovation Research They’re creative AF People with disabilities exercise and utilize high levels of creativity daily to do the relatively mundane things we take for granted, a characteristic most clients should be grateful to hear from. www.curioresearch.net 34
Innovation Research 35 When the mundane is a challenge Humorist, David Rakoff, lost the use of his arm as a side effect of radiation treatments for cancer. Listen to him explain the hacks he uses to do some of the common chores we take for granted. www.curioresearch.net This American Life
400% Market Growth 36 Being inclusive pays $4 Billion $1 Billion Non-Inclusive Design Never considered people who are aging, disabled, or experiencing financial hardship www.curioresearch.net Inclusive Design Considered all of the potential avenues of usage and sale Marketing Magazine
37 W H AT O T H E R I N D U S T R I E S WO U L D BENEFIT FROM INCLUSIVE RESEARCH? www.curioresearch.net Photo: Tony Webster, Flickr
38 Making Research Inclusive How? www.curioresearch.net Photo by Charles ! on Unsplash
39 Inclusive design doesn’t mean you’re designing one thing for all people. You’re designing a diversity of ways to participate so that everyone has a sense of belonging. S U SA N G O LT S M A N Founder PLAE, Inc www.curioresearch.net
Everyday Inclusive Design 40 Everyone’s a winner! Curb Cutouts Closed Captioning Good for wheelchair users, people with walkers, parents with baby strollers, travellers with suitcases Good for deaf people, those hard of hearing, people with ADD, watching shows when ambient noise is high, understanding mumblecore www.curioresearch.net Wikimedia LocoLoco Films, Vimeo
How Do We Make Research Inclusive? 41 Four elements of inclusive research MIND YOUR MANNERS DESIGN INCLUSIVELY BE ACCOMMODATING www.curioresearch.net BE WILLING TO MODIFY US National Library of Medicine
42 M I N D YO U R M A N N E R S I T PAYS TO B E P O L I T E www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
Person First Language 43 Person WITH a Disability Puts the person before the diagnosis. Describes what a person ‘has’ instead of what a person ‘is.’ Disassociates the person from the disorder, disease, or affliction. Prescriptive Person First • Autistic • Person with autism • Alcoholic • Person with alcoholism • Diabetic • Person with diabetes • Paraplegic • Person with paraplegia Statistics Canada www.curioresearch.net Wikipedia
44 Just Ask Remember, not everyone who has a disability identifies that way. Sometimes your best best is to just ask how they would like to be referred to or treated. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Statistics Canada
Interaction Etiquette 45 Provide the right help, at the right time Speak directly to the person with the disability, not their interpreter or their companion. Don’t assume they need help. Always ask first. Don’t touch them, their assistive devices, or their service animals without permission. Be attentive and patient when you’re talking with someone who has trouble speaking. If you’re unsure what to do or how to make someone comfortable, ask. www.curiuoresearch.net Respectability.org
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson 46 Communicating With Someone Hearing Impaired Make sure you have the person’s attention before you start speaking with them. www.curiuoresearch.net
Don’t Assume 47 Sometimes a disability is invisible Photo by Justice Amoh on Unsplash Not all disabilities are easily visible. Don’t assume because someone looks able-bodied that they are. Trust your recruiter and trust how your participant self-identifies, unless you have a really good reason not to. www.curiuoresearch.net
Don’t Waste the Opportunity 48 We’re still here to provide great insights Make sure your clients have already made some effort to be accessible. For usability testing, make sure they have already met the basic WCAG standards before testing. If they haven’t, you may be proving a point, but you’re wasting an opportunity for finding unique insights. www.curioresearch.net
49 D E S I G N I N C L U S I V E LY P ROV I D I N G O P T I O N S www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
50 ABOUT Over the course of the last decade, however, we seem to have reached a general agreement that creativity involves the production of novel, useful products words, the production of something original and worthwhile. Authors have diverged. Hundred different analyses can be found in INCLUSIVE RECRUITING the literature. As an illustration, one process given described it as a process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in HOW DO WE REACH THEM knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, and so on identifying the difficulty searching for solutions. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
Recruiter Options Neither are perfect Traditional Recruiters Specialists Researchers are familiar with working with recruiters and how important the screener is to getting the kind of participants they want. There are agencies which have databases of people with disabilities to participate in usability studies. Recruiters may not be as familiar with the in’s and out’s of working with disabled participants. They usually recruit 6-people to participate in usability test featuring only disabled participants, but can be flexible for regular testing schedules. They are typically more knowledgeable about getting the right participants, but not always in how to use them. www.curioresearch.net 51
