A presentation at DevOpsDays Ghent 2019 in in Ghent, Belgium by Sasha Czarkowski (Rosenbaum)
Admitting that hard problems are hard SASHA ROSENBAUM
You have been tasked with building a website
Imagine your CTO, Bob
Bob has an idea
Are you saying that YOU don’t understand this?
Resume driven development
“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” ― Albert Einstein
We should stop pretending that ❖Distributed systems are easy ❖People can be available 24/7 ❖Unicorn companies don’t have technical debt ❖That new product will solve all of your problems
The intro slide Sasha Rosenbaum Sr. Program Manager @Microsoft @DivineOps
Computer Science Top 20 CS department in the world • • • • System Administrator for IAF R&D Software Engineer Azure Consultant Cloud Solution Architect https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasha-rosenbaum/
You must be marketing!
We use heuristics to navigate the world
Stereotypes are self-perpetuating
Studies in 2012 and 2015 Same resume with a male (vs female) name was 6-14% more likely to get an interview. The resumes with white-sounding names spurred 50% more callbacks than the ones with black-sounding names.
Why am I telling you this?
The cost is much higher for ❖Women ❖People of color ❖Junior Engineers
Why speak up?
Complexity isn’t free
Costs of complexity https://abstrusegoose.com/432 ❖Time to learn ❖Time to build ❖Cost of Maintenance ❖Chances of failure
Building Effective Teams (Google Study) Background? Personality types? Skills?
Building Effective Teams (Google Study) Background Personality types Skills => Psychological Safety
Psychological safety A belief that a team is safe for risk taking in the face of being seen as ignorant, incompetent, negative, or disruptive.
Psychological Safety Feeling confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question, or offering a new idea.
How many of you have that?
How many of you remember not having that?
Psychological safety doesn’t just happen
As a leader, remember
Make it safe to express opinions
Make it safe to admit mistakes
You don’t know everything
You are here to IMPROVE not to PROVE yourself
None of this is easy
But it is worth it!
Thank You! @DivineOps
Resources https://rework.withgoogle.com/print/guides/5721312655835136/ https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/careers/the-same-resume-with-differentnames-nets-different-results/news-story/a2a182fb4570e948c27ce63139ee66b1 https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/mar/15/jalen-ross/blackname-resume-50-percent-less-likely-get-respo/ https://www.technion.ac.il/en/2016/08/technion-ranked-top-in-israel-69thworldwide/ https://www.amazon.com/Mindset-New-Psychology-Success-dpB07N48NM33/dp/B07N48NM33/ http://projects.wsj.com/buzzwords2014
In my 14 years in the industry, I watched the technology landscape become more and more complex, with new tools and methodologies emerging and fading away every year. Yet I see “thought leaders” get up on stage every day, promising they can teach you the 3 easy steps to:
Beyond fostering imposter syndrome and burnout, this isn’t good for business. In a room full of people embarrassed to admit that the emperor has no clothes, decisions are made without exploring their full implications. In this talk, we will discuss why we should get better at admitting that hard problems are hard, and how this approach can help us build more resilient companies.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Reality check from @DivineOps: none of what we talk about at #devopsdays is “easy”. pic.twitter.com/XDU00cOL7m
— Bridget Kromhout (@bridgetkromhout) October 29, 2019
Make space for other people's opinions. @DivineOps #devopsdays
— Ken Mugrage (@kmugrage) October 29, 2019
That’s where Resume Driven Development and Buzzword bingo come from.
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
We have to stop pretending it’s all easy and we can work for 24 hours a day. @DivineOps #devopsdays pic.twitter.com/ZCb99QZVJL
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old you don’t understand it yourself. Which is why I gave this talk to a bunch of six year olds.... they were not amused.” @DivineOps #devopsdays
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
.@divineops recites her resume just now to prove a point. Most people in the industry assume I have a vast marketing background.
