Front-end development’s identity crisis

A presentation at Web Directions Code in in Melbourne VIC, Australia by Elly Loel

Quick introduction

Quick introduction

Front-end developments identity crisis

Front-end developments identity crisis

What would you call someone who:

What would you call someone who:

Same question, but doesn't:

Same question, but doesn't:

I’m not a full-stack developer, regardless of what my last job title says

I’m not a full-stack developer, regardless of what my last job title says

I’m not even a front-end developer, thanks to the JavaScript–industrial complex

I’m not even a front-end developer, thanks to the JavaScript–industrial complex

I’m a front-of-the-front-end developer, but that’s too long

I’m a front-of-the-front-end developer, but that’s too long

So, I’m a web designer

So, I’m a web designer



That was densely packed, so let’s break it down

That was densely packed, so let’s break it down

I’m not a full-stack developer, regardless of what my last job title says

I’m not a full-stack developer, regardless of what my last job title says

I’m not even a front-end developer, thanks to the JavaScript–industrial complex

I’m not even a front-end developer, thanks to the JavaScript–industrial complex

I’m a front-of-the-front-end developer?

I’m a front-of-the-front-end developer?

I’m a web designer

I’m a web designer

Why does this matter?

Why does this matter?

Okay, so… what now?

Okay, so… what now?

I have a dilemma. I’m trying to find a job but the job I’m looking for no longer exists. I’m a front-end developer. Which to me means I work on the user interface of the website. But now in our industry front-end means the same thing as full-stack. Front-end developer job descriptions include many back-end duties. There are almost always even more back-end duties than there are front-end. This is because the industry has devalued front-end development. To the point where it’s no longer considered complex or time-consuming enough to be a full-time job.

In this talk, we’re going to go through the issues with full-stack and front-end development, and then we’ll figure out what title best describes the people left behind by the new definition of front-end.


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.