DIY Options 52 Social media and advocacy orgs to the rescue! TWITTER/INSTAGRAM REDDIT Try various hashtags. • #a11y • #disability • #disabilityawareness • #inclusion • r/disability • r/disabled • r/blind • r/autism • r/cerebralpalsy FACEBOOK GROUPS • Disability Support Group • Hidden Disability • Scope www.curioresearch.net ADVOCACY GROUPS • National Federation of the Blind • Council of Canadians with Disabilities • Easter Seals • Goodwill Industries • Parents Helping Parents
Scheduling the Session Timing is key Save for Last Schedule by Severity Trim Your Guide If you’re only doing one session with a person or people with disabilities, save it for last. If you are doing multiple sessions with people with disabilities, try to save the more challenging interviews for last. You may have to trim down your guide to just the essential questions, making familiarity with the guide and project especially key. www.curiuoresearch.net 53
54 Screeners Allow for self-identification. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
55 Screeners Include a qualifying question. Make sure the qualifying disabilities are relevant to the subject you’re researching. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
56 Send Your Instructions and Forms Early Don’t use scanned documents. Take existing digital text files and either send them as Word or text-based emails or convert them to PDFs. Allow for communication of consent which doesn’t require a signature. Give people plenty of time to process and read your forms. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
Provide Multiple Formats 57 Cover all your bases WRITTEN AUDIO VISUAL Bentley University www.curioresearch.net Smashing Magazine
58 W H AT O T H E R WAYS W E C A N RECRUIT AND SELECT PA R T I C I PA N T S W I T H D I S A B I L I T I E S ? www.curioresearch.net Roger Blackwell, Flickr
59 ABOUT Over the course of the last decade, however, we seem to have reached a general agreement that creativity involves the production of novel, useful products words, the production of something original and worthwhile. Authors have diverged. Hundred different analyses can be found in INCLUSIVE STIMULI the literature. As an illustration, one process given described it as a process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, ASSETS EVERYONE CAN ASSESS and so on identifying the difficulty searching for solutions. www.companyname.com Photo by Alireza ACari on Unsplash © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
Text and Graphics Belong Together 60 The chocolate and peanut butter of stimuli Text Not everyone can read your words Graphics Better Together Not everyone can see your pictures Bentley University www.curioresearch.net Smashing Magazine
Color is Not an Indicator 10% of men would not be able to read this infographic 1/10 Color blindness in men Using red, green, or any other color as visual indicators by themselves is not perceptible to people with color blindness. Add text, textures, contrasting, and other visual cues to communicate a message. www.curiuoresearch.net 61
Color is Not an Indicator 10% of men would not be able to read this infographic 1/10 Color blindness in men Using red, green, or any other color as visual indicators by themselves is not perceptible to people with color blindness. Add text, textures, contrasting, and other visual cues to communicate a message. www.curiuoresearch.net 62
Color is Not an Indicator 10% of men would not be able to read this infographic 1/10 Color blindness in men Using red, green, or any other color as visual indicators by themselves is not perceptible to people with color blindness. Add text, textures, contrasting, and other visual cues to communicate a message. www.curiuoresearch.net 63
Compatibility > Braille 64 Don’t scan paper documents Not all people who are blind read braille. You’re better off having digital documents which are screen reader compatible. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
Use Captions and Alt Text 65 We’re going to be repeating this a lot Just a good idea in general. Captions help people with hearing issues and people in situations where they can’t use their speakers or headphones can both view and understand your stimuli. Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash www.curioresearch.net
66 GIVE THEM A HEADS UP Some people are easily overstimulated. Tell them ahead of time if they will be hearing or seeing something odd or unexpected. Photo by @chairulfajar_ on Unsplash Bentley University www.companyname.com Smashing Magazine © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Photo by Ash from Modern Afflatus on Unsplash Photo by sam bloom on Unsplash
67 CAN WE THINK OF OTHER WAYS T O M A K E S T I M U L I AC C E S S I B L E ? www.curioresearch.net Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash
68 ABOUT Over the course of the last decade, however, we seem to have reached a general agreement that creativity involves the production of novel, useful products words, the production of something original and worthwhile. Authors have diverged. Hundred different analyses can be found in the literature. As an illustration, one process given described it as a process of becoming INCLUSIVE ONLINE QUAL sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, and so on identifying the difficulty searching for solutions. HOW CAN EVERYONE PARTICIPATE ONLINE? www.companyname.com Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
Ensure Platform Compliance Just ask You want your research platform to be Web Content Accessibility Compliant. • WCAG 2.0 A and AA (now in US) • WCAG 2.1 A and AA (now in Europe, proactive in US) ArsTechnica www.curioresearch.net 69