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
There’s nothing wrong with assumptions, we use them to navigate the world, but our current stereotypes are real bad. @DivineOps #devopsdays pic.twitter.com/0oAfdw6kFO
Why are we talking about this? It costs us to admit we don’t know something... but for some people it costs way more. @DivineOps #DevOpsDays
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
Just stop, ok? :D Fantastic presentation @DivineOps! #DevOpsDaysGhent pic.twitter.com/Lc8JTOxIyt
— Jeferson Fernando (@badtux_) October 29, 2019
We have to build the safety to make these admissions. Google has done the study, the number one predictor off effective teams is psychological safety.
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
This doesn’t just happen. We have to build it as leaders in our communities. @DivineOps #DevOpsDays
Make it safe for people to express opinions.
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
Even as we climb the ladder of expertise, we have to leave room to listen to new opinions without shutting them down. @DivineOps #DevOpsDays
Admit your mistakes and create that culture of safe failure and learning.
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
Remember: you don’t know everything@DivineOps #DevOpsDays
Book rec. Carol S Dwek’s _Mindset_ @DivineOps #DevOpsDays #devopsbookclub pic.twitter.com/P9l3p2CmEy
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
None of this is easy. It’s hard but it is worth it. Practice it here and in open spaces. In your communities and back at work where you have influence. We can build the better world together. @DivineOps #DevOpsDays
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
Loving @DivineOps talk at #DevOpsDaysGhent - some problems are just hard. pic.twitter.com/zOB4m7qp2T
— arghitect (@nigelkersten) October 29, 2019
Another great @DivineOps talk. Thank you for sharing this. #DevOpsDays
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
We should stop pretending @DivineOps #devopsdays pic.twitter.com/nRvDzToaaK
— Ant Stanley (@IamStan) October 29, 2019
I'm not sure if @DivineOps is arguing I should be paid more or if I'm full of crap. Maybe both? It's probably fine. 🤣💙😎#devopsdays
— Chris Corriere (@cacorriere) October 29, 2019
”the cost of bareing our ignorance is very high and it is even higher for women and minorities who may have already been sterotyped”@DivineOps talks about hard problems being hard in a steady,clear, sober and respectful challenge to us all
— Kevin Behr 开始 aka "KB" (@kevinbehr) October 29, 2019
Wonderful @DivineOps talk reminds me of https://t.co/dMw808W3Vc https://t.co/E9JBxycHTi
— Bernard Vander Beken (@jawndotnet) October 29, 2019
. @DivineOps talking about hard problems #DevopsDays pic.twitter.com/by5uutkmbK
— Bruvik (@bruvik) October 29, 2019
Imagine your w tasked with building a website and the architecture is way complex. When you call it out Boos returns with “Do you not understand all this?” There’s a huge cost to admitting we don’t know. @DivineOps #devopsdays pic.twitter.com/U6TBb5dDmb
— aaron ❄️☃️ home (@crayzeigh) October 29, 2019
A very important talk from @DivineOps about the importance of creating a workspace where everyone can feel safe #DevopsDays https://t.co/n4bSnhzYww pic.twitter.com/rEV72kSruG
— Bruvik (@bruvik) October 29, 2019
@DivineOps talking truth to power... pic.twitter.com/FY4c0r4EXw
— Jabe Bloom (@cyetain) October 29, 2019
But @DivineOps, RDD is my favorite kind of development. pic.twitter.com/T5IdiSYvUC
— Chuck Svoboda (@Chuckernetes) October 29, 2019
We use heuristics to make decisions, and that has real consequences for people who don’t match the default assumptions. @DivineOps #devopsdays pic.twitter.com/U3QUe1885n
— Bridget Kromhout (@bridgetkromhout) October 29, 2019
Some awesome truths being dropped by @DivineOps at @devopsdaysghent pic.twitter.com/uH7iyT36Rl
— mostly salt & fat (@simonmcc) October 29, 2019