Basic WCAG Compliance 70 Research platforms must meet this criteria Perceivable • Text alternatives to visuals • Captions and text summaries for videos • Content is programatically labeled to be read in different ways • Designed to be easy to read Operable Understandable • Can operate using just a keyboard • Easy reading levels • Plenty of time to perform tasks • Helps people avoid and correct mistakes • Design is predictable Robust •Provides maximum compatibility with as many web browsers as possible • Doesn’t cause seizures • Helps people navigate www.curioresearch.net Prototypr Blog
Use Captions and Alt Text 71 Yes, again with the captions Captions and Alt Text are a good idea, period. They help for those with hearing issues, they’re great for people who are in situations where they need to keep their speakers on mute, and they help people who are visually impaired. Wikimedia www.curioresearch.net
72 Watch Your Reading Levels Written English is essentially a non-native language to people who grew up communicating in ASL. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
73 Device Compatibility Make sure their assistive devices and settings, and yours, are compatible with the platform you’ll be using. Bentley University www.curioresearch.net Smashing Magazine
74 W H AT E L S E C A N W E D O W I T H O N L I N E Q UA L T O E N S U R E INCLUSIVITY WITH MINIMAL EFFORT? www.curioresearch.net Wikimedia
75 ABOUT Over the course of the last decade, however, we seem to have reached a general agreement that creativity involves the production of novel, useful products words, the production of something original and worthwhile. Authors have diverged. INCLUSIVE IN-PERSON QUAL Hundred different analyses can be found in the literature. As an illustration, one process given described it as a process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, and so on identifying the difficulty BE A GREAT HOST searching for solutions. www.companyname.com JISC © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
Coming to You 76 If they make the extra effort, so should you HIGHER INCENTIVE Expect to pay a higher incentive to the person with a disability because of the extra effort they have to make to be present. CHECK THE FACILITY Make sure the facility is accessible to the disabled and don’t just take their word for it. GO REMOTE If you are doing IDI’s try to arrange for one to be remote. It’s just the path of least resistance. Bentley University www.curioresearch.net Smashing Magazine
77 The Room Make sure the table will accommodate a wheelchair and is height adjustable. Doorways and hallways need to be wide enough. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
Give Detailed Arrival Instructions 78 Think through their journey Know where and which bathroom accommodates people with disabilities. Give them the best route to access elevators and automatic doors. Identify the nearest disabled parking spots. Bentley University www.curioresearch.net Smashing Magazine
79 In Case of Emergency Know where the accessible fire exits are at the facility and have a plan because this is research, stuff happens. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
80 Be a Good Host Exchange phone numbers before the session. Be prepared to meet your participant at their drop off point and walk them into the the facility. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
81 Rapport Building Be more aware about your rapport building rituals. Find ways to talk about their disability without coming across as ableist. Give them the opportunity to determine the terms of how their disability is discussed. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
82 Build Your Empathy Volunteer, attend Meetups, hire and foster an inclusive work culture for people with disabilities. Use communication tools made by and for people with disabilities or healthcare providers. Ask dignified questions and trust people. Don’t get caught in simulators. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
83 W H AT E L S E C A N W E D O T O M A K E IN-PERSON RESEARCH MORE AC C E S S I B L E ? www.curioresearch.net Wikimedia
84 ABOUT Over the course of the last decade, however, we seem to have reached a general agreement that creativity involves the production of novel, useful products words, the production of something original and worthwhile. Authors have diverged. Hundred different analyses can be found in INCLUSIVE SURVEYS the literature. As an illustration, one process given described it as a process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, BECAUSE YOU WANT A RANDOM REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE and so on identifying the difficulty searching for solutions. www.companyname.com Wikipedia © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
85 Again With the Compliance Ask you vendor if they are fully WCAG compliant or if certain features are not. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
Keep It Simple If you’re not sure you can get fancy, don’t If you’re not sure, keep to basic question formats. Stay away from drag and drops, sliders, and any other fancy features which can to cause people using screen readers or other assistive devices problems. www.curioresearch.net Some platforms engineer their survey features to be both fancy and WCAG compliant. Ask to be absolutely certain this is the case. 86
87 Watch Your GIFs and Videos Don’t use images that blink or flash. They can induce seizures. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
88 Use Alt Text and Captions When uploading images and logos, systems will ask you to enter an accompanying description. These descriptions are very helpful to people who have poor eyesight. And just a reminder about the captions. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
Check Your Color Contrasts 89 Colour Variations Have to Be Strong Enough If you’re not going to use a system’s standard themes, check with tech support to see if they offer guidelines. Use an online tool to analyze your design and point out potential problems. Bentley University www.curioresearch.net Smashing Magazine
90 Keep Text Fields Close to Row Labels Screen readers will not recognize them as related if they’re far apart. And people using magnifying functions can get lot in the white space if there’s too much of it. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
Have Clear Notifications and Indicators 91 Required question indicators are usually a setting in the survey platform. If it’s not the default, make it that way. Edit the error messages to make it clear how you expect people to respond. Make sure the error messages appear above the question so the screen readers read the error message before the associated question. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
92 PREVIOUS < NEXT > Use Explicit Navigation Text Don’t use symbols. Use terms such as “Previous,” “Next,” “Done,” “Submit.” www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
93 W H AT O T H E R WAYS C A N W E M A K E S U RV E YS I N C L U S I V E ? www.curioresearch.net JISC
94 B E AC C O M M O DAT I N G H OW C A N W E H E L P ? www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
Your Limitations 95 You can’t do everything PERSONAL Are there disabilities you can’t accommodate? TECHNOLOGICAL Is some of your tech screen reader incompatible? SITUATIONAL Are any of the facilities inaccessible? www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash
Their Limitations 96 They may not be able to do everything you ask Communication Impairment Shorten the discussion guide. Visual Impairment Find alternatives to visual stimuli. www.curioresearch.net Mobility Impairment Offer to go to them.
97 W H AT O T H E R WAYS C A N W E AC C O M M O DAT E P E O P L E W I T H DISABILITIES? www.curioresearch.net US Air Force
98 BE WILLING TO MODIFY T H E R E I S N O O N E WAY www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
99 Be Flexible Be prepared to make last minute changes and roll with the punches. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
100 Have a Backup Plan Prepare for multiple contingencies. While having participants with disabilities bring their own devices is preferable, have something ready in case what they bring doesn’t work with your setup. • Download a trial version of a screen reader program and set the preferences to what they’re most familiar with. You’ll lose time, but you’ll save the session. www.companyname.com © 2016 Jetfabrik Multipurpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. Bentley University Smashing Magazine
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash 101 Allow for Multiple Breaks Research sessions can be challenging for anyone. Be prepared to take breaks every now and then to not overwhelm your participant. Bentley University www.curioresearch.net Smashing Magazine
102 H OW E L S E C A N W E B E R E A DY T O M O D I F Y ? www.curioresearch.net Wikimedia
103 Conclusion www.curioresearch.net Wikimedia
104 This is an Opportunity www.curioresearch.net National Disability Employment
105 This is hard. It’s never over. You’ll definitely get it wrong, but keep trying. www.curioresearch.net Photo by Judita Tamošiūnaitė from Pexels
106 THANK YOU LAUREN ISAACSON @CURIO_RESEARCH CURIORESEARCH.NET Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash www.curioresearch.net
When designs are inclusive, everyone wins. Curb cutouts facilitate wheelchairs, baby strollers, and rolling suitcases. Smartphone interfaces which can be operated with one hand work for people with an amputated limb, a broken arm, or a heavy bag full of groceries. What about the research informing these inclusive designs? The research we do to inform and test these designs should also be inclusive. How do we apply these same principles to UX research and how do we get our companies and teams on board? In this session we’ll discuss the foundational understanding of people with disabilities, why we should be listening to them, and how to best incorporate them in research projects. When we conduct research inclusively, everyone wins.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
A list of to-dos to help ensure an accessible research methodology, covering setting, mode of presentation, mode of response, scheduling and timing. Adapted from National Institute of Health; Diane Rios ScD, Susan Magasi PhD, Catherine Novak RN MS, and Mark Harniss PhD.
A list of things to do during recruiting, the provision of consent, facility access, transportation, and the presentation of information depending on the type of disability he research participant has. Adapted from National Institute of Health; Diane Rios ScD, Susan Magasi PhD, Catherine Novak RN MS, and Mark Harniss PhD.
A list of potential questions to include in the recruiting screener to identify and qualify people with disabilities for research. Adapted from National Institute of Health; Diane Rios ScD, Susan Magasi PhD, Catherine Novak RN MS, and Mark Harniss PhD.